Active Window: The program or document window in which you are currently working is known as the active window. The active window always appears in the foreground and may partially or completely cover other windows. Any commands you enter from the keyboard only affect the active window.
Check Box: Check boxes are most commonly found on dialog boxes. They appear next to options you can turn on or off. If the option is on, an X appears in the check box. If the box is empty, the option is off. You may check more than one option when they are formatted as check boxes.
Clipboard: The Clipboard is a temporary storage area. The Clipboard "holds" cut or copied information until you paste it or cut or copy new information. You use the Clipboard whenever you move or copy information in one program to another program.
Close Button: The Close button appears in the top, right corner of the window. When you active the Close button, you close the window.
Click: Click is the act of pressing and releasing the left-mouse button one time. When you click on an item, you are selecting it.
Combo Box: Combo boxes are most commonly found on dialog boxes and toolbars. Initially, a combo box contains one option. However, when you press the Down Arrow key, a list of additional options descends from the box. You can only select one option from the list. The Windows literature may refer to a combo box as a Drop down List Box.
Command: Commands are directions for the computer. When you enter a command you are telling the computer to perform a specific task.
Command Button: Command buttons are most commonly found on dialog boxes and toolbars. A command button tells the computer to carry out an action. For example, the OK button tells Windows to close the dialog box and accept the information listed in the dialog box. The Cancel button tells Windows to close the dialog box and ignore any changes made in the dialog box.
Control Menu: The Control menu lets you move, close, or change the size of a window.
Control Menu Box: The Control menu box is a button appearing in the top, left corner of the window. When you activate the Control menu box the Control menu appears.
Default: A value that is assigned automatically and remains in effect unless it is changed.
Desktop: The Desktop, along with the Taskbar, serves as the main graphical interface to your computer. You can access all your programs and files from either the Desktop or the Taskbar. The Desktop lists program icons which you can use to start programs. Whenever you start a program, it appears on the Desktop.
Dialog Box: A dialog box is a rectangular window which varies in size and usually appears in the center of the screen. A dialog box can have several fields of information. You can either accept the information listed in the fields or change it. A field in a dialog box can be formatted as a Check Box, Command Button, Drop down List box, List Box, Option Button, Spin Box, or Edit Field. A dialog box may also contain Tabbed Pages.
Document Window: A document window is the graphical interface Windows 2000 uses to display the contents of a program's document. You can view and edit the contents of a document through the document window. A document window is always appears in the program window's work area.
Double-Click: Double-click is the act of pressing and releasing the left (or right) mouse button twice in rapid succession. When you double-click on an item, Windows selects and executes the command associated with the item. For example, you may double-click on a program icon to start the program.
Drag: Dragging is the act of moving a selected item to a different location on the screen. The term is usually associated with the mouse.
Drive: A drive is a place to store information on your computer. Drive letters represent different types of drives. Your hard drive, often referred to as the C drive, stores most of the information your computer requires. Generally, drive A is reserved for accessing information on a floppy disk, and drive D or E is reserved for CD-ROMs. Other drive letters are usually only used in a network environment. A colon following a letter represents a drive (for example, A: equals A drive).
Edit Field: Edit fields are most commonly found on dialog boxes. An edit field allows you to enter text. When the edit field is empty, an insertion point appears in the field. If the edit field contains text, a selection cursor appears around the text. This field may be referred to as a text box.
Executable File: An executable file contains computer code that directs the computer to perform a task, such as open a program. Humans cannot read an executable file.
Extension: An extension follows the period in the file name. The extension is usually used to indicate the type of file. For example a file with an "exe" extension indicates the file is a executable file.
File: All computers store information in files. A file is any information given a name and stored on a disk. A computer uses many different types of files: data files, text files, program files, etc. Different types of files store different types of information. For example, program files store programs, whereas text files store text. Documents you create using a specific program, such as a word-processor, are often referred to as files.
File Extension: A file extension follows the period in the file name. The file extension is usually used to indicate the type of file. For example a file with an "exe" extension indicates the file is an executable file.
Focus: The focus refers to the area or object on which the computer's attention is directed. Any commands you enter from the keyboard only affect the area or object in focus.
Folder: To help keep your files organized and easy to find, Windows places your files into folders. In addition to files, a folder may contain several other folders. A folder is similar to a directory.
Hot Key: A hot key is a single key that represents the menu or menu command. The hot key is the underlined letter in the name of the menu or menu command. For example, the letter P in the Programs command is underlined indicating the P key is the hot key for this command. Often, a keyboard shortcut includes the command hot key.
Icon: An icon is a small picture which represents a program, folder, or document. When you activate an icon you start the program, open the document, or access the contents of the drive or folder.
Input Device: An input device is a piece of equipment used to enter data and commands into the computer. The mouse and the keyboard are the most common input devices. Floppy disk drives, CD-ROM drives, and microphones are also input devices.
Insertion Point: An insertion point is a flashing vertical bar that indicates where the information you type will appear. The insertion point appears in documents and edit fields. The insertion point always appears to the right of the last character you typed. The insertion point is sometimes referred to as simply "the cursor."
Keyboard Shortcut: A keyboard shortcut is a single keystroke or a combination of keystrokes that executes a command without opening a menu.
List Box: A list box contains a list of options. Usually, you can only select one option in a list box.
Maximized Window: Maximizing means to expand the window to its fullest possible size. A maximized document window fills the entire work area of the program window. Some maximized program windows cover the entire Desktop, with the exception of the Taskbar. Other program windows only partially cover the Desktop when they are maximized.
Menu: A menu contains a list of available commands in a program. While all Windows programs use a menu system to group related commands, the number and names of menus and the number and types of commands listed on a menu depend on the Windows program you are using. However, most Windows programs will have at least a File menu and a Help menu.
Menu Bar: The menu bar is a horizontal bar the length of the window. It appears at the top of a program window, directly beneath the title bar. The menu bar lists all menus for the program.
Minimized Window: Minimizing a window means to reduce a document or program window to a button. When you minimize a document window the button appears in the work area of the program window. The minimized program appears as a button on the Taskbar. When you minimize a program or document, it is still running; you have not exited the program or closed the document.
Mouse: The mouse is an input device used to navigate through Windows 2000 and enter commands. You can use a keyboard shortcut to perform most tasks which are performed with a mouse.
Mouse Pointer: The mouse pointer indicates the position of the mouse on the Desktop. The mouse pointer always follows the movement of the mouse. As a result, the mouse pointer is not always in the same position on the screen as the insertion point or selection cursor. However, the computer ignores the mouse pointer until you activate it by clicking the left or right mouse button, either on the mouse itself or using the equivalent keystroke. When you activate the mouse pointer, you are telling the computer to direct its attention to the item or area on the screen where the mouse pointer appears.
Multi tasking: Multi-tasking is the ability to execute numerous commands at once. In the Windows 2000 environment, it is the ability to have several programs open at once.
My Computer: My Computer is a Microsoft program that provides you with a graphical overview of your computer and its contents. Using the My Computer window, you can create, copy, move, open, rename, and delete folders and files on your various drives.
Output Device: An output device is a piece of equipment the computer uses to send information to you. Monitors, printers, and speakers are common output devices. Speech synthesizers and Braille displays are also output devices.
Path: A path is the course that leads from the drive to the file you want to use. Sometimes, a path is referred to as a pathname. A path is formatted as follows: drive letter:\folder\filename. Use a colon and a backslash to separate the drive letter from the folder. Use only a backslash to separate the folder and filename.
Point: Point means to place the mouse pointer on a specific item.
Program Folder: Windows may place programs that have a similar purpose or are often used together into one folder. Program folders often appear on the Programs sub-menu as commands with their own sub-menu. Accessories is an example of a program folder. Placing the programs together keeps your information organized and makes it easier for you to find the program you need.
Program Window: A program window is the graphical interface Windows 2000 uses to display the contents of a program. You can enter commands for the program through the program window. Often, the results of the commands appear in the document window.
Radio Button: Radio buttons are most commonly found on dialog boxes. When you are allowed to only choose one in a list of options, the options are grouped together as radio buttons. A radio button appears as a circle next to the option. The currently selected option has a darkened circle. When you move out of the radio button field, the last option read remains selected. You cannot select grayed options. Radio buttons are usually used when you must choose one of only a few options. If you must choose one of many options, the field is formatted as a list box or a combo box.
Recycle Bin: The Recycle Bin in a Microsoft program that holds deleted files. The Recycle Bin allows you to retrieve files or delete the files permanently from your computer.
Resize Buttons: The resize buttons appear in the top, right corner of the window. The resize buttons allow you to maximize, minimize, and restore a window. The resize buttons perform the same tasks as the sizing commands on the Control menu.
Restored Window: Restoring returns the window to its previous size after you have expanded it (maximized) or reduced it to a button (minimized).
Right-Click: Right-click is the act of pressing and releasing the right-mouse button one time. When you right-click in Windows 2000, a shortcut menu appears.
Scroll Bar: A scroll bar is a bar along the right edge and/or bottom edge of a window that lets you scroll the contents of a window or list box to show information not currently visible on the screen.
Selection Cursor: The selection cursor appears as a frame around a selected item or as a highlight, changing the color of the selected item. The selection cursor appears on menus to indicate which menu or command is selected and on dialog boxes to indicate which field is selected. A selection cursor also appears around text selected for editing functions, such as copying and cutting, or formatting functions, such as bolding and underlining. The computer does not do anything to the item in the selection cursor until you give it a command. For example, you must press Enter to tell the computer to execute a selected menu command; you must execute the copy command in order to copy selected text. The selection cursor is sometimes referred to as simply "the highlight."
Spin Box: Spin boxes are most commonly found on dialog boxes. A spin box contains incremental values. You may type in a valid value, or use the Up or Down Arrow key to select a higher or lower value from a defined list. Increments can be in terms of percents or whole numbers. Spin boxes are normally used when you are to set the size of the selected item, such as a margin.
Status Bar: The status bar is a horizontal bar beneath a document window that lists status information such as page number, date, time, or status of task.
Tabbed Pages: When a dialog box contains numerous fields, it is divided into tabbed pages. Tabbed pages look like hanging file folders in a file cabinet drawer. Each tabbed page contains a different set of fields.
Taskbar: The Taskbar is a thin, horizontal bar below the Desktop. By default, the Taskbar always appears on the screen, even when you have a program running. The Taskbar contains the Start button, buttons for open programs, and a clock. The Taskbar allows you to quickly start programs, manage tasks on the Desktop and on your computer, and exit Windows. From the Taskbar, you can start any program on your computer and access any document.
Title Bar: The title bar is a horizontal bar directly below the window's top border between the Control-menu box and the resize buttons. The title bar lists the window's name.
Text Box: Text boxes are most commonly found on dialog boxes. An text box allows you to enter text. When the text box is empty, an insertion point appears in the field. If the text box contains text, a selection cursor appears around the text. This field may be referred to as an edit field.
Toggle Command: A toggle command is a command that alternates between on and off. When a toggle command is on, it will perform the task associated with it. When a toggle command is off, it will not perform the task associated with it.
Wild Card Characters: A wild card character is a special symbol that stands for one or more characters. In DOS and Windows, an asterisk (*) stands for any combination of letters. Wild card characters are especially helpful when performing searches. For example, a search using mon* would result in Monday, money, monkey, monastery, etc.
Window: A window is simply a framed region on the Desktop. Each window contains a different program or document. Windows 2000 uses two types of windows, program windows and document windows.
Window Borders: Window borders are the four edges that define a window.
Windows 2000: Microsoft's Windows 2000 is the program that governs all operations on your computer. Windows 2000 uses a graphical user interface (GUI) consisting of windows, menus, icons, and dialog boxes to help you tell your computer what to do. Windows presents options and commands to you, accepts your responses, and translates them into commands for the computer.
Wizard: A wizard is a Windows program which guides you through a series of steps to complete a task.
Work Area: Every window has a work area. What you do in the work area depends on the window. Generally, a window's work area holds information. For example, a program window's work area holds the document window.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
1.Study each of the following table and choose the alternative which can best replace the question mark (?)
1 2 3 2 10 12
2 5 12 10 16 13
1 2 1 ? 10 24
(a) 5 (b) 11 (c) 13 (d) 8
Ans (c)
2. Study each of the following table and choose the alternative which can best replace the question mark (?)
3 8 10 2 ? 1
6 56 90 2 20 0
(a) 0 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 7
Ans (c)
3.In the following question one term in the number series is wrong. Find out the wrong term.
11, 5, 20, 12, 40, 26, 74, 54
(a) 5 (b) 20 (c) 40 (d) 26
Ans (c)
4. In the following question one term in the number series is wrong. Find out the wrong term.
8, 14, 26, 48, 98, 194, 386
(a) 14 (b) 48 (c) 98 (d) 194
Ans (b)
5. Calculate value of each word by the following formula:
Consonants = (2 × Position of the letter in alphabet) - 1
Vowels = (3 × Position in alphabet) + 1
(a) 77 (b) 79 (c) 83 (d) 80
Ans (d)
6. Calculate value of each word by the following formula:
Consonants = (2 × Position of the letter in alphabet) - 1
Vowels = (3 × Position in alphabet) + 1
(a) 153 (b) 157 (c) 151 (d) 149
Ans (a)
7. Calculate value of each word by the following formula:
Consonants = (2 × Position of the letter in alphabet) - 1
Vowels = (3 × Position in alphabet) + 1
(a) 67 (b) 62 (c) 59 (d) 65
Ans (d)
8. In a certain code language, '3a, 2b, 7c' means 'Truth is Eternal'; '7c, 9a, 8b, 3a' means 'Enmity is not Eternal' and 6a, 4d, 2b, 8b' means 'Truth does not perish'. Which of the following means 'enmity' in that language?
(a) 3a (b) 7c (c) 8b (d) 9a
Ans (d)
9. In a certain code language, 'po ki top ma' means 'Usha is playing cards'; 'Kop ja ki ma' means 'Asha is playing tennis'; ki top sop ho' means 'they are playing football'; and 'po sur kop' means 'cards and tennis'. Which word in that language means 'Asha'?
(a) ja (b) ma (c) kop (d) top
Ans (a)
10. A girl was born on September 6, 1970, which happened to be a Sunday. Her birthday has again fall on Sunday in
(a) 1975 (b) 1976 (c) 1977 (d) 1981
Ans (d)
11. A long rope has to be cut to make 23 small pieces. If it is double folded to start with how many times does it need to be cut?
(a) 9 (b) 23 (c) 11 (d) 12
Ans (c)
12. There are 19 hockey players in a club. On a particular day 14 were wearing the hockey shirts prescribed, while 11 were wearing the prescribed hockey pants. None of them was without either hockey pants or hockey shirts. How many were in complete hockey uniform?
(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 7
Ans (b)
13. In a class room three fourth of the boys are above 160 cm in height and they are 18 in number. Also out of the total strength, the boys form only two third and the rest are girls. The total number of girls in the class is
(a) 18 (b) 24 (c) 12 (d) 30
Ans (c)
14. 'A' is east of 'B' and west of 'C'. 'H' is South-West of 'C', 'B' is South-East of 'X'. which is farthest West?
(a) C (b) A (c) X (d) B
Ans (c)
15. A girl earns twice as much in December as in each of the other months. What part of her entire year's earning does she earn in December?
(a) 2/11 (b) 2/13 (c) 3/14 (d) 1/6
Ans (b)
16. One watch is 1 minute slow at 1 pm on Tuesday and 2 minutes fast at 1 pm on Thursday. When did it show the correct time?
(a) 1.00 am on Wednesday (b) 5.00 am on Wednesday (c) 1.00 pm on Wednesday (d) 5.00 pm on Wednesday
Directions (Question 17 to 22) :Given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Mark (a) if only assumption I is implicit
Mark (b) if only assumption II is implicit
Mark (c) if either I or II is implicit
Mark (d) if neither I or II is implicit
17.Statement: Even with the increase in the number of sugar factories in India. We still continue to import sugar.
Assumptions :I. The consumption of sugar per capita has increased in India.
II. Many of the factories are not in a position to produce sugar to their fullest capacity.
Ans (c)
18.Statement :I cannot contact you on phone from Karshik.
Assumption : I. Telephone facility is not available at Karshik.
II. Nowadays it is difficult to contact on phone.
Ans (b)
19.Statement : The government has decided to reduce the custom duty on computer peripherals.
Assumptions : I. The domestic market price of computer peripherals may go up in near future.
II. the domestic manufacturers may oppose the decision.
Ans (a)
20. Statement : In Bombay, railway trains are indispensable for people in the suburbs to reach their places of work on time.
Assumptions : I. Railway trains are the only mode of transport available in the suburbs of Bombay.
II. Only railway trains run punctually.
Ans (a)
21. Statement :The private bus services in the city has virtually collapsed because of the ongoing strike of its employees.
Assumptions : I. Going on strikes has become the right of every employee.
II. People no more require the services of private bus operators.
Ans (b)
22. Statement : Detergents should be used. to clean clothes.
Assumptions : I. Detergents from more lather.
II. Detergents help to dislodge grease and dirt.
Ans (d)
23. Which letter when placed at the sign of interrogation shall complete the matrix?
? N R
(a) P (b) N (c) K (c) O
Ans (c)
24. Which letter when placed at the sign of interrogation shall complete the matrix?
E U F ?
(a) T (b) F (c) V (d) R
Ans (c)
25. Which number when placed at the sign of interrogation shall complete the matrix?
1 4 9 ?
1 2 3 4
2 4 6 ?
(a) 16 and 8 (b) 36 and 4 (c) 25 and 5 (d) 49 and 7
Ans (a)
26. Which number when placed at the sign of interrogation shall complete the matrix?
6 6 8
5 7 5
4 3 ?
120 126 320
(a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 8 (d) 4
Ans (c)
27. In the following questions, there are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Read both the statements and give answer as:
(a) If only conclusion I follows. (b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either I or II follows. (d) If neither I nor II follows.
Statements: I. Many scooters are trucks. II. All trucks are trains
Conclusions: I. Some scooters are trains. II. No truck is a scooter.
Ans (a)
28. In the following questions, there are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Read both the statements and give answer as:
(a) If only conclusion I follows. (b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either I or II follows. (d) If neither I nor II follows.
Statements: I. All cars are cats. II. All fans are cats.
Conclusions: I. All cars are fans. II. Some fans are cars.
Ans (d)
29. In the following questions, there are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Read both the statements and give answer as:
(a) If only conclusion I follows. (b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either I or II follows. (d) If neither I nor II follows.
Statements: I. All pilots are experts. II. All authors are pilots.
Conclusions: I. All authors are experts. II. No expert in an author.
Ans (a)
30.In the following questions, there are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Read both the statements and give answer as:
(a) If only conclusion I follows. (b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either I or II follows. (d) If neither I nor II follows.
Statements: I. Some doctors are institutes. II. Some crooks are institutes.
Conclusions: I. All institutes are doctors. II. Some institutes are crooks.
Ans (b)
Questions asked in various Bank P.O. Examinations held in last 12 months
(1) Dubai (2) Bangalore
(3) Panaji (4) Moscow
(5) Amsterdam
16. Which of the following banks was adjudged best in
¡¥Corporate Governance¡¦ and was given Golden Peacock
Award, 2005, for the same?
(1) Bank of India (2) Punjab National Bank
(3) ICICI Bank (4) State Bank of India
(5) None of these
17. The 6th African Union Summit was held in January
2006 in Khartoum. Where is this place Khartoum? It is in:
(1) Ghana (2) South Africa
(3) Angola (4) Chad
(5) Sudan
18. Which amongst the following is one of the books by
Bill Gates?
(1) Business @ The Speed of Thought
(2) The Google Story (3) Net and Internet
(4) The World is Flat (5) None of these
19. Which of the following countries has developed a
low cost anti-rabies vaccine, which is also the world¡¦s first
combination rabies vaccine?
(1) China (2) India
(3) Britain (4) USA
(5) None of these
20. Aung San Suu Kyi who was awarded the Olaf Palm
Prize recently is a citizen of:
(1) Singapore (2) China
(3) Taiwan (4) Myanmar
(5) Nepal
21. The XXI Winter Olympics will be held in 2010 at:
(1) Tokyo (2) Minsk
(3) Rome (4) Vancouver
(5) Bangkok
22. Which of the following organizations has created
an ¡¥Investor Protection Fund¡¦, which is funded by fines and
penalties collected by the organization itself from various
(1) SEBI (2) RBI
(3) IRDA (4) AMFI
(5) None of these
23. To tackle the widespread rural unemployment the
Union Budget 2006-07 has approximately earmarked an
amount of Rs:
(1) 10000 crores (2) 12500 crores
(3) 14300 crores (4) 16700 crores
(5) 20000 crores
24. Earlier it was thought safe to allow each financial
institution to carry out only one type of financial service. But
now banks are selling shares, insurance companies can sell
banking services. These new financial conglomerates are
colloquially referred to as:
(1) Multinationals
(2)Financial supermarkets
(3) Market regulators
(4) Brand Promoters
(5) None of these
25. Which of the following is the purpose owing to
which banks have created Investment Fluctuation Reserves
(IFR)? This will help them in managing:
(1) Interest rate risk
(2) CRR
(3) SLR
(4) Foreign Currency Accounts
(5) None of these
26. As per the guidelines issued by the SEBI the
Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a must for which of
the following?
(1) Demat Accounts
(2) All Saving Banks Accounts
(3) All Housing Loan Accounts
(4) All Current Accounts
(5) None of these
27. Many times we read a term ¡¥Free Market¡¦ in
newspapers. What does it mean? [Pick up the correct
(A) It is a market where pricing is driven by the laws of
supply and demand.
(B) In free market things are available without restraints
of the government.
(C) In such markets goods are free from extraneous
influences such as tariff or quotas.
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) (A), (B) and (C) all
28. Which of the following correctly describes what is
(1) It is a comprehensive governance programme for
rural India launched by the Government of India.
(2) It is the new service launched by the MTNL which
will provide cheap mobile connection to rural
(3) It is a newly launched internet service launched by
the Tatas providing cheap connections to rural
(4) It is a call center service launched by the ITC to help
(5) None of these
29. Corporation Bank is also a distributor of the
Mutual Fund products. For this the bank has an agreement
with which of the following organizations?
(1) Bajaj Allianz (2) DSP Merrill Lynch
(3) HDFC Mututal Fund (4) SBI Mutual Fund
(5) None of these
30. Which of the following was the reason owing to
which Thaksin Shinawtra, the Thai Prime Minister has to
resign even after his victory in recent general elections?
(A) He got very marginal victory in General Elections
(B) Main opposition parties boycotted the poll hence
they are not ready to accept the results of the
(C) He was found guilty of manipulating results of the
elections in his favour
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (B) and (C) both
(5) None of these
31. In which of the following countries, women voted
for the first time after they were given equal political rights
in 2005?
(1) UAE (2) Kuwait
(3) Sudan (4) Uganda
(5) None of these
32. Which of the following countries has decided to
close all its small coal mines by 2007 as the safety of the
workers is very poor in those mines?
(1) India (2) Bangladesh
(3) China (4) South Africa
(5) None of these
33. John Kenneth Galbraith who died recently was a
(1) Cine Artist (2) Sports Personality
(3) Economist (4) Sociologist
(5) Creative Writer
34. As per the decision taken by the RBI the Know Your
Customer Norms will now be applicable also for which of
the following organizations?
(1) NBFC
(2) Insurance Companies
(3) Stock Brokers
(4) Builders and Property Dealers
(5) None of these
35. Dabhol Power Plant which was in news recently is
located in which of the following States?
(1) Delhi (2) Karnataka
(3) M.P. (4) Maharashtra
(5) U.P.
36. Which of the following banks started banking
operations in China in August 2006?
(1) State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur
(2) Bank of India
(3) State Bank of India
(4) Indian Overseas Bank
(5) Corporation Bank
37. Charles Taylor who was charged with crime
against humanity in the international war crime tribunal
was the president of:
(1) Uganda (2) Chad
(3) Liberia (4) Congo
(5) None of these
38. Four Asian nations (including India) will host the
World Cup Cricket tournament to be held in:
(1) 2007 (2) 2008
(3) 2009 (4) 2010
(5) 2011
39. The Union Budget 2006 has made a provision of
Rs 1,700 crore by way of interest subsidy for crop loan on the
outstanding of 2006. What is the rate of interest subsidy?
(1) 0.5% (2) 0.75%
(3) 1.00% (4) 1.5%
(5) 2%
40. Banks have started opening ¡¥No Frill¡¦ accounts
recently. These accounts are to help which of the following
sections of customers?
(1) Weaker section of society
(2) High Value Customers
(3) Studetns
(4) Loan seekers who were not able to repay their loans
taken earlier
(5) None of these
41. Which of the following statement(s) about Union
Budget 2006-07 is/are TRUE?
(A) Tax proposed on profits of cooperative banks.
(B) ATM services provided by third parties to banks to
be taxed.
(C) Service tax proposed on issue of pay order, demand
draft, cheque, letter of credit, etc.
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) (A) and (C) both
42. As per the Union Budget 2006 Corpus of Rural
Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) has been
increased to Rs:
(1) 5000 crores (2) 7000 crores
(3) 7500 crores (4) 8000 crores
(5) 10000 crores
43. As per reports published in the newspapers Visa
and Master Cards want banks to Pursue EMV Technology
Standards. What is the full form of EMV Standards?
(1) Europay MasterCard Visa Standard
(2) European Multiple Volume Standard
(3) English MasterCard Visa Standard
(4) Electronic Multiple Variety Standard
(5) None of these
44. Now the limit on Foreign Institutional Investment
in Government Securities is increased upto US $:
(1) 1 billion (2) 1.5 billion
(3) 1.75 billion (4) 2 billion
(5) 2.25 billion
45. As per the reports published in the news papers
Public Sector Banks were able to recover Non Performing
Assets of Rs 20,000 crores. Which of the following has been
the major contributor in this recovery?
(1) Compromise Schemes
(2) Lok Adalats
(3) Debt Recovery Tribunals
(4) Asset Reconstruction Companies
(5) None of these
46. Samresh Jung who was recently in news is
associated with which of the following games?
(1) Pistol Shooting (2) Swimming
(3) 100 metre Race (4) Weight Lifting
(5) None of these
47. Indian Government is in favour of Mergers and
Acquisitions in banks. Which of the following can not be
considered a direct benefit of merger and acquisition?
(1) Most efficient and trained staff
(2) Increased market share
(3) Multiple and additional locations
(4) Opportunity to have a large customer base
(5) All of these
48. For which of the following reasons RBI has raised
cap on exports credit interest rates?
(1) It has been revised in sync with foreign currency
(2) It has been revised in line with global rates
(3) It has been revised in consonance with WTO
(4) It has been revised keeping in view the international
export credit pricing
(5) None of these
49. Which of the following is the objective for
amendment to the Indian Postal Act 1898?
(1) Courier Companies shall be monitored by Postal
(2) It will enlarge the role of courier companies in
distribution of postal products
(3) All documents weighing less than 300 gms will have
to go to post and cannot be couriered
(4) All documents weighing less than 500 gms will have
to go to post and cannot be couriered
(5) None of these
50. For which of the following Banks, cabinet has given
approval to write off accumulated losses amounting
Rs 278.44 crore?
(1) UCO
(2) United Bank of India
(3) Indian Bank
(4) Oriental Bank of Commerce
(5) None of these
51. Expand the term LIBOR.
(1) London Inter-Bank Operational Rate
(2) London Inter-Bank Offsite Rate
(3) London Inter-Bank Onsite Rate
(4) London Inter-Bank Offered Rate
(5) None of these
52. Which of the following was the present Reverse
Repo Rate as on June 9, 2006?
(1) 5.00 (2) 5.75
(3) 6.00 (4) 6.50
(5) None of these
53. Which of the following banks got permission in
March 2006 to open a representative office at Shenzhen
(1) Punjab National Bank (2) Allahabad Bank
(3) Bank of Baroda (4) Bank of India
(5) None of these
54. Who amongst the following is the author of the
book ¡¥God¡¦s Little Soldier¡¦?
(1) Kiran Nagarkar (2) Amitabh Ghosh
(3) Khushwant Singh (4) Anita Desai
(5) Kuldeep Nayyar
55. The first India-EU Business Conference on energy
was held in:
(1) New Delhi (2) London
(3) Paris (4) Berlin
(5) None of these
56. Which of the following Cups/Trophies is NOT
associated with the game of Hockey?
(1) Surjeet Singh Cup (2) Irani Trophy
(3) Federation Cup (4) Cuppuswamy Cup
(5) Scindia Gold Cup
57. Which of the following programmes is being
implemented by the National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development (NABARD)?
(1) Prime Minister¡¦s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY)
(2) Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY)
(3) District Rural Industrial Project (DRIP)
(4) Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP)
(5) None of these
58. Which of the following ministerial portfolio is
being held by Mr Kamal Nath?
(1) Communication
(2) Commerce and Industry
(3) Banking
(4) Rural development
(5) Agriculture
59. Tata Group in association with which of the
following banks has launched ¡¥Tata Credit Card¡¦?
(1) Bank of India (2) State Bank of India
(3) Central Bank of India (4) Bank of Baroda
(5) None of these
60. Nirmal Gram Panchayat (NGP) Award is given for
which of the following causes?
(1) Promoting rural health
(2) Promoting education in rural areas
(3) Promoting sanitation in rural areas
(4) Promoting use of computers in rural areas
(5) None of these
61. Which of the following State governments decided
to scrap Stamp Duty on government securities after a
meeting with the bankers?
(1) Delhi (2) Karnataka
(3) Uttar Pradesh (4) Maharashtra
(5) None of these
62. Which of the following Public Sector Banks has
decided to acquire Bharat Overseas Bank?
(1) PNB (2) IOB
(3) BOB (4) Syndicate Bank
(5) None of these
63. In which of the following cities comprehensive
¡¥Fleet Taxi Scheme¡¦ is being introduced?
(1) Bangalore (2) Chennai
(3) Delhi (4) Mumbai
(5) Kochi
64. For which of the following banks, ¡§Protected
Disclosure¡¨ scheme is being introduced?
(1) Public Sector Banks
(2) Co-operative Banks
(3) Private Banks
(4) Foreign Bank
(5) None of these
65. Who amongst the following is the Prime Minister
of Nepal after the King Gyanendra decided to reinstate the
(1) Sher Bahadur Deuba
(2) Krishna Prasad Sitaula
(3) Girija Prasad Koirala
(4) Krishna Prasad Bhattarai
(5) None of these
66. Thierry Henry who was adjudged as the
¡¥Footballer of the Year 2005¡¦ is a citizen of:
(1) Germany (2) France
(3) Italy (4) Brazil
(5) USA
67. Which of the following countries won the Thomas
Cup Badminton title 2006 held recently?
(1) China (2) Denmark
(3) Japan (4) Bangladesh
(5) North Korea
68. Which of the following banks launched India¡¦s first
food and agriculture private equity fund?
(1) Robo Bank (2) Citibank
(3) HSBC (4) SBI
(5) None of these
69. Which amongst the following organizations has
tied up with 12 commercial banks to set up small enterprises
financial corporations?
(1) ECGC (2) SIDBI
(3) NABARD (4) UTI Bank
(5) None of these
70. Which of the following countries got the status of
10th largest Importer and Exporter of commercial services?
(According to World Trade Report)
(1) China (2) North Korea
(3) India (4) Egypt
(5) None of these
71. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Awards are given for
excellence in which of the following fields?
(1) Sports
(2) Science and Technology
(3) Literature
(4) Social Science
(5) Journalism
72. Ms Angela Markel who was in news recently is the:
(1) Chancellor of Germany
(2) Foreign Minister of France
(3) Foreign Secretary of USA
(4) Prime Minister of Denmark
(5) None of these
73. ¡¥NASA¡¦ is the space research organization of:
(1) Russia (2) UK
(3) USA (4) China
(5) Germany
74. Evo Morales is:
(1) President of Bolivia
(2) Prime Minister of Bolivia
(3) President of Chad
(4) Prime Minister of Chad
(5) None of these
75. Who amongst the following is the author of the
book ¡¥Speed Post¡¦?
(1) Shashi Deshpande (2) Anita Desai
(3) Shobha De (4) Maneka Gandhi
(5) None of these
76. ¡¥Swati Ghate¡¦ who won the National
Championship is associated with which of the following
(1) Chess (2) Badminton
(3) Golf (4) Athletics
(5) None of these
77. Which of the following instruments is used to
regulate temperature to a particular level?
(1) Telemeter (2) Voltameter
(3) Thermostat (4) Periscope
(5) None of these
78. ¡¥Arcelor¡¦ which was in news recently is a major
firm making:
(1) Cement (2) Paper
(3) Electronic Gadgets (4) Drugs
(5) Steel
79. ¡¥International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit
Trafficking¡¦ is observed on:
(1) 10th June (2) 26th June
(3) 26th July (4) 10th July
(5) None of these
80. Samurai Bonds are offered in which of the
following countries?
(1) South Korea (2) North Korea
(3) Japan (4) Singapore
(5) China
81. The head office of the Asian Development Bank
(ADB) is in:
(1) Manila (2) Jakarta
(3) Honolulu (4) Nairobi
(5) Tokyo
82. Kyoto Protocol which took effect in February 2005
is related to which of the following issues?
(1) Subsidy to Agriculture (2) Cloning
(3) Global Warming
(4) Enrichment of Uranium (5) None of these
83. Who amongst the following is the author of the
book The Heart of India?
(1) Meera Syal (2) Gita Mehra
(3) Ruskin Bond (4) Mark Tully
(5) None of these
84. Sometimes some natural calamities bring some
opportunities for the people of different nations to come
together and work for the cause of humanity. Which of the
following was one such incidence/calamity which helped
people of Pakistan to associate themselves with the people
of India and vice versa? (Incident took place in 2005).
(1) Heavy rains and flood in Mumbai
(2) Tsunami in Asian countries
(3) Severe earthquake in parts of J&K
(4) Bomb blast in tube rail in London
(5) None of these
85. As evident from the performance of India on
economic front during 2005-06 it can be very well concluded
that India did excellent in all sectors except one which is:
(1) Banking sector (2) Industrial sector
(3) Service sector (4) Agriculture sector
(5) None of these
86. The ¡¥Economist¡¦ weekly published from USA titled
who amongst the following as the ¡¥Biotech Queen of India¡¦?
(1) Kiran Mazumdar Shaw (2) Tina Ambani
(3) Kanan Bhatt (4) Naina Lal Kidwai
(5) None of these
87. Which of the following cities has become the 2nd
Indian city with Metro Railway Service?
(1) Mumbai (2) Bangalore
(3) Ahmedabad (4) Delhi
(5) Kolkata
88. Immediately prior to Rajnath Singh who amongst
the following was the President of BJP?
(1) L.K. Advani (2) Uma Bharati
(3) Pramod Mahajan (4) Atal Behari Vajpayee
(5) None of these
89. Scientists in which of the following countries were
successful in creation of Human Embryo by the process of
(1) Japan (2) South Korea
(3) Britain (4) Germany
(5) Sweden
90. Lalu Prasad Yadav and Rabri Devi served as Chief
Ministers of Bihar for how many years uninterruptedly
before Nitish Kumar took over as the Chief Minister?
(1) 7 years (2) 9 years
(3) 12 years (4) 15 years
(5) 22 years
91. Which of the following is the full form of the term
(1) Madhya Pradesh Lead Area Development Scheme
(2) Member of Parliament¡¦s Local Area Development
(3) Madhya Pradesh Local Area Development Scheme
(4) Member of Parliament Leading Area Demonstration
(5) None of these
92. Which of the following is the youngest member of
the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation?
(1) Bhutan (2) Bangladesh
(3) Nepal (4) Sri Lanka
(5) Afghanistan
93. Which of the following States will not get any
benefit from the Sardar Sarovar Dam directly?
(1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Gujarat
(3) Maharashtra (4) Rajasthan
(5) Chattisgarh
94. Which of the following SAARC countries got a
Parliament after a long gap of 30 years?
(1) Nepal (2) Bhutan
(3) Maldives (4) Afghanistan
(5) None of these
95. Sri Lankan Government is holding peace talks
with which of the following groups of people?
(1) Naxalites (2) Maoists
(3) GNLF (4) DGHC
(5) LTTE
96. Which of the following is the full form of PURA?
(1) Perfect Urban Rural Association
(2) Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas
(3) Preferential and Uniform Re-enforcement Act
(4) Programme on Urban Rural Association
(5) None of these
97. The 93rd Session of the Indian Science Congress
was organized in:
(1) Kolkata (2) Chennai
(3) Jaipur (4) New Delhi
(5) Hyderabad
98. Which of the following is the trade agreement
among SAARC member countries which came into effect
from January 2006?
(5) None of these
99. Which of the following Brands was placed at the
top of the Fifth Brand Equity Survey of India for 2005?
(1) Lux (2) Dettol
(3) Colgate (4) Bata
(5) None of these
100. Which of the following Stock Exchanges has
completed 213 years of its existence? The Exchange has
recently sold part of its holdings to public.
(1) New York Stock Exchange
(2) London Stock Exchange
(3) Tokyo Stock Exchange
(4) Bombay Stock Exchange
(5) None of these
101. India¡¦s first Natural Disaster Information System
was recently launched at:
(1) Mumbai (2) Bangalore
(3) Chennai (4) Port Blair
(5) Kolkata
102. In the opinion of Prof Amartya Sen the
development in which of the following areas could make a
¡¥dramatic¡¦ difference in rural India?
(A) Health System
(B) Education
(C) Marketing of Agro Products
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) (A) and (B) both (4) Only (C)
(5) None of these
103. Which of the following branches is called the
study of Sound?
(1) Aetiology (2) Anatomy
(3) Astrophysics (4) Acoustics
(5) None of these
104. Which of the following is/are NOT one of the
objectives of International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
(A) To ensure exchange rate stability.
(B) To ensure Balanced International Trade
(C) To replace World Trade Organisation in years to
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) (A) and (C) both
105. Which of the following is the major contributor
for 24 hour banking?
(1) Credit Card (2) ATM
(3) Mobile banks (4) Networked Branches
(5) Any City Banking
106. Which of the following is NOT a member of the
(1) Russia (2) Canada
(3) Italy (4) Japan
(5) Sweden
107. In India, Tanks are a popular method of irrigation
(1) Eastern States (2) South India
(3) North-East States (4) Western India
(5) None of these
108. Which of the following package is best suited for
preparing ¡§Presentations¡¨?
(1) Excel (2) Unix
(3) Windows (4) Word
(5) Power-Point
109. Which of the following films was adjudged the
¡¥Best Motion Picture of the Year¡¦ in the Oscar Awards
Ceremony 2006?
(1) Walk the Line (2) The Constant Gardener
(3) Memories of the Geisha (4) Crash
(5) None of these
110. What is the name for the process that is used to
convert a sense of instructions, or program, written in a
high-level language into instructions (or a program) that can
be run on a computer?
(1) Assembling (2) Compiling
(3) Translating (4) Uploading
(5) None of these
111. _____means the altering of computer system
software to achieve a task for which it was not originally
(1) Pegging (2) Hacking
(3) Trekking (4) Breaking
(5) All of these
112. Authentication can be provided by
adding_____to a message.
(1) Sign (2) Manual Signature
(3) Digital Signature (4) Initials
(5) None of these
113. What is the name for a webpage address?
(1) Directory (2) Domain
(3) Extension (4) Protocol
(5) URL
114. The ability of an OS to run more than one
application at a time is called:
(1) multitasking
(2) object-oriented programming
(3) multi-user computing
(4) time-sharing
(5) None of these
115. A leased line can transmit:
(1) Only Data (2) Only Voice
(3) Only Video (4) Only Text
(5) All the above
116. The word ¡¥FTP¡¦ stands for:
(1) File Translate Protocol (2) File Transit Protocol
(3) File Typing Protocol (4) File Transfer Protocol
(5) None of these
117. What characteristic of read-only memory (ROM)
makes it useful?
(1) ROM information can be easily updated
(2) Data in ROM is nonvolatile, that is, it remains there
even without electrical power
(3) ROM provides very large amounts of inexpensive
data storage
(4) ROM chips are easily swapped between different
brands of computers
(5) None of these
118. A computer cannot ¡§boot¡¨ if it does not have the:
(1) Compiler (2) Loader
(3) Operating System (4) Assembler
(5) None of these
119. Example of non-numeric data is:
(1) Employee address (2) Examination score
(3) Bank balance (4) All of the above
(5) None of these
1. (5) 2. (1) 3. (4) 4 (4) 5. (3)
6. (5) 7. (4) 8. (3) 9. (4) 10. (3)
11. (3) 12. (3) 13. (2) 14. (4) 15. (5)
16. (2) 17. (5) 18. (1) 19. (2) 20. (4)
21. (4) 22. (1) 23. (1) 24. (2) 25. (1)
26. (1) 27. (5) 28. (1) 29. (2) 30. (2)
31. (2) 32. (3) 33. (3) 34. (1) 35. (4)
36. (3) 37. (3) 38. (5) 39. (5) 40. (1)
41. (3) 42. (4) 43. (1) 44. (4) 45. (4)
46. (1) 47. (1) 48. (2) 49. (3) 50. (2)
51. (4) 52. (2) 53. (2) 54. (1) 55. (1)
56. (2) 57. (2) 58. (2) 59. (2) 60. (3)
61. (4) 62 (2) 63. (4) 64. (3) & (4)
65. (3) 66. (2) 67. (1) 68. (1) 69. (2)
70. (3) 71. (2) 72. (1) 73. (3) 74. (1)
75. (3) 76. (1) 77. (3) 78. (5) 79. (2)
80. (3) 81. (1) 82. (3) 83. (4) 84. (3)
85. (4) 86. (1) 87. (4) 88. (1) 89. (2)
90. (4) 91. (2) 92. (5) 93. (4) 94. (4)
95. (5) 96. (2) 97. (5) 98. (2) 99. (3)
100. (1) 101. (2) 102. (3) 103. (4) 104. (3)
105. (2) 106. (5) 107. (2) 108. (5) 109. (4)
110. (2) 111. (2) 112. (3) 113. (5) 114. (1)
115. (5) 116. (4) 117. (2) 118. (3) 119. (1)
Free SBI Clerk Previous Year (2007) solved Paper
General Awareness
1.Who amongst the following cricketers became the ninth indian to claim 150 or more wickets?
(a) A.Kumble
(b) A.Agarkar
(c) S.Tendulkar
(d) Harbhajan Singh
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
2. Who amongst the following returned to earth after a lomg 195 days stay in space ?
(a) Angei Brewer
(b) Mike Leinbach
(c) Shruti Vadera
(d) Sunita Williams
(e) None of these
3. Japan PM shinzo Abe came to office last year with huge support in his favour. But since last few months he is facing problems in his political survival. Which of the following actions taken by him does / do not enjoy support of the people of Japan (Pick up the correct statement) ?
1. Decision to postpone parliament elections.
2. Falling to control inflation which has gone to the level of 12% an unusual phenomenon in the history of Japan .
3. Decision to allow USA to make an army Base in some of its Islands where USA will have its nuclear war-heads
(a) Only 2
(b) Only 1
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Only 3
(e) All 1, 2 and 3
4. European leaders agree on traty was the news in leading news paper in recent past . Which of the following was the treaty on which leadres were of diverse views (Pick up the correct statement) ?
1. The treaty was to make the EURO money a universal currency for all financial / monetary transaction done by all the member countries w.e.f. April 2009.
2. Treaty was to defunct constitution of the Eropean Union by a new one.
3. Poland one of the newest members of the union was threatening to use its veto power if any change is done in the present set up of the organization.
(a) only 1
(b) only 2
(c) only 3
(d) Both 1 and 2
(e) Both 2 and 3
5. "Rajpaksha threatens to resolve Lanka parliament" was the news in leading newspaper a few days back . Which of the following was the reason owing to which president threatens to take a drastic step ? (pick up the correct statements).
1. A number of MPs from Sri Lanka Freedom party defecting to join another party launched by another group of politicians.
2. A group of politicians under the leadership of former president Chandrika Kumartunga demanding the postponement of elctions for the post of president due in the month of November 2007 so that Chandrika can came back from exile and contest for the same.
3. Rajapaksha wants general public and also MPs to support his formula on peace with LTTE which is not accepatble to most of the MPs.
(a) All 1,2 and 3
(b) Only 2
(c) Only 3
(d) Both 1 and 2
(e) Only 1
6. Madhesi national liberation front (MNLF) is an organixation active in which of the following countries ?
(a) Pakistan
(b) Myanmar
(c) Uganda
(d) Iran
(e) Nepal
7. As per the Economic survey 2006-07 the food grain production may not touch the target fixed for the year. What is the atrget of the same set for the period?
(a) 100 million tonnes
(b) 220 million tonnes
(c) 175 million tonnes
(d) 250 million tonnes
(e) 320 million tonnes
8. Which of the following sector banks brought its equity share (follow on public issue) for the price was set as Rs. 940 per equity ?
(a) ICICI Bank
(b) Karnataka Bank
(c) UTI Bank
(d) HDFC Bank
(e) None of these
9. Prime minister of India recently unveiled an agricultural package during his visit to 53rd meeting of the National Development Concil. What is the size of the package >
(a) Rs. 10,000 Crores
(b) Rs. 1s,000 Crores
(c) Rs. 20,000 Crores
(d) Rs. 25,000 Crores
(e) Rs. 30,000 Crores
10. Which of the following States achieved 100% financial inclusion (each and every family in the state has atleast one bank account). ?
(a) Delhi
(b) Maharashtra
(c) West Bengal
(d) Kerala
(e) None of these
11. Rafael Nadal won the French Open men's single title 2007 after defeating who amongst the follwing ?
(a) Mark Knowles
(b) Mahesh Bhupati
(c) Daniel Nestor(d) Pawel Vizner
(e) Roger Federer
12. Who amongst the following has taken over as the chairman of the 18th Law Commission set-up recently ?
(a) Justice A.R.Lakshmanan
(b) Justice Bhagwan Das Rana
(c) Justice T.L.Venkatraman Iyer
(d) Mrs. Suryakanta Patil
(e) None of these
13. Who amongst the following was honoured with the Jawaharlal Nehru award for the International Understanding given away recently ?
(a) Mr. Umaru Yar Adua
(b) Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva
(c) Mr. Vladimir Putin
(d) Mr. Felipe Calderon
(e) None of these
14. Who amongst the following actors won the award for Best actor in 8th International Film Academy Award Ceremony held recently?
(a) Saif Ali Khan
(b) Sanjay Dutt
(c) Arshad Warsi
(d) Abhishek Bachchan
(e) Hrithik Roshan
15. Which of the following rates is not decided by the Reserve Bank of India ?
(a) Bank Rate
(b) Repo Rate
(c) Reserve Repo Rate
(d) Income Tax Rates
(e) All of these
16. The world Economic forum was held recendly in -
(a) Malaysia
(b) Kuwait
(c) Iran
(d) Brazil
(e) Indonesia
17. Which of the following African countries recently launched its communication satellite for the first time (The satellite was launched from China) ?
(a) Nigeria
(b) Keniya
(c) Zimbabwe
(d) Mauritius
(e) None of these
18. 'Dausa' which has been in news recently is a town in -
(a) Gujarat
(b) Madhya Pradeh
(c) Bihar
(d) Uttar Pradesh
(e) Rajasthan
19. Which of the following was the major issue of discussion in the G-8 Summit held in Germany ?
(a) Subsidy to agro product
(b) Climate protection
(c) Financial Aid to Iraq
(d) Nuclear technology and possiblity of space war
(e) None of these
20. Which of the following countries has decided to build a road to the Base camp of Mt. Everest ?
(a) India
(b) China
(c) Nepal
(d) Myanmar
(e) None of these
Latest Authors And Books Based Questions
& Answers
1 Who is the author of ‘Jyoti Punj’ ?
2 Who is the author of ‘The English Roses ’ ?
3 Who is the author of ‘Indomitable Spirit’ ?
4 Who is the author of ‘The Fire Next time ’ ?
5 Who is the author of ‘The Hungry tide’ ?
6 Who is the author of ‘The Last song of Dusk’ ?
7 Who is the author of ‘The Man without qualities’ ?
8 Who is the author of ‘The total zone’ ?
9 Who is the author of ‘The Trial’ ?
10 Who is the author of ‘The unfurnished man ’ ?
11 Who is the author of ‘The vicar of wakefield’ ?
12 Who is the author of ‘The Volcano Lover’ ?
13 Who is the author of ‘The world is flat’ ?
14 Who is the author of ‘Theory of war’ ?
15 Who is the author of ‘Thirteenth Sun’ ?
16 Who is the author of ‘Time Machine’ ?
17 Who is the author of ‘Train to Pakistan’ ?
18 Who is the author of ‘Uncle Tom’s cabin’ ?
19 Who is the author of ‘Up from slavery’ ?
20 Who is the author of ‘Wake up India ’ ?
21 Who is the author of ‘Westward Ho’ ?
22 Who is the author of ‘What would you do to save the world ’ ?
23 Who is the author of ‘Witness to an era ’ ?
24 Who is the author of ‘Wuthering Heights’ ?
25 Who is the author of ‘Let's Kill Gandhi’ ?
1. Narendra Modi
2. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
3. Betty Friedan
4. James waldwin
5. Amitav Ghosh
6. Sidarth sangvi
7. David selbourne
8. Martina Navratilova
9. Franz Kafka
10. Nizzim Ezekiel
11. Oliver goldsmith
12. Susan Sontang
13. Thomas Friedman
14. Joan Brady
15. Amrita Pritam
16. H. G. Wells
17. Khushwant Singh
18. Harriet Beecher Stowe
19. Booker T. Washington
20. Annie Beasnt
21. Charles kingsley
22. Ira Trivedi
23. Frank Moraes
24. Emily Bronte
25. Tushar Gandhi
(i) General Awareness (ii) General English (iii) Quantitative Aptitude (iv) Reasoning Ability (v) Marketing Aptitude/Computer Knowledge
solved paper 2006
1. The International Day for Elimination of Racial
Discrimination is observed on:
(1) 20th February (2) 20th March
(3) 25th May (4) 21st February
(5) 21st March
2. In 2006 Mahesh Bhupathi completed his Career
Grand Slam as he won the fourth Grand Slam mixed
doubles title. Which of the following is the open mixed
doubles title he won in January 2006?
(1) Australian Open (2) US Open
(3) French Open (4) Wimbledon
(5) None of these
3. The World Economic Forum Meet was organized in
January 2006 in Davos. Which of the following two
countries were in the spotlight in the meet?
(1) Brazil and Russia (2) Russia and China
(3) China and Brazil (4) India and China
(5) India and Brazil
4. Who amongst the following is going to establish a
fund of Rs 1000 crores for financing the food processing
(1) State Bank of India (2) SIDBI
(5) None of these
5. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to
withdraw its nominee directors from the boards of which of
the following types of banks?
(1) Co-operative Banks (2) Nationalized Banks
(3) Private Sector Banks (4) Foreign Banks
(5) None of these
6. Some countries/organizations recently decided to
suspend any help/aid to Palestine. Which of the following
is/are the reason(s) for the same?
(A) It is because Hamas got victory in general elections
held in Palestine.
(B) UN has imposed sanctions on Palestine as it has
violated norms of the IAEA on nuclear policy.
(C) It is openly supporting Iran¡¦s nuclear programme
whereas USA is dead against it.
(1) (A) and (C) both (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) Only (A)
7. Sonia Gandhi is the Member of the Lok Sabha from
which of the following seats?
(1) Allahabad (2) Lucknow
(3) Sultanpur (4) Amethi
(5) None of these
8. As announced in the Budget 2006-07 the Crop loan
Credit to the farmers will be given at the rate of 7% upto a
loan limit of:
(1) Rs 1 lakh (2) Rs 2 lakhs
(3) Rs 3 lakhs (4) Rs 4 lakhs
(5) Rs 5 lakhs
9. ¡¥New Horizons¡¦ space craft which was launched by
the NASA is launched to study which of the following
(1) Mars (2) Saturn
(3) Jupiter (4) pluto
(5) Mercury
10. As per the estimates released by the agencies Per
Capita Income of average Indian in 2005-06 (at 1999-2000
prices) was approximately:
(1) Rs 15,000 (2) Rs 18,000
(3) Rs 20,000 (4) Rs 22,000
(5) Rs 25,000
11. Which of the following years was adjudged as the
¡¥Hottest Year of the Century¡¦ as per the report prepared by
the NASA?
(1) 2003 (2) 2004
(3) 2005 (4) 2000
(5) None of these
12. As per a survey conducted by an agency what was
India¡¦s rank in the field of Internet usage in 2005?
(1) 2nd (2) 3rd
(3) 4th (4) 8th
(5) 10th
13. Which of the following correctly describes what
¡¥The Sultan¡¦s Elephant¡¦ is?
(1) It is the name of the new film directed and produced
by Maniratnam.
(2) It is a street theatre performance which took place in
London recently.
(3) It is a comedy serial being telecast on DD Metro
these days.
(4) It is a novel written by Khushwant Singh
(5) None of these
14. Naushad who died recently was a famous:
(1) Politician (2) Social worker
(3) Sports personality (4) Music Director
(5) Painter
15. The 6th International Indian Film Academy
Awards function was organized in which of the following
Questions asked in various Bank P.O. Examinations held in last 12 months
(1) Dubai (2) Bangalore
(3) Panaji (4) Moscow
(5) Amsterdam
16. Which of the following banks was adjudged best in
¡¥Corporate Governance¡¦ and was given Golden Peacock
Award, 2005, for the same?
(1) Bank of India (2) Punjab National Bank
(3) ICICI Bank (4) State Bank of India
(5) None of these
17. The 6th African Union Summit was held in January
2006 in Khartoum. Where is this place Khartoum? It is in:
(1) Ghana (2) South Africa
(3) Angola (4) Chad
(5) Sudan
18. Which amongst the following is one of the books by
Bill Gates?
(1) Business @ The Speed of Thought
(2) The Google Story (3) Net and Internet
(4) The World is Flat (5) None of these
19. Which of the following countries has developed a
low cost anti-rabies vaccine, which is also the world¡¦s first
combination rabies vaccine?
(1) China (2) India
(3) Britain (4) USA
(5) None of these
20. Aung San Suu Kyi who was awarded the Olaf Palm
Prize recently is a citizen of:
(1) Singapore (2) China
(3) Taiwan (4) Myanmar
(5) Nepal
21. The XXI Winter Olympics will be held in 2010 at:
(1) Tokyo (2) Minsk
(3) Rome (4) Vancouver
(5) Bangkok
22. Which of the following organizations has created
an ¡¥Investor Protection Fund¡¦, which is funded by fines and
penalties collected by the organization itself from various
(1) SEBI (2) RBI
(3) IRDA (4) AMFI
(5) None of these
23. To tackle the widespread rural unemployment the
Union Budget 2006-07 has approximately earmarked an
amount of Rs:
(1) 10000 crores (2) 12500 crores
(3) 14300 crores (4) 16700 crores
(5) 20000 crores
24. Earlier it was thought safe to allow each financial
institution to carry out only one type of financial service. But
now banks are selling shares, insurance companies can sell
banking services. These new financial conglomerates are
colloquially referred to as:
(1) Multinationals
(2)Financial supermarkets
(3) Market regulators
(4) Brand Promoters
(5) None of these
25. Which of the following is the purpose owing to
which banks have created Investment Fluctuation Reserves
(IFR)? This will help them in managing:
(1) Interest rate risk
(2) CRR
(3) SLR
(4) Foreign Currency Accounts
(5) None of these
26. As per the guidelines issued by the SEBI the
Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a must for which of
the following?
(1) Demat Accounts
(2) All Saving Banks Accounts
(3) All Housing Loan Accounts
(4) All Current Accounts
(5) None of these
27. Many times we read a term ¡¥Free Market¡¦ in
newspapers. What does it mean? [Pick up the correct
(A) It is a market where pricing is driven by the laws of
supply and demand.
(B) In free market things are available without restraints
of the government.
(C) In such markets goods are free from extraneous
influences such as tariff or quotas.
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) (A), (B) and (C) all
28. Which of the following correctly describes what is
(1) It is a comprehensive governance programme for
rural India launched by the Government of India.
(2) It is the new service launched by the MTNL which
will provide cheap mobile connection to rural
(3) It is a newly launched internet service launched by
the Tatas providing cheap connections to rural
(4) It is a call center service launched by the ITC to help
(5) None of these
29. Corporation Bank is also a distributor of the
Mutual Fund products. For this the bank has an agreement
with which of the following organizations?
(1) Bajaj Allianz (2) DSP Merrill Lynch
(3) HDFC Mututal Fund (4) SBI Mutual Fund
(5) None of these
30. Which of the following was the reason owing to
which Thaksin Shinawtra, the Thai Prime Minister has to
resign even after his victory in recent general elections?
(A) He got very marginal victory in General Elections
(B) Main opposition parties boycotted the poll hence
they are not ready to accept the results of the
(C) He was found guilty of manipulating results of the
elections in his favour
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (B) and (C) both
(5) None of these
31. In which of the following countries, women voted
for the first time after they were given equal political rights
in 2005?
(1) UAE (2) Kuwait
(3) Sudan (4) Uganda
(5) None of these
32. Which of the following countries has decided to
close all its small coal mines by 2007 as the safety of the
workers is very poor in those mines?
(1) India (2) Bangladesh
(3) China (4) South Africa
(5) None of these
33. John Kenneth Galbraith who died recently was a
(1) Cine Artist (2) Sports Personality
(3) Economist (4) Sociologist
(5) Creative Writer
34. As per the decision taken by the RBI the Know Your
Customer Norms will now be applicable also for which of
the following organizations?
(1) NBFC
(2) Insurance Companies
(3) Stock Brokers
(4) Builders and Property Dealers
(5) None of these
35. Dabhol Power Plant which was in news recently is
located in which of the following States?
(1) Delhi (2) Karnataka
(3) M.P. (4) Maharashtra
(5) U.P.
36. Which of the following banks started banking
operations in China in August 2006?
(1) State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur
(2) Bank of India
(3) State Bank of India
(4) Indian Overseas Bank
(5) Corporation Bank
37. Charles Taylor who was charged with crime
against humanity in the international war crime tribunal
was the president of:
(1) Uganda (2) Chad
(3) Liberia (4) Congo
(5) None of these
38. Four Asian nations (including India) will host the
World Cup Cricket tournament to be held in:
(1) 2007 (2) 2008
(3) 2009 (4) 2010
(5) 2011
39. The Union Budget 2006 has made a provision of
Rs 1,700 crore by way of interest subsidy for crop loan on the
outstanding of 2006. What is the rate of interest subsidy?
(1) 0.5% (2) 0.75%
(3) 1.00% (4) 1.5%
(5) 2%
40. Banks have started opening ¡¥No Frill¡¦ accounts
recently. These accounts are to help which of the following
sections of customers?
(1) Weaker section of society
(2) High Value Customers
(3) Studetns
(4) Loan seekers who were not able to repay their loans
taken earlier
(5) None of these
41. Which of the following statement(s) about Union
Budget 2006-07 is/are TRUE?
(A) Tax proposed on profits of cooperative banks.
(B) ATM services provided by third parties to banks to
be taxed.
(C) Service tax proposed on issue of pay order, demand
draft, cheque, letter of credit, etc.
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) (A) and (C) both
42. As per the Union Budget 2006 Corpus of Rural
Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) has been
increased to Rs:
(1) 5000 crores (2) 7000 crores
(3) 7500 crores (4) 8000 crores
(5) 10000 crores
43. As per reports published in the newspapers Visa
and Master Cards want banks to Pursue EMV Technology
Standards. What is the full form of EMV Standards?
(1) Europay MasterCard Visa Standard
(2) European Multiple Volume Standard
(3) English MasterCard Visa Standard
(4) Electronic Multiple Variety Standard
(5) None of these
44. Now the limit on Foreign Institutional Investment
in Government Securities is increased upto US $:
(1) 1 billion (2) 1.5 billion
(3) 1.75 billion (4) 2 billion
(5) 2.25 billion
45. As per the reports published in the news papers
Public Sector Banks were able to recover Non Performing
Assets of Rs 20,000 crores. Which of the following has been
the major contributor in this recovery?
(1) Compromise Schemes
(2) Lok Adalats
(3) Debt Recovery Tribunals
(4) Asset Reconstruction Companies
(5) None of these
46. Samresh Jung who was recently in news is
associated with which of the following games?
(1) Pistol Shooting (2) Swimming
(3) 100 metre Race (4) Weight Lifting
(5) None of these
47. Indian Government is in favour of Mergers and
Acquisitions in banks. Which of the following can not be
considered a direct benefit of merger and acquisition?
(1) Most efficient and trained staff
(2) Increased market share
(3) Multiple and additional locations
(4) Opportunity to have a large customer base
(5) All of these
48. For which of the following reasons RBI has raised
cap on exports credit interest rates?
(1) It has been revised in sync with foreign currency
(2) It has been revised in line with global rates
(3) It has been revised in consonance with WTO
(4) It has been revised keeping in view the international
export credit pricing
(5) None of these
49. Which of the following is the objective for
amendment to the Indian Postal Act 1898?
(1) Courier Companies shall be monitored by Postal
(2) It will enlarge the role of courier companies in
distribution of postal products
(3) All documents weighing less than 300 gms will have
to go to post and cannot be couriered
(4) All documents weighing less than 500 gms will have
to go to post and cannot be couriered
(5) None of these
50. For which of the following Banks, cabinet has given
approval to write off accumulated losses amounting
Rs 278.44 crore?
(1) UCO
(2) United Bank of India
(3) Indian Bank
(4) Oriental Bank of Commerce
(5) None of these
51. Expand the term LIBOR.
(1) London Inter-Bank Operational Rate
(2) London Inter-Bank Offsite Rate
(3) London Inter-Bank Onsite Rate
(4) London Inter-Bank Offered Rate
(5) None of these
52. Which of the following was the present Reverse
Repo Rate as on June 9, 2006?
(1) 5.00 (2) 5.75
(3) 6.00 (4) 6.50
(5) None of these
53. Which of the following banks got permission in
March 2006 to open a representative office at Shenzhen
(1) Punjab National Bank (2) Allahabad Bank
(3) Bank of Baroda (4) Bank of India
(5) None of these
54. Who amongst the following is the author of the
book ¡¥God¡¦s Little Soldier¡¦?
(1) Kiran Nagarkar (2) Amitabh Ghosh
(3) Khushwant Singh (4) Anita Desai
(5) Kuldeep Nayyar
55. The first India-EU Business Conference on energy
was held in:
(1) New Delhi (2) London
(3) Paris (4) Berlin
(5) None of these
56. Which of the following Cups/Trophies is NOT
associated with the game of Hockey?
(1) Surjeet Singh Cup (2) Irani Trophy
(3) Federation Cup (4) Cuppuswamy Cup
(5) Scindia Gold Cup
57. Which of the following programmes is being
implemented by the National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development (NABARD)?
(1) Prime Minister¡¦s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY)
(2) Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY)
(3) District Rural Industrial Project (DRIP)
(4) Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP)
(5) None of these
58. Which of the following ministerial portfolio is
being held by Mr Kamal Nath?
(1) Communication
(2) Commerce and Industry
(3) Banking
(4) Rural development
(5) Agriculture
59. Tata Group in association with which of the
following banks has launched ¡¥Tata Credit Card¡¦?
(1) Bank of India (2) State Bank of India
(3) Central Bank of India (4) Bank of Baroda
(5) None of these
60. Nirmal Gram Panchayat (NGP) Award is given for
which of the following causes?
(1) Promoting rural health
(2) Promoting education in rural areas
(3) Promoting sanitation in rural areas
(4) Promoting use of computers in rural areas
(5) None of these
61. Which of the following State governments decided
to scrap Stamp Duty on government securities after a
meeting with the bankers?
(1) Delhi (2) Karnataka
(3) Uttar Pradesh (4) Maharashtra
(5) None of these
62. Which of the following Public Sector Banks has
decided to acquire Bharat Overseas Bank?
(1) PNB (2) IOB
(3) BOB (4) Syndicate Bank
(5) None of these
63. In which of the following cities comprehensive
¡¥Fleet Taxi Scheme¡¦ is being introduced?
(1) Bangalore (2) Chennai
(3) Delhi (4) Mumbai
(5) Kochi
64. For which of the following banks, ¡§Protected
Disclosure¡¨ scheme is being introduced?
(1) Public Sector Banks
(2) Co-operative Banks
(3) Private Banks
(4) Foreign Bank
(5) None of these
65. Who amongst the following is the Prime Minister
of Nepal after the King Gyanendra decided to reinstate the
(1) Sher Bahadur Deuba
(2) Krishna Prasad Sitaula
(3) Girija Prasad Koirala
(4) Krishna Prasad Bhattarai
(5) None of these
66. Thierry Henry who was adjudged as the
¡¥Footballer of the Year 2005¡¦ is a citizen of:
(1) Germany (2) France
(3) Italy (4) Brazil
(5) USA
67. Which of the following countries won the Thomas
Cup Badminton title 2006 held recently?
(1) China (2) Denmark
(3) Japan (4) Bangladesh
(5) North Korea
68. Which of the following banks launched India¡¦s first
food and agriculture private equity fund?
(1) Robo Bank (2) Citibank
(3) HSBC (4) SBI
(5) None of these
69. Which amongst the following organizations has
tied up with 12 commercial banks to set up small enterprises
financial corporations?
(1) ECGC (2) SIDBI
(3) NABARD (4) UTI Bank
(5) None of these
70. Which of the following countries got the status of
10th largest Importer and Exporter of commercial services?
(According to World Trade Report)
(1) China (2) North Korea
(3) India (4) Egypt
(5) None of these
71. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Awards are given for
excellence in which of the following fields?
(1) Sports
(2) Science and Technology
(3) Literature
(4) Social Science
(5) Journalism
72. Ms Angela Markel who was in news recently is the:
(1) Chancellor of Germany
(2) Foreign Minister of France
(3) Foreign Secretary of USA
(4) Prime Minister of Denmark
(5) None of these
73. ¡¥NASA¡¦ is the space research organization of:
(1) Russia (2) UK
(3) USA (4) China
(5) Germany
74. Evo Morales is:
(1) President of Bolivia
(2) Prime Minister of Bolivia
(3) President of Chad
(4) Prime Minister of Chad
(5) None of these
75. Who amongst the following is the author of the
book ¡¥Speed Post¡¦?
(1) Shashi Deshpande (2) Anita Desai
(3) Shobha De (4) Maneka Gandhi
(5) None of these
76. ¡¥Swati Ghate¡¦ who won the National
Championship is associated with which of the following
(1) Chess (2) Badminton
(3) Golf (4) Athletics
(5) None of these
77. Which of the following instruments is used to
regulate temperature to a particular level?
(1) Telemeter (2) Voltameter
(3) Thermostat (4) Periscope
(5) None of these
78. ¡¥Arcelor¡¦ which was in news recently is a major
firm making:
(1) Cement (2) Paper
(3) Electronic Gadgets (4) Drugs
(5) Steel
79. ¡¥International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit
Trafficking¡¦ is observed on:
(1) 10th June (2) 26th June
(3) 26th July (4) 10th July
(5) None of these
80. Samurai Bonds are offered in which of the
following countries?
(1) South Korea (2) North Korea
(3) Japan (4) Singapore
(5) China
81. The head office of the Asian Development Bank
(ADB) is in:
(1) Manila (2) Jakarta
(3) Honolulu (4) Nairobi
(5) Tokyo
82. Kyoto Protocol which took effect in February 2005
is related to which of the following issues?
(1) Subsidy to Agriculture (2) Cloning
(3) Global Warming
(4) Enrichment of Uranium (5) None of these
83. Who amongst the following is the author of the
book The Heart of India?
(1) Meera Syal (2) Gita Mehra
(3) Ruskin Bond (4) Mark Tully
(5) None of these
84. Sometimes some natural calamities bring some
opportunities for the people of different nations to come
together and work for the cause of humanity. Which of the
following was one such incidence/calamity which helped
people of Pakistan to associate themselves with the people
of India and vice versa? (Incident took place in 2005).
(1) Heavy rains and flood in Mumbai
(2) Tsunami in Asian countries
(3) Severe earthquake in parts of J&K
(4) Bomb blast in tube rail in London
(5) None of these
85. As evident from the performance of India on
economic front during 2005-06 it can be very well concluded
that India did excellent in all sectors except one which is:
(1) Banking sector (2) Industrial sector
(3) Service sector (4) Agriculture sector
(5) None of these
86. The ¡¥Economist¡¦ weekly published from USA titled
who amongst the following as the ¡¥Biotech Queen of India¡¦?
(1) Kiran Mazumdar Shaw (2) Tina Ambani
(3) Kanan Bhatt (4) Naina Lal Kidwai
(5) None of these
87. Which of the following cities has become the 2nd
Indian city with Metro Railway Service?
(1) Mumbai (2) Bangalore
(3) Ahmedabad (4) Delhi
(5) Kolkata
88. Immediately prior to Rajnath Singh who amongst
the following was the President of BJP?
(1) L.K. Advani (2) Uma Bharati
(3) Pramod Mahajan (4) Atal Behari Vajpayee
(5) None of these
89. Scientists in which of the following countries were
successful in creation of Human Embryo by the process of
(1) Japan (2) South Korea
(3) Britain (4) Germany
(5) Sweden
90. Lalu Prasad Yadav and Rabri Devi served as Chief
Ministers of Bihar for how many years uninterruptedly
before Nitish Kumar took over as the Chief Minister?
(1) 7 years (2) 9 years
(3) 12 years (4) 15 years
(5) 22 years
91. Which of the following is the full form of the term
(1) Madhya Pradesh Lead Area Development Scheme
(2) Member of Parliament¡¦s Local Area Development
(3) Madhya Pradesh Local Area Development Scheme
(4) Member of Parliament Leading Area Demonstration
(5) None of these
92. Which of the following is the youngest member of
the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation?
(1) Bhutan (2) Bangladesh
(3) Nepal (4) Sri Lanka
(5) Afghanistan
93. Which of the following States will not get any
benefit from the Sardar Sarovar Dam directly?
(1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Gujarat
(3) Maharashtra (4) Rajasthan
(5) Chattisgarh
94. Which of the following SAARC countries got a
Parliament after a long gap of 30 years?
(1) Nepal (2) Bhutan
(3) Maldives (4) Afghanistan
(5) None of these
95. Sri Lankan Government is holding peace talks
with which of the following groups of people?
(1) Naxalites (2) Maoists
(3) GNLF (4) DGHC
(5) LTTE
96. Which of the following is the full form of PURA?
(1) Perfect Urban Rural Association
(2) Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas
(3) Preferential and Uniform Re-enforcement Act
(4) Programme on Urban Rural Association
(5) None of these
97. The 93rd Session of the Indian Science Congress
was organized in:
(1) Kolkata (2) Chennai
(3) Jaipur (4) New Delhi
(5) Hyderabad
98. Which of the following is the trade agreement
among SAARC member countries which came into effect
from January 2006?
(5) None of these
99. Which of the following Brands was placed at the
top of the Fifth Brand Equity Survey of India for 2005?
(1) Lux (2) Dettol
(3) Colgate (4) Bata
(5) None of these
100. Which of the following Stock Exchanges has
completed 213 years of its existence? The Exchange has
recently sold part of its holdings to public.
(1) New York Stock Exchange
(2) London Stock Exchange
(3) Tokyo Stock Exchange
(4) Bombay Stock Exchange
(5) None of these
101. India¡¦s first Natural Disaster Information System
was recently launched at:
(1) Mumbai (2) Bangalore
(3) Chennai (4) Port Blair
(5) Kolkata
102. In the opinion of Prof Amartya Sen the
development in which of the following areas could make a
¡¥dramatic¡¦ difference in rural India?
(A) Health System
(B) Education
(C) Marketing of Agro Products
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) (A) and (B) both (4) Only (C)
(5) None of these
103. Which of the following branches is called the
study of Sound?
(1) Aetiology (2) Anatomy
(3) Astrophysics (4) Acoustics
(5) None of these
104. Which of the following is/are NOT one of the
objectives of International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
(A) To ensure exchange rate stability.
(B) To ensure Balanced International Trade
(C) To replace World Trade Organisation in years to
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) (A) and (C) both
105. Which of the following is the major contributor
for 24 hour banking?
(1) Credit Card (2) ATM
(3) Mobile banks (4) Networked Branches
(5) Any City Banking
106. Which of the following is NOT a member of the
(1) Russia (2) Canada
(3) Italy (4) Japan
(5) Sweden
107. In India, Tanks are a popular method of irrigation
(1) Eastern States (2) South India
(3) North-East States (4) Western India
(5) None of these
108. Which of the following package is best suited for
preparing ¡§Presentations¡¨?
(1) Excel (2) Unix
(3) Windows (4) Word
(5) Power-Point
109. Which of the following films was adjudged the
¡¥Best Motion Picture of the Year¡¦ in the Oscar Awards
Ceremony 2006?
(1) Walk the Line (2) The Constant Gardener
(3) Memories of the Geisha (4) Crash
(5) None of these
110. What is the name for the process that is used to
convert a sense of instructions, or program, written in a
high-level language into instructions (or a program) that can
be run on a computer?
(1) Assembling (2) Compiling
(3) Translating (4) Uploading
(5) None of these
111. _____means the altering of computer system
software to achieve a task for which it was not originally
(1) Pegging (2) Hacking
(3) Trekking (4) Breaking
(5) All of these
112. Authentication can be provided by
adding_____to a message.
(1) Sign (2) Manual Signature
(3) Digital Signature (4) Initials
(5) None of these
113. What is the name for a webpage address?
(1) Directory (2) Domain
(3) Extension (4) Protocol
(5) URL
114. The ability of an OS to run more than one
application at a time is called:
(1) multitasking
(2) object-oriented programming
(3) multi-user computing
(4) time-sharing
(5) None of these
115. A leased line can transmit:
(1) Only Data (2) Only Voice
(3) Only Video (4) Only Text
(5) All the above
116. The word ¡¥FTP¡¦ stands for:
(1) File Translate Protocol (2) File Transit Protocol
(3) File Typing Protocol (4) File Transfer Protocol
(5) None of these
117. What characteristic of read-only memory (ROM)
makes it useful?
(1) ROM information can be easily updated
(2) Data in ROM is nonvolatile, that is, it remains there
even without electrical power
(3) ROM provides very large amounts of inexpensive
data storage
(4) ROM chips are easily swapped between different
brands of computers
(5) None of these
118. A computer cannot ¡§boot¡¨ if it does not have the:
(1) Compiler (2) Loader
(3) Operating System (4) Assembler
(5) None of these
119. Example of non-numeric data is:
(1) Employee address (2) Examination score
(3) Bank balance (4) All of the above
(5) None of these
1. (5) 2. (1) 3. (4) 4 (4) 5. (3)
6. (5) 7. (4) 8. (3) 9. (4) 10. (3)
11. (3) 12. (3) 13. (2) 14. (4) 15. (5)
16. (2) 17. (5) 18. (1) 19. (2) 20. (4)
21. (4) 22. (1) 23. (1) 24. (2) 25. (1)
26. (1) 27. (5) 28. (1) 29. (2) 30. (2)
31. (2) 32. (3) 33. (3) 34. (1) 35. (4)
36. (3) 37. (3) 38. (5) 39. (5) 40. (1)
41. (3) 42. (4) 43. (1) 44. (4) 45. (4)
46. (1) 47. (1) 48. (2) 49. (3) 50. (2)
51. (4) 52. (2) 53. (2) 54. (1) 55. (1)
56. (2) 57. (2) 58. (2) 59. (2) 60. (3)
61. (4) 62 (2) 63. (4) 64. (3) & (4)
65. (3) 66. (2) 67. (1) 68. (1) 69. (2)
70. (3) 71. (2) 72. (1) 73. (3) 74. (1)
75. (3) 76. (1) 77. (3) 78. (5) 79. (2)
80. (3) 81. (1) 82. (3) 83. (4) 84. (3)
85. (4) 86. (1) 87. (4) 88. (1) 89. (2)
90. (4) 91. (2) 92. (5) 93. (4) 94. (4)
95. (5) 96. (2) 97. (5) 98. (2) 99. (3)
100. (1) 101. (2) 102. (3) 103. (4) 104. (3)
105. (2) 106. (5) 107. (2) 108. (5) 109. (4)
110. (2) 111. (2) 112. (3) 113. (5) 114. (1)
115. (5) 116. (4) 117. (2) 118. (3) 119. (1)
english solved paper lst
1. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
The dog let out (a)/ a blood chilling (b)/ howling when it was it was (c)/ given the injection (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (c)
2. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
It being an important (a)/ letter, the draft had to be (b)/ seen by the Governor (c)/ itself for approval. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (d)
3. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Asha could not defeat her (a)/ opponents contrary to their (b)/ good preparation and (c)/ long practice. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (b)
4. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Pratiksha expected good marks (a)/ in the examination (b)/ but she was very disappointed (c)/ when the results came. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (e)
5. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Irrespective of either (a)/ Vijay or Sanjay goes (b)/ the overdue payment (c)/ cannot be collected. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (a)
6. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Some people consider Kama (a)/ to be the valorous (b)/ hero of all the (c)/ characters in the Mahabharat. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (b)
7. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Victor, along with (a)/ a group of friends (b)/ was going on picnic (c)/ when the accident happen. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (d)
8. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
A ruling body or class of rich men.
(a) plutocracy (b) meritocracy (c) aristocracy (d) oligarchy
ANS (a)
9. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
One who works for the welfare of mankind
(a) communist (b) socialist (c) philanthropist (d) egalitarian
ANS (c)
10. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
A person who attacks traditional or established beliefs, principles, ideas, institutions etc.
(a) militant (b) anarchist (c) sceptic (d) iconoclast
ANS (d)
11. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
One who always hopes for the best in life.
(a) pacifist (b) optimist (c) socialist (d) evangelist
ANS (b)
12. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
One who loves books
(a) biographer (b) bibliographer (c) bibliophile (d) orthographer
ANS (c)
13. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
The poor boy found it difficult to make up his deficiency in English.
(a) recover (b) correct (c) remove (d) improve
ANS (d)
14. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
A Prime Minister cannot ride roughshod over his ministerial colleagues for long.
(a) deal unkindly with (b) take for granted (c) be ham handed with (d) exploit willfully
ANS (a)
15. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
The Opposition charged the Government with playing havoc with the banking system.
(a) disturbing (b) disorganizing (c) degrading (d) destroying
ANS (d)
16. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
Very soon the election campaigns on the part of different political parties will be in full swing.
(a) engaging (b) exciting (c) active (d) hectic
ANS (c)
17. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
Pain, anguish and shame come in the wake of the scandals in high places.
(a) accompany (b) follow (c) characterise (d) signify
ANS (b)
68. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Crescendo (b) Cresendo (c) Crecendo (d) Crascendo
ANS (a)
19. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Langor (b) Langour (c) Languour (d) Languor
ANS (d)
20. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Reclammation (b) Reclaimation (c) Reclamation (d) Reclaimmation
ANS (c)
21. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Indispensible (b) Indispensable (c) Indispensale (d)Indespensabe
ANS (b)
22. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Consummation (b) Consummetion (c) Consumation (d) Consumetion
ANS (a)
23. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Unparalelled (b) Unparalleled (c) Unparallelled (d) Unparaleled
ANS (b)
24. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Consience (b) Conscience (c) Concience (d) Consciense
ANS (b)
25. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Manuvre (b) Manovre (c) Manoeuvre (d) Manouever
ANS (c)
26. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Concupiscent (b) Concupisent (c) Concupicent (d) Concupescent
ANS (a)
27. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Bunglow (b) Bangalow (c) Banglow (d) Bungalow
ANS (d)
28. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) awesome (b) eager (c) bold (d) critical
ANS (c)
29. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) acquit (b) discharge (c) relieve (d) release
ANS (a)
30. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) careless (b) crude (c) crafty (d) cruel
ANS (d)
31. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) conceited (b) wild (c) vulgar (d) ridiculous
ANS (c)
32. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) recent (b) urban (c) progressive (d) modern
ANS (d)
33. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) strong (b) healthy (c) handsome (d) valuable
ANS (b)
34. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) express (b) expand (c) clarify (d) qualify
ANS (c)
35. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) curious (b) bold (c) adventurous (d) complex
ANS (a)
36. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) direct (b) control (c) instruct (d) cause
ANS (d)
37. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) reflect (b) know (c) guess (d) forecast
ANS (c)
38. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
Her ....... remark proved that she was really naive and unsophisticated
(a) unparliamentary (b) uninhibited (c) ingenuous (d) indifferent
ANS (c)
39. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
He ....... devoted himself to the task of completing his book in time
(a) ingeniously (b) assiduously (c) deliberately (d) exceptionally
ANS (b)
40. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
Because he was a ........ he shunned human society.
(a) misogynist (b) misfit (c) cynic (d) misanthrope
ANS (d)
41. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
He was ...... in his colourful dress uniform.
(a) attired (b) outfitted (c) resplendent (d) bedecked
ANS (c)
42. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
He is not the man to permit anyone to encroach ....... his rights.
(a) upon (b) in (c) into (d) against
ANS (a)
43. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
The Govt. has in principle ..... the privatisation of power generation and its distribution in the country.
(a) asserted (b) accepted (c) affirmed (d) confirmed
ANS (d)
44. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
Candidates securing marks above seventy five percent are ..... for this scholarship.
(a) worthy (b) competent (c) eligible (d) permissible
ANS (c)
45. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
The easier the job, the ..... you do it.
(a) longer (b) later (c) faster (d) lazier
ANS (c)
46. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
We need to take urgent action to control the ..... of the dreaded AIDS.
(a) rise (b) spread (c) development (d) outbreak
ANS (b)
47. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
I shall ..... from the bank tomorrow the money we need for our work.
(a) withdraw (b) recover (c) receive (d) take
ANS (a)
48. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'd'.
Many people are of the opinion (a)/ that the sudden outburst of the speaker (b)/ was surprising and unseemly, to say the least. (c) /No error (d)
ANS (d)
49. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'd'.
Everything depends on him (a)/ putting the right amount of (b)/ hard at the right time, (c)/ No error (d)
ANS (a)
50. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'd'.
There is Mr. Hussain (a)/ whom they say (b)/ is the best painter in the town. (c)/ No error (d)
ANS (b)
1. A clock shows the time as 6 a.m. If the minute hand gains 2 minutes every hour, how many minutes will the clock gain by 9 p.m.?
(a) 30 minutes
(b) 25 minutes
(c) 28 minutes
(d) 34 minutes
2. Find the right number, from the given options, at the place marked by the question mark: 2, 4, 8, 32, 256, ?
(a) 4096
(b) 8192
(c) 512
(d) 1024
3. Find the number missing at question mark:
10, 11, 23, 39, 64, ?, 149
(a) 100
(b) 103
(c) 78
(d) 128
4. A super fast bus of KSRTC starting from 'Trivandrum' and reaches 'Attingal' in 45 minutes with an average speed of 40 km/hr. If the speed is increased by 10 km/hr how much time it will take to cover the same distance?
(a) 34 minutes (b) 36 minutes (c) 38 minutes (d) 40 minutes
5. The difference between 6 times and 8 times of a figure is 14. What is the figure?
(a) 12 (b) 9 (c) 7 (d) 6
6. If 92y = 36 what is 9y?
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 18
7. One fourth percent of 180 is:
(a) 4.5 (b) 0.45 (c) 0.045 (d) 45
8. A candidate appearing for an examination has to secure 40% marks to pass paper I. But he secured only 40 marks and failed by 20 marks. What is the maximum mark for paper I?
(a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 180 (d) 150
9. Find the missing number 32, 52, 74, 112, 135 ...............
(a) 16 (b) 15 (c) 17 (d) 14
10. If 250 is increased to 300, what is the percentage increase?
(a) 16.67 (b) 20 (c) 23 (d) 17
11. The ratio of 9 seconds to 10 hours is .............
(a) 1:40 (b) 1:4000 (c) 9:10 (d) 1:400
12. A person lost 10% when he sold goods at Rs.153. For how much should he sell them to gain 20%?
(a) 204 (b) 250 (c) 240 (d) 210
13. What will be xy if 7862xy is to be divisible by 125?
(a) 25 (b) 00 (c) 75 (d) 50
14. A train of 100 meters long is running at the speed of 36 km per hour. In what time it passes a bridge of 80 meters long?
(a) 30 seconds (b) 36 seconds (c) 20 seconds (d) 18 seconds
15. If two-third of a bucket is filled in one minute then the time taken to fill the bucket completely will be .......
(a) 90 seconds (b) 70 seconds (c) 60 seconds (d) 100 seconds
16. If a quarter kilogram costs Rs. 60 then how much will cost for 150 grams?
(a) Rs. 30 (b) Rs. 24 (c) Rs. 36 (d) Rs. 40
17. If 3 men or 6 boys can do a piece of work in 20 days then how many days with 6 men and 8 boys take to do the same work?
(a) 5 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 6
18. Find the sum of first 100 natural numbers
(a) 5050 (b) 5005 (c) 9900 (d) 9050
19. Two poles of height 6 meters and 11 meters stand on a plane ground. If the distance between their feet is 12 meters then find the difference in the distance between their tops:
(a) 12m (b) 5m (c) 13m (d) 11m
20. How many balls of radius 4 cm can be made from a solid sphere of lead of radius 8 cm?
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 2
21. The solution to x2 +6x+9 = 0 is ........
(a) x1 = + 3, x2 = -3 (b) x1 = 3, x2 = 3
(c) x1 = -3, x2 = -3 (d) No solution
22. What is the chance of getting a 2 or 4 in rolling a die?
(a) 2/3 (b) 1/6 (c) 1/3 (d) 1/2
23. At what rate of simple interest per annum an amount will be doubled in 10 years?
(a) 10% (b) 7.5% (c) 16% (d) 15%
24. Five times an unknown number is 5 less than 50. The unknown number
(a) 10 (b) 11 (c) 9 (d) 5
25. The acute angle between the hour hand and minute hand of a clock at 4 PM
(a) 900 (b) 1200 (c) 1500 (d) 2400
26. Water is filled in a cylindrical vessel in such a way that its volume doubles after every five minutes. If it takes 30 minutes for the vessel to be full, then the vessel will be one fourth full in
(a) 20 minute (b) 25 minutes
(c) 7 minutes 30 seconds (d) 10 minutes
27. If 10 cats can kill 10 rats in 10 minutes how long will it take 100 cats to kill 100 rats
(a) 1 minutes (b) 10 minute (c) 100 minutes (d) 10000 minutes
28. If 75 % of a number is added to 75, the result is the number itself, then the number is:
(a) 250 (b) 750 (c) 400 (d) 300
29. A school has enough food for 400 children for 12 days. How long will the food last if 80 more children join them?
(a) 6 days (b) 7 days (c) 10 days (d) 8 days
30. The sum of two consecutive numbers is 55, which is the largest number?
(a) 25 (b) 28 (c) 26 (d) 27
31. When a shop keeper sold 2/3 of an item, he got the cost price of the whole lot. What is the percentage of his profit?
(a) 33 1/8 % (b) 66 2/3 % (c) 25 % (d) 50 %
32. The perimeter of a rectangular field is 480 meters and the ratio between the length and breadth is 5:3. The area of the field is:
(a) 7,200m2 (b) 15,000m2 (c) 54,000m2 (d) 13,500m2
33. If you add 100 to a certain number, the result will be more than, if you multiply that number by 1000 what is that number?
(a) 1.5 (b) 1.0 (c) 2.5 (d) 2.0
34. A student has to secure 40 % marks to pass. He gets 150 marks and fails by 30 marks. What is the maximum marks?
(a) 400 (b) 500 (c) 475 (d) 450
35. The circumcentre of an obtuse triangle will always be in the
(a) Interior of the triangle
(b) Midpoint of the diameter
(c) Exterior of the triangle
(d) Midpoint of the side of the triangle
36. What is the degree measure of a semicircle?
(a) 360 (b) 90 (c) 270 (d) 180
37. Which among the following is the point of intersection of the medians of a triangle?
(a) Circumcentre (b) Centroid (c) Orthocenter (d) Incentre
38. The height of a cone and its base diameter are equal. If the base radius is 'r' what is its slant height?
(a) 3r (b) 4r (c) ã5r (d) ã3r
39. The radii of two spheres are in the ratio 2:3. What is the ratio of their surface areas?
(a) 4:9 (b) 2:3 (c) 8:27 (d) 4:6
40. What is the common ratio of the progression 3ã2, 6, 6ã2 ?
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) ã2 (d) ã3
41. In class of 100 students 50 students passed in Mathematics and 70 passed in English, 5 students failed in both Mathematics and English. How many students passed in both the subjects?
(a) 25 (b) 30 (c) 50 (d) 45
42. Speed of a boat in still water is 9 km/hr. It goes 12 km down stream and comes back to the starting point in three hours.What is the speed of water in the stream?
(a) 3 km/hr (b) 4 km/hr (c) 4.5 km/hr (d) 5 km/hr
43. A student was asked to add 16 and subtract 10 from a number.He by mistake added 10 and subtracted 16. If his answer is 14 what is the correct answer?
(a) 20 (b) 26 (c) 30 (d) 32
44. Find the area of a right angled triangle whose hypotenuse is 10 cm and base 8 cm.
(a) 48 (b) 34 (c) 24 (d) 42
45. Find the next term of the series: 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, 54, ......
(a) 81 (b) 69 (c) 63 (d) 57
46. A number consists of 20 plus 20% of its value. The number is:
(a) 20 (b) 22 (c) 25 (d) 30
47. 20% of 5 + 5% of 20 =
(a) 5 (b) 2 (c) 6 (d) 21
48. The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock, when the time is 8.30
(a) 800 (b) 600 (c) 1050 (d) 750
49. Rs. 1581 is divided among A, B and C in the ratio 10 : 15 : 6. What is the share of B?
(a) 306 (b) 765 (c) 700 (d) 510
50. The sum of four consecutive counting numbers is 154. Find the smallest number:
(a) 36 (b) 37 (c) 38 (d) 31
1 A 11 B 21 C 31 D 41 A
2 B 12 A 22 B 32 D 42 A
3 A 13 D 23 A 33 B 43 B
4 B 14 D 24 C 34 D 44 C
5 C 15 A 25 B 35 C 45 A
6 B 16 C 26 A 36 D 46 C
7 C 17 D 27 B 37 B 47 B
8 D 18 A 28 D 38 C 48 D
9 C 19 C 29 C 39 C 49 B
10 B 20 B 30 B 40 C 50 B
Famous Personalities
Ustad Zakir Hussain Khan- Tabla
Pt. Ravi Shankar – Sitar
Hari Prasad Chaurasia –Flute
2. The Indian to beat the computers in mathematical wizardy is:- Shakuntla devi
3. Who is known as the “Lady with the Lamp” :- Florence nightingale
4. Daniela Bartova is related to :-Pole vault
5. C.k Nayudu was te captain of Indian :- Cricket team.
6. Charles Correa has Distinguished himself in the field of :-Architechture
7. Hari Prasad Chaurasia is a renowned player of:- Flute
8. Who is the Famous as the name of ‘Tragedy King’:- Dilip Kumar
9. P.t. Mallikarjun Mansoor’ the musician who died in 1992 at the age of 82 was a :- Vocalist
10. The film personality actively involved in institutinal movement or children’s film is :-Shabana Azmi
11. who was Dr Salim Ali:- is Ornithologist
12. M.S. Subhulakshmi :- Carnatic Vocalist
Ravi Shankar :- Sitar
Alla Rakha – Tabla Instrumentalist
13. With Which musical instrument was Ustad Mustaq Ali Khan associated;- Sitar
14. Ms. Guaura Pant’Shivani’ who passed away recently was a famous:-Writer
15. The first woman in space was :- Valentina Tereshkova
16. The name of the world’s second space tourist is ;- Mark Shuttleworth
17. Late Girilal Jain was a noted figure in which filed:- Journalism
18. Pt.Bhimsen Joshi is associated with which of the field :-Classical music
19. In which field Aachan Maaharaj has distinguished himself :- Dance
20. Dr Rashmi Mayur is a distinguished personality in which field:-Architechure
21. With which of the following is Begum akhtar Associated:- Vocal music
22. Satyan Bose has shown his excellence in which of the field:- Motion Picture
23. Pandit jasraj has established his reputationin field of :- Music
24. Dr M S Swaminathan has distinguished himself in the field of :- Agriculture
25. Who among the Indians is not inclued in the Guinness book of Records:-Vijay Amritrj
26. Which of the following are correctly matched
1 Medha Patkar-Environment Activist
2 Jamini Roy-Painter
3 Bhuvneshvari Kumari –Squash Player
27. Birju Maharaj is a well known exponent of :-Kathak
28. Yamini Krishnamurti is an accomplished expolnent of :- Bharatnatyam
29. Who among the following headed the committee on’Computerisation in Indian Banks{1988}:- M.Narasimhan
30. Ben Kingsley is associated with which of the following fields:-Motion pictures
31. Crusade for human rights is associated with :-Jimmy Carter
32. Vocalist Rahamat Khan belongs to Gwalior Gharana
33. With which of the following fields is M.F.Hussain associate:-Painting
34. Which of the following pairs of the maestro and instrument the play is not correct
Zakir Hussain –Tabla
Shiv Kumar sharma -Santor
Bismillaha Khan –Sitar {wrong}
Hari Prasad Churasia - Flute
35. Who among the follwing is called Father of German Unity’:- Helmut Kohl
36. Late Sri Hitendra desai distinguished himself in which of the areas:-Politics
37. Prof. Malcolm adiseshiah had earned world wide distinction in which of the field:-Economics
38. Who headed the first scientific group to leave for Antrarctica in 1982:- Dr. S.Z. Kasim
39. Late Smt. Vijayalaxmi Pandit was :-irst Indian Woman to become president of U.N.General Assembly
40. Gangubai Hngal is name associated with :-Music
41. Nandlal Bose is Known mostly for his:-Paintings
42. Who declared that his ultimate aim was to wipeevery tear form every eye:-Jawaharlal Nehru
43. Who amongst the following is a famous sarod Player:- Amjad ali Khan
44. Indian cotton merchant:banker :Congeressmanand a close associate of ‘mahatma Gandhi’ This descriptionfit ;-G.D Birla
45. Bachendri Pal became famous for her grand success in the field of :-mountaineering
46. The name of Pierre Cardin is associated with the field of:-Fashion designing
47. Ustad Nasir Zahiruddin Dagar was a renowned singer of which of the following forms of music:-Dhrupad
48. Samantha Fox is associated with :-Pop Music
49. Yehudi Menuhin selected for the fellowship of Sangeet Natak Akaemi is associated with:-violin
Model Set:-2
1. Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, who has won the prestigious ‘’Grammyu Awards’ is an exponent in which of the musical instruments:-Guitar
2. Ms Kim Campbell is the first Prime Minister of :-Canada
3. Who among the following is popularly known as ‘Nightingale of India’:-Sarojani Naidu
4. Which among the famous danseuses is not an exponent of Odissi dance style:-Yamini Krishnamurthy
5. Zubin Mehta is associated with:-Music
6. Musical Instrument used by Amir Khusro was:-Sitar
7. Limba Ram is associated with which of the field:-Sports
8. Who among the the social activist campaigning against child labour:-Swami agnivesh
9. Mr Meera Sahib Fathima Beevi is distinguished as the first lady:-Judge of the Supreme Court
10. Na
11. Bhim Sen Joshi has excelled himself in :- Vocal music
12. Kamal Arohi was associated with which of the fields of:-Motion Picture
13. Utpal dutt had a reputation in which the field of:-Films
14. Pandit K.G. ginde was well known for his contribution in the :-Music
15. Miss Universe 1995 Ms Sushmita Sen Hails from which cite:-New Delhi
16. Michael Jackson is a distinguished personality in the field of :-Pop Music
17. Who is known as the Father of Geometry:- Euclid
18. Ismat Chughtaiai is associated with which the field of ;Literature
19. Who is Known as the ‘saint of the gutters’:-Mother Teresa
20. Late Raja Ravi Verma, was an eminent fighure in which field:-Painting
21. Who among the following is an activist working for Chipo Movement in India:- Sundarlal Bahuguna
22. Bulo C.Rani Was associated with which of the field:-Social Service
23. Who amongst of following is not a painter:-Sonal Mansingh
24. Shambhu Mharaj was the exponent of :- Kathak
25. Which of the folowin is correctly matched:-Dr Pramod Karan Sethe- Jaipur poot
26. Jude Felix has established reputation as an Indian Player in which of the following games:-Hockey
27. Who among the first person to see fot on moon :-Neil Armstrong
28. Malika Sarabhai is associated with which of the field:-Classical dance
29. Who aong the creator of theRock Garden in Chandigarh:-Nek Chand
30. R.K laxman is a renowned:-Cartoonist
31. Dr joon Lew of Korea The recipient of International Gandhi Award is known for his service in which filed:-Eradiction of leprosy
32. Which of the following is not associated with vocal music:-Shiv Kumar
33. After how many year mr Yasser Arafat entered into Gaza strip:-27
34. Dr V. kurien has distinguished himself in which area:-Dairy development
35. Which of the is correctly mathced :-T.N. Kaul-Diplomat
36. Who is known as Indian Bismarck:-Patel
37. Kavita Dwivedi is asociated with which of the :-Odissi
38. V.Shantaram was associated with:-Motion Pictures
39. The first Indian to swim across english Channel was:-Mihir Sen
40. Naina Devi was associated With which of field:-Vocal music
41. Taranath Shenoy is a distinguished personality in the field of :-sports
42. Who has been appointed the new chief US administrator in Iraq:-Paul Bremer
43. A. Nageshwara Rao is associated with:-Mothion Picture
44. Jamini Roy was a famous:-Painter
45. Govind Talwalkar,recipient of the B.D.Goenka Awardfor excellence in Journalism,is the editor of which of the newspaper:-The Maharashtra Times
46. Vilayat Khan was associated with :-Sitar
47. Palghat Mani Iyer has specialised in plying:-shiv kuamr sharma
48. Which of the not associated with vocal music:-Shiv Kumar Sharma
49. Who is responsible for the revolt in Fiji:-George Speight
50. Prof.Malcolm Adiseshiah earned world wide in which field:- Economics
Model set-3
1. Amjad Ali Khan is associated with which of the musical instuments:-Sarod
2. Ms Vijaya Mehta has earned distiction in:- Theatre
3. Vijaya pat Singhania has establish a world record in :-Flying
4. T.K Mahalingam Pillai is associated with:- Bharathnatyam
5. The well-known Indian cartoonist is :-R.K Laxman
6. Math the following:-
Subhashini Ali-Trade Unionism
Nalini Singh-T.V Journalisn
Ila Bhatt-Social Work
Sai Paranjpe-Film Direction
7. Which of the following personalities is credited with starting ‘vana Mahotsava’ in 1950:-K.M Munshi
8. Udai Shankar is a Famous:-Dancer
9. Chandigarh was designed by :-Le Corbusier
10. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyaya was chiefly associated with :-Art * Handicraft
11. ShovnaNarayan is a reputed personality in :-Classical Dance
12. Bobby Talyarkhan was associated with :-Journalism
13. Mr. Sham lal has done commendable work in :-Journalism
14. Which of the names are associated with classical music:-Swami Haridas /Syama Shastri / Thyagaraja
15. Na
16. Late Sri K. Shankar pilai was associated with :-Cartooning
17. Maiden Queen was the nick name of :-Queen Elizabeth-1
18. Prof. Amartya sen has earned worldwide distinction in :-Economics
19. Late G.Aravindan was associated with which is :- Motion Picture
20. Vaikom Muhammed Basheer Was a famous:- Writer
21. Who among the an eminent Painter was:-Sarada Ukil
22. Kishori Amonkar is famous in which field:-Music
23. Guu Gopi Krishna Was a Maestro of which of the dance forms:-Kathak
24. Who among the topped the forbes magazine ‘s annual lisht of the Most powerful Celebrities on the Planet Released in June2002:- Britney Spears
25. Afamous Musician {Instrumentsalist} associated with Tabla is :- Vilayat khan
26. Ustad Vilayat Khan is assocatied with:- Instrumental Music
27. With Which of the Satajit Ray associated was:-Direction of films
28. The man popularly known as Gurudev is :-Rabindranath Tagore
29. Frontier Gandhi-Abul Kalam Azad
30. A.Nageshwara Rao is associated with which of the fields:-Motion Picture
31. Who among the following is a famous tabla player:-Swappan kumar chaudhri
32. MsBachendri Pal had undertaken a unique expeditin ofr focussing attention on which of the following themes:-Spirit of adventure
33. Who is Mickey Kantor:-U.S. trade representative
34. Patwarilal Das was a/an:- Veteran Gandhian
35. Bhau Athaya won an Oscar award for:-costum designing
36. Ashok Pandit is known for his outstanding performance in which of :-Shooting
37. Who among the following persons is called Desert Fox;=-Gen.Rommel
38. Na
39. Which Iraqi Scientist known as Dr Germ for her role in Iraq’s biological weapons programme recently surrendered to coalition forces:- Rihab Rashid Taha
40. Na
41. Greto Garbo is a Name asociated with Acting
42. Which of the following personalities inpired Green revolution in india:-N.E.Borlug
43. Which of the following is a violing Player:- V.C.Jog
44. Who among the creator of the Barbies the
Posted by sundramkr Saturday, May 17, 2008 at 10:26 PM
1. Who has been appointed as the new Chairman of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in MAY 2008 ?
(A) Rajeev Chandrashekha
(B) Anand Mahindra
(C) K.V.Kamath
(D) Ganesh Natarajan
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
2. Th World's longest Sea Bridge has been established in-
(A) India
(C) Japan
(D) Malaysia
(E) China
Ans (E)
3. 12th UNCTAD (UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT) miniterial lavel conference was held in April 2008 at-
(A) New Delhi (India)
(B) Accra (Ghana)
(C) Islamabad (Pakistan)
(D) Dhaka (Bangladesh)
(E) Kathmandu (Nepal)
Ans (B)
4. At which place India’s first Indira Gandhi National Tribal University would be set up ?
(A) Amarkantak (Madhya Pradesh)
(B) Nagpur
(C) Hyderabad
(D) Noida
(E) Patna
Ans (A)
5. Nathula Pass is located in the State :
(A) Nagaland
(B) Sikkim
(C)West Bengal
(D) Assam
(E) Tripura
Ans (B)
6. THE 2007 Durand Cup has been won by –
(A) Mohan Bagan
(B) Mahindra United
(C) Churchill Brothers
(D) Central Railways
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
7. Who amongst the following has been named as the Forbes Asia Businessman of the year 2007 ?
(A) K.V.Kamath
(B) Ratan Tata
(C) Nandan Nilekani
(D) Ajim Premji
(E) None of these
Ans (A)
8. Konkan Railway is building world’s tallest railways bridge in which of the following states ?
(A) Punjab
(B) Jammu & Kashmir
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Kerala
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
9. The author the book “ Jyoti Punj” is-
(A) Sonia Gandhi
(B) Narendra Modi
(C) Jaswant Singh
(D) Pervez Musharraf
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
10. World Investment Report is an annual publication of :
(C) World Bank
Ans (A)
11. Which of the following countries has the maximum amount of external debt ?
(B) Brazil
(D) Japan
(E) Russia
Ans (A)
12. Lee Myung Bak is the president of –
(A) China
(B) South Korea
(C) North Korea
(D) Malaysia
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
13. The author the book “ My Country My Life” is-
(A) Sonia Gandhi
(B) L.K.Advani
(C) Jaswant Singh
(D) Pervez Musharraf
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
14. Who has been won the Prem Bhatia Award for the year 2008 ?
(A) Nagma
(B) Shweta Singh
(C) Nirupama Subramaniam
(D) Nalini Singh
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
15. Who has been won Commonwealth Writers Prize 2008 ?
(A) Kiran Desai
(B) Shweta Singh
(C) Rupashree Nanda
(D) Indra Sinha
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
16. What is the full form of the term “PIARC” ?
(A) Permanent International Association of Road Congress
(B) Permanent Indian Association of Road Congress
(C) Permanent International Accident of Road Congress
(D) Permanent International Association of Rapid Congress
(E) None of these
Ans (A)
17. What is the percentage of the African countries in the earth areas ?
(A) 28%
(B) 18%
(C) 20%
(D) 25%(E) 35%
Ans (C)
18. International women’s day is celebrated every year on –
(A) January 26
(B) March 8
(C) August 26
(D) December 8
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
19. Gary Kirsten signed a two year contract with BCCI to coach the Indian Cricket team, belongs to :
(A) South Africa
(B) England
(C) West Indies
(D) Australia
(E) New Zealand
Ans (A)
20. Capital formation in an economy depends on :
(A) Total income
(B) Total savings
(C) Total demand
(D) Total Production
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
21. The National Old age Pension Scheme has now been extended to cover the entire BPL people above---------- of age
(A) 55 years
(B) 60 years
(C) 62 years
(D) 65 years
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
22. According to the Union Finance Minister , by which year will India become middle income nation ?
(A) 2015
(B) 2025
(C) 2030
(D) 2032
(E) 2040
Ans (B)
23. Who has been conferred to Miss India World 2008 ?
(A) Simran Kaur Mundi
(B) Tanvi Vyas
(C) Parvathy Omanakuttan
(D) Pooja Chitgopekar
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
24. The 20th Interpol Asian Regional Conference was held in March 2008 at _
(A) India
(B) Hong Kong
(C) Kuala Lumpur
(D) Moscow
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
25. Who is the new President of Russia ?
(A) Vladimir Putin
(B) Dmitry Medvedev
(C) Viktor Chernomyrdin
(D) Boris Yeltsin
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
1. On 7th May 2008, agni-III was test-fired. It was—
(A) Ballistic Missile
(B) Surface to air missile
(C) Land to sea missile
(D) Air to air missile
2. Which of the following High Courts has recently quashed the merit list issued in 2006 and 2007 by the centre and the UPSC—
(A) Bhopal High Court
(B) Rajasthan High Court
(C) Madras High Court
(D) Guwahati High Court
3. Recently the Acronym START came into News. START stands for—
(A) Strategic Association for Restructuring Trade
(B) Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
(C) System Tracking and Reprocessing Team
(D) None of the above
4. People’s Democratic Party emerged second largest party with 33·01% in elections held in—
(A) Bhutan
(B) Nepal
(C) Zimbabwe
(D) Italy
5. According to the World Conservation Union Report, the number of plant species in India listed as threatened is—
(A) 247 plant species
(B) 250 plant species
(C) 275 plant species
(D) 255 plant species
6. Which of the following states passed a Bill in March 2008, amending the Registration Act 1908 to prohibit foreigners from buying land in the state—
(A) Kerala
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Goa
(D) Maharashtra
7. The renowned scientist John Wheeler who died in April 2008, was originally hailed from—
(A) Australia
(B) U.S.A.
(C) Finland
(D) Britain
8. Who received Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmanent and Development for 2007—
(A) Bill Gates
(B) Nelson Mandela
(C) Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(D) Arthur C. Clarke
9. The 2008 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize awarded to —
(A) Lydia Cacho Ribeiro
(B) Anna Politkovskaya
(C) May Chidiac
(D) U Win Tin
10. Which of the following Indian players has not completed 10,000 runs in Test cricket—
(A) Rahul Dravid
(B) Sachin Tendulkar
(C) Sunil Gavaskar
(D) Virendra Sehwag
11. On March 26, 2008, NASA’s space shuttle which returned safely to Earth after completing 16 day mission to International Space Station was—
(A) Discovery
(B) Endeavour
(C) Columbia
(D) None of the above
12. Jules Verne is Europe’s—
(A) Space shuttle
(B) Missile shield system
(C) Biggest spacecraft
(D) Mission to Antarctica
13. India’s National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme has prepared the country’s first—
(A) Dirrohoea map
(B) Malarial map
(C) Bird flu map
(D) Cancer map
14. ‘The World Is What It Is’ is the biography of—
(A) V. S. Naipal
(B) Khushwant Singh
(C) Amrita Preetam
(D) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
15. According to a World Bank Report India got remittances in 2007 worth—
(A) $ 30 billion
(B) $ 35 billion
(C) $ 25 billion
(D) $ 27 billion
16. The Summit of NATO (NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY) was held in April in—
(A) Romania
(B) Morocco
(C) Pakistan
(D) Indonesia
17. According to latest WHO report the number of estimated TB cases found every year in India is—
(A) 2·2 million
(B) 1·9 million
(C) 1·5 million
(D) 1·7 million
18. Tata purchased Jaguar and Rover from—
(A) Hyundai
(B) Maruti Suzuki
(C) Ford Motor
(D) None of the above
19. According to a survey, the country which has the highest number of internet users is—
(A) U.S.A.
(B) China
(C) Japan
(D) Germany
20. Which country has won the Women's Asia Cup Cricket 2008 which was held in Colombo in the monthe of May 2008 ?
(A) Brisbane
(B) Melbourne
(C) Sydney
(D) Perth
21. According to Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council (EAC) headed by C. Rangrajan the economic growth rate for 2008-09 will remain at—
(A) 8%
(B) 8·5%
(C) 9%
(D) 8·9%
22. The Pritzkar Architecture Prize has been won by—
(A) Bill Gates Foundation
(B) William Harvey
(C) Jea Nouvel
(D) None of the above
23. Which of the following cricket players has been banned for violating the player’s code of conduct by PCB ?
(A) Danish Kaneria
(B) Shoaib Malik
(C) Mohammad Yousuf
(D) Shoaib Akhtar
24. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme has now been extended to all 604 districts of the country with a total budget outlay of—
(A) 18000 crore
(B) 16000 crore
(C) 15000 crore
(D) 14000 crore
25. Inflation which soared above 7% in the month of April is measured by—
(A) Consumer Price Index
(B) Retail Price Index
(C) Whole Sale Price Index
(D) Industrial Price Index
26. The winner of Bahrain Grand Prix is—
(A) Lewis Hamilton
(B) Kartikeyan
(C) Felipe Massa
(D) Robert Kubica
27. The winner of Miss India Earth 2008 is—
(A) Tanvi Vyas
(B) Suman Kaur
(C) Rashmi Sehgal
(D) Rani Sharma
28. In face of rising prices, Central Government has decided to set strategic Reserve of foodgrains over and above buffer stock. The limit of the reserve is—
(A) 10 million tonnes
(B) 7 million tonnes
(C) 6 million tonnes
(D) 5 million tonnes
29. Which of following newspapers/magazines won six Pulitzer prizes—
(A) The New York Times
(B) The Times Magazine
(C) The Washington Post
(D) The Guardian
30. ‘Leftism in India, 1917-1947’ is a book written by—
(A) S. R. Chaudhuri
(B) K. Kanwar
(C) R. Nagaswamy
(D) Sudipto Chatterjee
31. Recently President Pratibha Patil visited three countries. Which of the following was not the part of her trip—
(A) Argentina
(B) Chile
(C) Mexico
(D) Brazil
32. GJM stands for—
(A) General Justice Movement
(B) Gorkha Janmukti Morcha
(C) Gorkhaland Janshakti Morcha
(D) Gorkha Janjagriti Morcha
33. The elections of which of the following countries were marred by controversy—
(A) Italy
(B) Spain
(C) Zimbabwe
(D) Nepal
34. Supreme Court has upheld the law enacted in 2006 providing 27% for candidates belonging to—
(A) SCs
(B) STs
(D) Minorities OBC
35. At which of the following places have the remains of early human history been found in excavation—
(A) Chittorgarh
(B) Bhavnagar
(C) Kolkata
(D) Karaikal
36. ‘Salwa Judum’ is—
(A) Terrorist organization
(B) A branch of naxalite
(C) Name of a police force
(D) An anti naxalite movement
37. When was Nepal declared a Secular Nation—
(A) in 2005
(B) in 2007
(C) in 2008
(D) in 2006
38. The Director General of UN Food and Agriculture Organisation of present is—
(A) Jacques Diouf
(B) Kundekeh K. Yumkella
(C) Jammel Al Hiyilan
(D) Michael Griffin
39. According to a research, stem cells from skin can treat—
(A) Alzhumer
(B) Schizophrenia
(C) Parkinson’s disease
(D) None of the above
40. When did the Olympic torch relay begin ?
(A) in 1950
(B) in 1952
(C) in 1953
(D) in 1963
Answers with Hints
1. (A) 2. (C)
3. (B) The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (START-II) is a treaty between Russia and U.S.A. for reducing their nuclear arsenals. The treaty is due to expire in 2009.
4. (A) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (D) 11. (B) 12. (C)
13. (B) India’s Vector Borne Disease Control Programme has prepared the country’s first malarial map identifying India’s 60 most malarial endemic districts that report over 50% of the country’s malaria’s cases.
14. (A) 15. (D) 16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (C)
19. (B) 20. (A) India won fourth consecutive times in Women's Asia Cup Cricket 21. (B)
22. (C) The Pritzkar Architecture Prize, considered to be equivalent of Nobel Prize for architecture has been won french architect Jea Nouvel for his creative experimentation in architecture.
23. (D) 24. (B) 25. (C) 26. (C) 27. (A) 28. (D)
29. (C) The Washington Post has won six Pulitzer Prizes, including Public service award for its reporting on conditions of U.S. War Veterans.
30. (A) 31. (A) 32. (B) 33. (C)
34. (C) The Supreme Court on April 10, 2008 upheld the law enacted in 2006 providing a quota of 27 per cent to the other Backward Classes in Central Educational Institutions.
35. (C)
36. (D) Salva Judam is an antinaxalite movement formed by group of people against attack from maxalites. The movement started from Dantewada district (Chhattisgarh).
37. (D) 38. (A) 39. (C) 40. (B)
1.If GRAMMAR is written as MAMRAGR, the ENGLISH is written as:
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
2. Which of the following replaces the question mark?
(a) HCWI
(b) HDVQ
(c) IBUP
(d) HDUR
(e) None of these
Ans (a)
3. If DBMDVUUB stands for Calcutta, How will you write Bombay?
(e) None of these
Ans (d
4.Insert the word that completes the first word and begins the second
Clue: boy
(a) ERS
(b) OCK
(c) LAD
(d) LIES
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
5. A man travels three miles due North, then travels eight miles due East and further travels three miles due North. How far is he from the starting point?
(a) 14 miles
(b) 10 miles
(c) 100 miles
(d) 15 miles
(e) None of these
Ans (b)
6. Which is the wrong member among the following?
(a) Microscope
(b) Stethoscope
(c) Telescope
(d) Periscope
(e) None of these
Ans (b)
7. From the following select the member that does not belong to the set
(a) Whale
(b) Crocodile
(c) Lizard
(d) Snake
(e) None of these
Ans (a)
8. Which is not related in the following set?
(a) Othello
(b) King Lear
(c) Macbeth
(d) Oliver TwistV
(e) None of these
Ans (d)
9. Which is the wrong member in the following set?
(a) Graphite
(b) Diamond
(c) Pearl
(d) Coal
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
10. From the following select the word that does not belong to the set
(a) Cube
(b) Rectangle
(c) Rhombus
(d) Square
(e) None of these
Ans (a)
11. If in a certain code TWENTY is written as 863985 and ELEVEN is written as 323039 how is TWELVE written?
(a) 863584
(b) 863203
(c) 863903
(d) 863063
(e) None of these
Ans (b)
12. Showing a man Saroj said: “He is the brother of my Uncle's daughter”. What is the relation of Saroj with that man?
(a) Son
(b) Brother-in-law
(c) Nephew
(d) Cousin
(e) None of these
Ans (d)
13.In a certain code MONKEY is written as XDJMNL. How is TIGER written in that code?
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
14.Choose the subject which is different from others
(a) Mathematics
(b) Arithmetic
(c) Geometry
(d) Algebra
(e) None of these
Ans (a)
15. Aluminium is to Bauxite as iron is to
(a) Pyrite
(b) Haematite
(c) Magnesite
(d) Iron Oxide
(e) None of these
Ans (b)
16. Which among the following is different from others?
(a) DE
(b) PQ
(c) TU
(d) MO
(e) None of these
Ans (d)
17. Which is the odd pair of words different from the following sets?
(a) Blacksmith : Anvil
(b) Carpenter : Saw
(c) Goldsmith : Ornaments
(d) Barber : Scissor
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
18. Which is the pair like Triangle : Hexagon?
(a) Cone : Sphere
(b) Rectangle : Octagon
(c) Pentagon : Heptagon
(d) Triangle : Quadrilateral
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
19. Bag is related to luggage in the same way as ship is related to
(a) Cargo
(b) Coal
(c) Stock
(d) Weight
(e) None of these
Ans (a)
20. Moon : Satellite :: Earth : ?
(a) sun
(b) solar system
(c) asteroid
(d) planet
(e) None of these
Ans (d)
21. Select the pair which has the same relationship as the given pair Traveler : Destination
(a) Beggar : Donation
(b) Teacher : Education
(c) Refugee : Shelter
(d) Accident : Hospital
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
22. A man is facing north-west. He turns 90o in the clockwise direction and then 1350 in the anticlockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?
(a) east
(b) west
(c) north
(d) south
(e) None of these
Ans (b)
23. Which is the irregular member of the following group?
(a) RQPA
(b) MLKA
(c) STUA
(d) HGFA
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
24.Choose which is least like the other words in the group?
(a) Club
(b) hotel
(c) hostel
(d) inn
(e) None of these
Ans (a)
25. Which among the following is same as Violet : Orange : Yellow?
(a) Purple
(b) White
(c) Pink
(d) Blue
(e) None of these
Ans (d)
1. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
The dog let out (a)/ a blood chilling (b)/ howling when it was it was (c)/ given the injection (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (c)
2. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
It being an important (a)/ letter, the draft had to be (b)/ seen by the Governor (c)/ itself for approval. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (d)
3. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Asha could not defeat her (a)/ opponents contrary to their (b)/ good preparation and (c)/ long practice. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (b)
4. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Pratiksha expected good marks (a)/ in the examination (b)/ but she was very disappointed (c)/ when the results came. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (e)
5. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Irrespective of either (a)/ Vijay or Sanjay goes (b)/ the overdue payment (c)/ cannot be collected. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (a)
6. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Some people consider Kama (a)/ to be the valorous (b)/ hero of all the (c)/ characters in the Mahabharat. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (b)
7. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Victor, along with (a)/ a group of friends (b)/ was going on picnic (c)/ when the accident happen. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (d)
8. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
A ruling body or class of rich men.
(a) plutocracy (b) meritocracy (c) aristocracy (d) oligarchy
ANS (a)
9. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
One who works for the welfare of mankind
(a) communist (b) socialist (c) philanthropist (d) egalitarian
ANS (c)
10. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
A person who attacks traditional or established beliefs, principles, ideas, institutions etc.
(a) militant (b) anarchist (c) sceptic (d) iconoclast
ANS (d)
11. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
One who always hopes for the best in life.
(a) pacifist (b) optimist (c) socialist (d) evangelist
ANS (b)
12. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
One who loves books
(a) biographer (b) bibliographer (c) bibliophile (d) orthographer
ANS (c)
13. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
The poor boy found it difficult to make up his deficiency in English.
(a) recover (b) correct (c) remove (d) improve
ANS (d)
14. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
A Prime Minister cannot ride roughshod over his ministerial colleagues for long.
(a) deal unkindly with (b) take for granted (c) be ham handed with (d) exploit willfully
ANS (a)
15. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
The Opposition charged the Government with playing havoc with the banking system.
(a) disturbing (b) disorganizing (c) degrading (d) destroying
ANS (d)
16. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
Very soon the election campaigns on the part of different political parties will be in full swing.
(a) engaging (b) exciting (c) active (d) hectic
ANS (c)
17. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
Pain, anguish and shame come in the wake of the scandals in high places.
(a) accompany (b) follow (c) characterise (d) signify
ANS (b)
68. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Crescendo (b) Cresendo (c) Crecendo (d) Crascendo
ANS (a)
19. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Langor (b) Langour (c) Languour (d) Languor
ANS (d)
20. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Reclammation (b) Reclaimation (c) Reclamation (d) Reclaimmation
ANS (c)
21. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Indispensible (b) Indispensable (c) Indispensale (d)Indespensabe
ANS (b)
22. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Consummation (b) Consummetion (c) Consumation (d) Consumetion
ANS (a)
23. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Unparalelled (b) Unparalleled (c) Unparallelled (d) Unparaleled
ANS (b)
24. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Consience (b) Conscience (c) Concience (d) Consciense
ANS (b)
25. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Manuvre (b) Manovre (c) Manoeuvre (d) Manouever
ANS (c)
26. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Concupiscent (b) Concupisent (c) Concupicent (d) Concupescent
ANS (a)
27. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Bunglow (b) Bangalow (c) Banglow (d) Bungalow
ANS (d)
28. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) awesome (b) eager (c) bold (d) critical
ANS (c)
29. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) acquit (b) discharge (c) relieve (d) release
ANS (a)
30. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) careless (b) crude (c) crafty (d) cruel
ANS (d)
31. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) conceited (b) wild (c) vulgar (d) ridiculous
ANS (c)
32. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) recent (b) urban (c) progressive (d) modern
ANS (d)
33. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) strong (b) healthy (c) handsome (d) valuable
ANS (b)
34. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) express (b) expand (c) clarify (d) qualify
ANS (c)
35. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) curious (b) bold (c) adventurous (d) complex
ANS (a)
36. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) direct (b) control (c) instruct (d) cause
ANS (d)
37. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) reflect (b) know (c) guess (d) forecast
ANS (c)
38. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
Her ....... remark proved that she was really naive and unsophisticated
(a) unparliamentary (b) uninhibited (c) ingenuous (d) indifferent
ANS (c)
39. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
He ....... devoted himself to the task of completing his book in time
(a) ingeniously (b) assiduously (c) deliberately (d) exceptionally
ANS (b)
40. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
Because he was a ........ he shunned human society.
(a) misogynist (b) misfit (c) cynic (d) misanthrope
ANS (d)
41. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
He was ...... in his colourful dress uniform.
(a) attired (b) outfitted (c) resplendent (d) bedecked
ANS (c)
42. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
He is not the man to permit anyone to encroach ....... his rights.
(a) upon (b) in (c) into (d) against
ANS (a)
43. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
The Govt. has in principle ..... the privatisation of power generation and its distribution in the country.
(a) asserted (b) accepted (c) affirmed (d) confirmed
ANS (d)
44. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
Candidates securing marks above seventy five percent are ..... for this scholarship.
(a) worthy (b) competent (c) eligible (d) permissible
ANS (c)
45. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
The easier the job, the ..... you do it.
(a) longer (b) later (c) faster (d) lazier
ANS (c)
46. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
We need to take urgent action to control the ..... of the dreaded AIDS.
(a) rise (b) spread (c) development (d) outbreak
ANS (b)
47. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
I shall ..... from the bank tomorrow the money we need for our work.
(a) withdraw (b) recover (c) receive (d) take
ANS (a)
48. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'd'.
Many people are of the opinion (a)/ that the sudden outburst of the speaker (b)/ was surprising and unseemly, to say the least. (c) /No error (d)
ANS (d)
49. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'd'.
Everything depends on him (a)/ putting the right amount of (b)/ hard at the right time, (c)/ No error (d)
ANS (a)
50. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'd'.
There is Mr. Hussain (a)/ whom they say (b)/ is the best painter in the town. (c)/ No error (d)
ANS (b)
1.Study each of the following table and choose the alternative which can best replace the question mark (?)
1 2 3 2 10 12
2 5 12 10 16 13
1 2 1 ? 10 24
(a) 5 (b) 11 (c) 13 (d) 8
Ans (c)
2. Study each of the following table and choose the alternative which can best replace the question mark (?)
3 8 10 2 ? 1
6 56 90 2 20 0
(a) 0 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 7
Ans (c)
3.In the following question one term in the number series is wrong. Find out the wrong term.
11, 5, 20, 12, 40, 26, 74, 54
(a) 5 (b) 20 (c) 40 (d) 26
Ans (c)
4. In the following question one term in the number series is wrong. Find out the wrong term.
8, 14, 26, 48, 98, 194, 386
(a) 14 (b) 48 (c) 98 (d) 194
Ans (b)
5. Calculate value of each word by the following formula:
Consonants = (2 × Position of the letter in alphabet) - 1
Vowels = (3 × Position in alphabet) + 1
(a) 77 (b) 79 (c) 83 (d) 80
Ans (d)
6. Calculate value of each word by the following formula:
Consonants = (2 × Position of the letter in alphabet) - 1
Vowels = (3 × Position in alphabet) + 1
(a) 153 (b) 157 (c) 151 (d) 149
Ans (a)
7. Calculate value of each word by the following formula:
Consonants = (2 × Position of the letter in alphabet) - 1
Vowels = (3 × Position in alphabet) + 1
(a) 67 (b) 62 (c) 59 (d) 65
Ans (d)
8. In a certain code language, '3a, 2b, 7c' means 'Truth is Eternal'; '7c, 9a, 8b, 3a' means 'Enmity is not Eternal' and 6a, 4d, 2b, 8b' means 'Truth does not perish'. Which of the following means 'enmity' in that language?
(a) 3a (b) 7c (c) 8b (d) 9a
Ans (d)
9. In a certain code language, 'po ki top ma' means 'Usha is playing cards'; 'Kop ja ki ma' means 'Asha is playing tennis'; ki top sop ho' means 'they are playing football'; and 'po sur kop' means 'cards and tennis'. Which word in that language means 'Asha'?
(a) ja (b) ma (c) kop (d) top
Ans (a)
10. A girl was born on September 6, 1970, which happened to be a Sunday. Her birthday has again fall on Sunday in
(a) 1975 (b) 1976 (c) 1977 (d) 1981
Ans (d)
11. A long rope has to be cut to make 23 small pieces. If it is double folded to start with how many times does it need to be cut?
(a) 9 (b) 23 (c) 11 (d) 12
Ans (c)
12. There are 19 hockey players in a club. On a particular day 14 were wearing the hockey shirts prescribed, while 11 were wearing the prescribed hockey pants. None of them was without either hockey pants or hockey shirts. How many were in complete hockey uniform?
(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 7
Ans (b)
13. In a class room three fourth of the boys are above 160 cm in height and they are 18 in number. Also out of the total strength, the boys form only two third and the rest are girls. The total number of girls in the class is
(a) 18 (b) 24 (c) 12 (d) 30
Ans (c)
14. 'A' is east of 'B' and west of 'C'. 'H' is South-West of 'C', 'B' is South-East of 'X'. which is farthest West?
(a) C (b) A (c) X (d) B
Ans (c)
15. A girl earns twice as much in December as in each of the other months. What part of her entire year's earning does she earn in December?
(a) 2/11 (b) 2/13 (c) 3/14 (d) 1/6
Ans (b)
16. One watch is 1 minute slow at 1 pm on Tuesday and 2 minutes fast at 1 pm on Thursday. When did it show the correct time?
(a) 1.00 am on Wednesday (b) 5.00 am on Wednesday (c) 1.00 pm on Wednesday (d) 5.00 pm on Wednesday
Directions (Question 17 to 22) :Given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Mark (a) if only assumption I is implicit
Mark (b) if only assumption II is implicit
Mark (c) if either I or II is implicit
Mark (d) if neither I or II is implicit
17.Statement: Even with the increase in the number of sugar factories in India. We still continue to import sugar.
Assumptions :I. The consumption of sugar per capita has increased in India.
II. Many of the factories are not in a position to produce sugar to their fullest capacity.
Ans (c)
18.Statement :I cannot contact you on phone from Karshik.
Assumption : I. Telephone facility is not available at Karshik.
II. Nowadays it is difficult to contact on phone.
Ans (b)
19.Statement : The government has decided to reduce the custom duty on computer peripherals.
Assumptions : I. The domestic market price of computer peripherals may go up in near future.
II. the domestic manufacturers may oppose the decision.
Ans (a)
20. Statement : In Bombay, railway trains are indispensable for people in the suburbs to reach their places of work on time.
Assumptions : I. Railway trains are the only mode of transport available in the suburbs of Bombay.
II. Only railway trains run punctually.
Ans (a)
21. Statement :The private bus services in the city has virtually collapsed because of the ongoing strike of its employees.
Assumptions : I. Going on strikes has become the right of every employee.
II. People no more require the services of private bus operators.
Ans (b)
22. Statement : Detergents should be used. to clean clothes.
Assumptions : I. Detergents from more lather.
II. Detergents help to dislodge grease and dirt.
Ans (d)
23. Which letter when placed at the sign of interrogation shall complete the matrix?
? N R
(a) P (b) N (c) K (c) O
Ans (c)
24. Which letter when placed at the sign of interrogation shall complete the matrix?
E U F ?
(a) T (b) F (c) V (d) R
Ans (c)
25. Which number when placed at the sign of interrogation shall complete the matrix?
1 4 9 ?
1 2 3 4
2 4 6 ?
(a) 16 and 8 (b) 36 and 4 (c) 25 and 5 (d) 49 and 7
Ans (a)
26. Which number when placed at the sign of interrogation shall complete the matrix?
6 6 8
5 7 5
4 3 ?
120 126 320
(a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 8 (d) 4
Ans (c)
27. In the following questions, there are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Read both the statements and give answer as:
(a) If only conclusion I follows. (b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either I or II follows. (d) If neither I nor II follows.
Statements: I. Many scooters are trucks. II. All trucks are trains
Conclusions: I. Some scooters are trains. II. No truck is a scooter.
Ans (a)
28. In the following questions, there are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Read both the statements and give answer as:
(a) If only conclusion I follows. (b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either I or II follows. (d) If neither I nor II follows.
Statements: I. All cars are cats. II. All fans are cats.
Conclusions: I. All cars are fans. II. Some fans are cars.
Ans (d)
29. In the following questions, there are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Read both the statements and give answer as:
(a) If only conclusion I follows. (b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either I or II follows. (d) If neither I nor II follows.
Statements: I. All pilots are experts. II. All authors are pilots.
Conclusions: I. All authors are experts. II. No expert in an author.
Ans (a)
30.In the following questions, there are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Read both the statements and give answer as:
(a) If only conclusion I follows. (b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either I or II follows. (d) If neither I nor II follows.
Statements: I. Some doctors are institutes. II. Some crooks are institutes.
Conclusions: I. All institutes are doctors. II. Some institutes are crooks.
Ans (b)
Questions asked in various Bank P.O. Examinations held in last 12 months
(1) Dubai (2) Bangalore
(3) Panaji (4) Moscow
(5) Amsterdam
16. Which of the following banks was adjudged best in
¡¥Corporate Governance¡¦ and was given Golden Peacock
Award, 2005, for the same?
(1) Bank of India (2) Punjab National Bank
(3) ICICI Bank (4) State Bank of India
(5) None of these
17. The 6th African Union Summit was held in January
2006 in Khartoum. Where is this place Khartoum? It is in:
(1) Ghana (2) South Africa
(3) Angola (4) Chad
(5) Sudan
18. Which amongst the following is one of the books by
Bill Gates?
(1) Business @ The Speed of Thought
(2) The Google Story (3) Net and Internet
(4) The World is Flat (5) None of these
19. Which of the following countries has developed a
low cost anti-rabies vaccine, which is also the world¡¦s first
combination rabies vaccine?
(1) China (2) India
(3) Britain (4) USA
(5) None of these
20. Aung San Suu Kyi who was awarded the Olaf Palm
Prize recently is a citizen of:
(1) Singapore (2) China
(3) Taiwan (4) Myanmar
(5) Nepal
21. The XXI Winter Olympics will be held in 2010 at:
(1) Tokyo (2) Minsk
(3) Rome (4) Vancouver
(5) Bangkok
22. Which of the following organizations has created
an ¡¥Investor Protection Fund¡¦, which is funded by fines and
penalties collected by the organization itself from various
(1) SEBI (2) RBI
(3) IRDA (4) AMFI
(5) None of these
23. To tackle the widespread rural unemployment the
Union Budget 2006-07 has approximately earmarked an
amount of Rs:
(1) 10000 crores (2) 12500 crores
(3) 14300 crores (4) 16700 crores
(5) 20000 crores
24. Earlier it was thought safe to allow each financial
institution to carry out only one type of financial service. But
now banks are selling shares, insurance companies can sell
banking services. These new financial conglomerates are
colloquially referred to as:
(1) Multinationals
(2)Financial supermarkets
(3) Market regulators
(4) Brand Promoters
(5) None of these
25. Which of the following is the purpose owing to
which banks have created Investment Fluctuation Reserves
(IFR)? This will help them in managing:
(1) Interest rate risk
(2) CRR
(3) SLR
(4) Foreign Currency Accounts
(5) None of these
26. As per the guidelines issued by the SEBI the
Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a must for which of
the following?
(1) Demat Accounts
(2) All Saving Banks Accounts
(3) All Housing Loan Accounts
(4) All Current Accounts
(5) None of these
27. Many times we read a term ¡¥Free Market¡¦ in
newspapers. What does it mean? [Pick up the correct
(A) It is a market where pricing is driven by the laws of
supply and demand.
(B) In free market things are available without restraints
of the government.
(C) In such markets goods are free from extraneous
influences such as tariff or quotas.
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) (A), (B) and (C) all
28. Which of the following correctly describes what is
(1) It is a comprehensive governance programme for
rural India launched by the Government of India.
(2) It is the new service launched by the MTNL which
will provide cheap mobile connection to rural
(3) It is a newly launched internet service launched by
the Tatas providing cheap connections to rural
(4) It is a call center service launched by the ITC to help
(5) None of these
29. Corporation Bank is also a distributor of the
Mutual Fund products. For this the bank has an agreement
with which of the following organizations?
(1) Bajaj Allianz (2) DSP Merrill Lynch
(3) HDFC Mututal Fund (4) SBI Mutual Fund
(5) None of these
30. Which of the following was the reason owing to
which Thaksin Shinawtra, the Thai Prime Minister has to
resign even after his victory in recent general elections?
(A) He got very marginal victory in General Elections
(B) Main opposition parties boycotted the poll hence
they are not ready to accept the results of the
(C) He was found guilty of manipulating results of the
elections in his favour
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (B) and (C) both
(5) None of these
31. In which of the following countries, women voted
for the first time after they were given equal political rights
in 2005?
(1) UAE (2) Kuwait
(3) Sudan (4) Uganda
(5) None of these
32. Which of the following countries has decided to
close all its small coal mines by 2007 as the safety of the
workers is very poor in those mines?
(1) India (2) Bangladesh
(3) China (4) South Africa
(5) None of these
33. John Kenneth Galbraith who died recently was a
(1) Cine Artist (2) Sports Personality
(3) Economist (4) Sociologist
(5) Creative Writer
34. As per the decision taken by the RBI the Know Your
Customer Norms will now be applicable also for which of
the following organizations?
(1) NBFC
(2) Insurance Companies
(3) Stock Brokers
(4) Builders and Property Dealers
(5) None of these
35. Dabhol Power Plant which was in news recently is
located in which of the following States?
(1) Delhi (2) Karnataka
(3) M.P. (4) Maharashtra
(5) U.P.
36. Which of the following banks started banking
operations in China in August 2006?
(1) State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur
(2) Bank of India
(3) State Bank of India
(4) Indian Overseas Bank
(5) Corporation Bank
37. Charles Taylor who was charged with crime
against humanity in the international war crime tribunal
was the president of:
(1) Uganda (2) Chad
(3) Liberia (4) Congo
(5) None of these
38. Four Asian nations (including India) will host the
World Cup Cricket tournament to be held in:
(1) 2007 (2) 2008
(3) 2009 (4) 2010
(5) 2011
39. The Union Budget 2006 has made a provision of
Rs 1,700 crore by way of interest subsidy for crop loan on the
outstanding of 2006. What is the rate of interest subsidy?
(1) 0.5% (2) 0.75%
(3) 1.00% (4) 1.5%
(5) 2%
40. Banks have started opening ¡¥No Frill¡¦ accounts
recently. These accounts are to help which of the following
sections of customers?
(1) Weaker section of society
(2) High Value Customers
(3) Studetns
(4) Loan seekers who were not able to repay their loans
taken earlier
(5) None of these
41. Which of the following statement(s) about Union
Budget 2006-07 is/are TRUE?
(A) Tax proposed on profits of cooperative banks.
(B) ATM services provided by third parties to banks to
be taxed.
(C) Service tax proposed on issue of pay order, demand
draft, cheque, letter of credit, etc.
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) (A) and (C) both
42. As per the Union Budget 2006 Corpus of Rural
Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) has been
increased to Rs:
(1) 5000 crores (2) 7000 crores
(3) 7500 crores (4) 8000 crores
(5) 10000 crores
43. As per reports published in the newspapers Visa
and Master Cards want banks to Pursue EMV Technology
Standards. What is the full form of EMV Standards?
(1) Europay MasterCard Visa Standard
(2) European Multiple Volume Standard
(3) English MasterCard Visa Standard
(4) Electronic Multiple Variety Standard
(5) None of these
44. Now the limit on Foreign Institutional Investment
in Government Securities is increased upto US $:
(1) 1 billion (2) 1.5 billion
(3) 1.75 billion (4) 2 billion
(5) 2.25 billion
45. As per the reports published in the news papers
Public Sector Banks were able to recover Non Performing
Assets of Rs 20,000 crores. Which of the following has been
the major contributor in this recovery?
(1) Compromise Schemes
(2) Lok Adalats
(3) Debt Recovery Tribunals
(4) Asset Reconstruction Companies
(5) None of these
46. Samresh Jung who was recently in news is
associated with which of the following games?
(1) Pistol Shooting (2) Swimming
(3) 100 metre Race (4) Weight Lifting
(5) None of these
47. Indian Government is in favour of Mergers and
Acquisitions in banks. Which of the following can not be
considered a direct benefit of merger and acquisition?
(1) Most efficient and trained staff
(2) Increased market share
(3) Multiple and additional locations
(4) Opportunity to have a large customer base
(5) All of these
48. For which of the following reasons RBI has raised
cap on exports credit interest rates?
(1) It has been revised in sync with foreign currency
(2) It has been revised in line with global rates
(3) It has been revised in consonance with WTO
(4) It has been revised keeping in view the international
export credit pricing
(5) None of these
49. Which of the following is the objective for
amendment to the Indian Postal Act 1898?
(1) Courier Companies shall be monitored by Postal
(2) It will enlarge the role of courier companies in
distribution of postal products
(3) All documents weighing less than 300 gms will have
to go to post and cannot be couriered
(4) All documents weighing less than 500 gms will have
to go to post and cannot be couriered
(5) None of these
50. For which of the following Banks, cabinet has given
approval to write off accumulated losses amounting
Rs 278.44 crore?
(1) UCO
(2) United Bank of India
(3) Indian Bank
(4) Oriental Bank of Commerce
(5) None of these
51. Expand the term LIBOR.
(1) London Inter-Bank Operational Rate
(2) London Inter-Bank Offsite Rate
(3) London Inter-Bank Onsite Rate
(4) London Inter-Bank Offered Rate
(5) None of these
52. Which of the following was the present Reverse
Repo Rate as on June 9, 2006?
(1) 5.00 (2) 5.75
(3) 6.00 (4) 6.50
(5) None of these
53. Which of the following banks got permission in
March 2006 to open a representative office at Shenzhen
(1) Punjab National Bank (2) Allahabad Bank
(3) Bank of Baroda (4) Bank of India
(5) None of these
54. Who amongst the following is the author of the
book ¡¥God¡¦s Little Soldier¡¦?
(1) Kiran Nagarkar (2) Amitabh Ghosh
(3) Khushwant Singh (4) Anita Desai
(5) Kuldeep Nayyar
55. The first India-EU Business Conference on energy
was held in:
(1) New Delhi (2) London
(3) Paris (4) Berlin
(5) None of these
56. Which of the following Cups/Trophies is NOT
associated with the game of Hockey?
(1) Surjeet Singh Cup (2) Irani Trophy
(3) Federation Cup (4) Cuppuswamy Cup
(5) Scindia Gold Cup
57. Which of the following programmes is being
implemented by the National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development (NABARD)?
(1) Prime Minister¡¦s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY)
(2) Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY)
(3) District Rural Industrial Project (DRIP)
(4) Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP)
(5) None of these
58. Which of the following ministerial portfolio is
being held by Mr Kamal Nath?
(1) Communication
(2) Commerce and Industry
(3) Banking
(4) Rural development
(5) Agriculture
59. Tata Group in association with which of the
following banks has launched ¡¥Tata Credit Card¡¦?
(1) Bank of India (2) State Bank of India
(3) Central Bank of India (4) Bank of Baroda
(5) None of these
60. Nirmal Gram Panchayat (NGP) Award is given for
which of the following causes?
(1) Promoting rural health
(2) Promoting education in rural areas
(3) Promoting sanitation in rural areas
(4) Promoting use of computers in rural areas
(5) None of these
61. Which of the following State governments decided
to scrap Stamp Duty on government securities after a
meeting with the bankers?
(1) Delhi (2) Karnataka
(3) Uttar Pradesh (4) Maharashtra
(5) None of these
62. Which of the following Public Sector Banks has
decided to acquire Bharat Overseas Bank?
(1) PNB (2) IOB
(3) BOB (4) Syndicate Bank
(5) None of these
63. In which of the following cities comprehensive
¡¥Fleet Taxi Scheme¡¦ is being introduced?
(1) Bangalore (2) Chennai
(3) Delhi (4) Mumbai
(5) Kochi
64. For which of the following banks, ¡§Protected
Disclosure¡¨ scheme is being introduced?
(1) Public Sector Banks
(2) Co-operative Banks
(3) Private Banks
(4) Foreign Bank
(5) None of these
65. Who amongst the following is the Prime Minister
of Nepal after the King Gyanendra decided to reinstate the
(1) Sher Bahadur Deuba
(2) Krishna Prasad Sitaula
(3) Girija Prasad Koirala
(4) Krishna Prasad Bhattarai
(5) None of these
66. Thierry Henry who was adjudged as the
¡¥Footballer of the Year 2005¡¦ is a citizen of:
(1) Germany (2) France
(3) Italy (4) Brazil
(5) USA
67. Which of the following countries won the Thomas
Cup Badminton title 2006 held recently?
(1) China (2) Denmark
(3) Japan (4) Bangladesh
(5) North Korea
68. Which of the following banks launched India¡¦s first
food and agriculture private equity fund?
(1) Robo Bank (2) Citibank
(3) HSBC (4) SBI
(5) None of these
69. Which amongst the following organizations has
tied up with 12 commercial banks to set up small enterprises
financial corporations?
(1) ECGC (2) SIDBI
(3) NABARD (4) UTI Bank
(5) None of these
70. Which of the following countries got the status of
10th largest Importer and Exporter of commercial services?
(According to World Trade Report)
(1) China (2) North Korea
(3) India (4) Egypt
(5) None of these
71. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Awards are given for
excellence in which of the following fields?
(1) Sports
(2) Science and Technology
(3) Literature
(4) Social Science
(5) Journalism
72. Ms Angela Markel who was in news recently is the:
(1) Chancellor of Germany
(2) Foreign Minister of France
(3) Foreign Secretary of USA
(4) Prime Minister of Denmark
(5) None of these
73. ¡¥NASA¡¦ is the space research organization of:
(1) Russia (2) UK
(3) USA (4) China
(5) Germany
74. Evo Morales is:
(1) President of Bolivia
(2) Prime Minister of Bolivia
(3) President of Chad
(4) Prime Minister of Chad
(5) None of these
75. Who amongst the following is the author of the
book ¡¥Speed Post¡¦?
(1) Shashi Deshpande (2) Anita Desai
(3) Shobha De (4) Maneka Gandhi
(5) None of these
76. ¡¥Swati Ghate¡¦ who won the National
Championship is associated with which of the following
(1) Chess (2) Badminton
(3) Golf (4) Athletics
(5) None of these
77. Which of the following instruments is used to
regulate temperature to a particular level?
(1) Telemeter (2) Voltameter
(3) Thermostat (4) Periscope
(5) None of these
78. ¡¥Arcelor¡¦ which was in news recently is a major
firm making:
(1) Cement (2) Paper
(3) Electronic Gadgets (4) Drugs
(5) Steel
79. ¡¥International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit
Trafficking¡¦ is observed on:
(1) 10th June (2) 26th June
(3) 26th July (4) 10th July
(5) None of these
80. Samurai Bonds are offered in which of the
following countries?
(1) South Korea (2) North Korea
(3) Japan (4) Singapore
(5) China
81. The head office of the Asian Development Bank
(ADB) is in:
(1) Manila (2) Jakarta
(3) Honolulu (4) Nairobi
(5) Tokyo
82. Kyoto Protocol which took effect in February 2005
is related to which of the following issues?
(1) Subsidy to Agriculture (2) Cloning
(3) Global Warming
(4) Enrichment of Uranium (5) None of these
83. Who amongst the following is the author of the
book The Heart of India?
(1) Meera Syal (2) Gita Mehra
(3) Ruskin Bond (4) Mark Tully
(5) None of these
84. Sometimes some natural calamities bring some
opportunities for the people of different nations to come
together and work for the cause of humanity. Which of the
following was one such incidence/calamity which helped
people of Pakistan to associate themselves with the people
of India and vice versa? (Incident took place in 2005).
(1) Heavy rains and flood in Mumbai
(2) Tsunami in Asian countries
(3) Severe earthquake in parts of J&K
(4) Bomb blast in tube rail in London
(5) None of these
85. As evident from the performance of India on
economic front during 2005-06 it can be very well concluded
that India did excellent in all sectors except one which is:
(1) Banking sector (2) Industrial sector
(3) Service sector (4) Agriculture sector
(5) None of these
86. The ¡¥Economist¡¦ weekly published from USA titled
who amongst the following as the ¡¥Biotech Queen of India¡¦?
(1) Kiran Mazumdar Shaw (2) Tina Ambani
(3) Kanan Bhatt (4) Naina Lal Kidwai
(5) None of these
87. Which of the following cities has become the 2nd
Indian city with Metro Railway Service?
(1) Mumbai (2) Bangalore
(3) Ahmedabad (4) Delhi
(5) Kolkata
88. Immediately prior to Rajnath Singh who amongst
the following was the President of BJP?
(1) L.K. Advani (2) Uma Bharati
(3) Pramod Mahajan (4) Atal Behari Vajpayee
(5) None of these
89. Scientists in which of the following countries were
successful in creation of Human Embryo by the process of
(1) Japan (2) South Korea
(3) Britain (4) Germany
(5) Sweden
90. Lalu Prasad Yadav and Rabri Devi served as Chief
Ministers of Bihar for how many years uninterruptedly
before Nitish Kumar took over as the Chief Minister?
(1) 7 years (2) 9 years
(3) 12 years (4) 15 years
(5) 22 years
91. Which of the following is the full form of the term
(1) Madhya Pradesh Lead Area Development Scheme
(2) Member of Parliament¡¦s Local Area Development
(3) Madhya Pradesh Local Area Development Scheme
(4) Member of Parliament Leading Area Demonstration
(5) None of these
92. Which of the following is the youngest member of
the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation?
(1) Bhutan (2) Bangladesh
(3) Nepal (4) Sri Lanka
(5) Afghanistan
93. Which of the following States will not get any
benefit from the Sardar Sarovar Dam directly?
(1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Gujarat
(3) Maharashtra (4) Rajasthan
(5) Chattisgarh
94. Which of the following SAARC countries got a
Parliament after a long gap of 30 years?
(1) Nepal (2) Bhutan
(3) Maldives (4) Afghanistan
(5) None of these
95. Sri Lankan Government is holding peace talks
with which of the following groups of people?
(1) Naxalites (2) Maoists
(3) GNLF (4) DGHC
(5) LTTE
96. Which of the following is the full form of PURA?
(1) Perfect Urban Rural Association
(2) Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas
(3) Preferential and Uniform Re-enforcement Act
(4) Programme on Urban Rural Association
(5) None of these
97. The 93rd Session of the Indian Science Congress
was organized in:
(1) Kolkata (2) Chennai
(3) Jaipur (4) New Delhi
(5) Hyderabad
98. Which of the following is the trade agreement
among SAARC member countries which came into effect
from January 2006?
(5) None of these
99. Which of the following Brands was placed at the
top of the Fifth Brand Equity Survey of India for 2005?
(1) Lux (2) Dettol
(3) Colgate (4) Bata
(5) None of these
100. Which of the following Stock Exchanges has
completed 213 years of its existence? The Exchange has
recently sold part of its holdings to public.
(1) New York Stock Exchange
(2) London Stock Exchange
(3) Tokyo Stock Exchange
(4) Bombay Stock Exchange
(5) None of these
101. India¡¦s first Natural Disaster Information System
was recently launched at:
(1) Mumbai (2) Bangalore
(3) Chennai (4) Port Blair
(5) Kolkata
102. In the opinion of Prof Amartya Sen the
development in which of the following areas could make a
¡¥dramatic¡¦ difference in rural India?
(A) Health System
(B) Education
(C) Marketing of Agro Products
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) (A) and (B) both (4) Only (C)
(5) None of these
103. Which of the following branches is called the
study of Sound?
(1) Aetiology (2) Anatomy
(3) Astrophysics (4) Acoustics
(5) None of these
104. Which of the following is/are NOT one of the
objectives of International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
(A) To ensure exchange rate stability.
(B) To ensure Balanced International Trade
(C) To replace World Trade Organisation in years to
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) (A) and (C) both
105. Which of the following is the major contributor
for 24 hour banking?
(1) Credit Card (2) ATM
(3) Mobile banks (4) Networked Branches
(5) Any City Banking
106. Which of the following is NOT a member of the
(1) Russia (2) Canada
(3) Italy (4) Japan
(5) Sweden
107. In India, Tanks are a popular method of irrigation
(1) Eastern States (2) South India
(3) North-East States (4) Western India
(5) None of these
108. Which of the following package is best suited for
preparing ¡§Presentations¡¨?
(1) Excel (2) Unix
(3) Windows (4) Word
(5) Power-Point
109. Which of the following films was adjudged the
¡¥Best Motion Picture of the Year¡¦ in the Oscar Awards
Ceremony 2006?
(1) Walk the Line (2) The Constant Gardener
(3) Memories of the Geisha (4) Crash
(5) None of these
110. What is the name for the process that is used to
convert a sense of instructions, or program, written in a
high-level language into instructions (or a program) that can
be run on a computer?
(1) Assembling (2) Compiling
(3) Translating (4) Uploading
(5) None of these
111. _____means the altering of computer system
software to achieve a task for which it was not originally
(1) Pegging (2) Hacking
(3) Trekking (4) Breaking
(5) All of these
112. Authentication can be provided by
adding_____to a message.
(1) Sign (2) Manual Signature
(3) Digital Signature (4) Initials
(5) None of these
113. What is the name for a webpage address?
(1) Directory (2) Domain
(3) Extension (4) Protocol
(5) URL
114. The ability of an OS to run more than one
application at a time is called:
(1) multitasking
(2) object-oriented programming
(3) multi-user computing
(4) time-sharing
(5) None of these
115. A leased line can transmit:
(1) Only Data (2) Only Voice
(3) Only Video (4) Only Text
(5) All the above
116. The word ¡¥FTP¡¦ stands for:
(1) File Translate Protocol (2) File Transit Protocol
(3) File Typing Protocol (4) File Transfer Protocol
(5) None of these
117. What characteristic of read-only memory (ROM)
makes it useful?
(1) ROM information can be easily updated
(2) Data in ROM is nonvolatile, that is, it remains there
even without electrical power
(3) ROM provides very large amounts of inexpensive
data storage
(4) ROM chips are easily swapped between different
brands of computers
(5) None of these
118. A computer cannot ¡§boot¡¨ if it does not have the:
(1) Compiler (2) Loader
(3) Operating System (4) Assembler
(5) None of these
119. Example of non-numeric data is:
(1) Employee address (2) Examination score
(3) Bank balance (4) All of the above
(5) None of these
1. (5) 2. (1) 3. (4) 4 (4) 5. (3)
6. (5) 7. (4) 8. (3) 9. (4) 10. (3)
11. (3) 12. (3) 13. (2) 14. (4) 15. (5)
16. (2) 17. (5) 18. (1) 19. (2) 20. (4)
21. (4) 22. (1) 23. (1) 24. (2) 25. (1)
26. (1) 27. (5) 28. (1) 29. (2) 30. (2)
31. (2) 32. (3) 33. (3) 34. (1) 35. (4)
36. (3) 37. (3) 38. (5) 39. (5) 40. (1)
41. (3) 42. (4) 43. (1) 44. (4) 45. (4)
46. (1) 47. (1) 48. (2) 49. (3) 50. (2)
51. (4) 52. (2) 53. (2) 54. (1) 55. (1)
56. (2) 57. (2) 58. (2) 59. (2) 60. (3)
61. (4) 62 (2) 63. (4) 64. (3) & (4)
65. (3) 66. (2) 67. (1) 68. (1) 69. (2)
70. (3) 71. (2) 72. (1) 73. (3) 74. (1)
75. (3) 76. (1) 77. (3) 78. (5) 79. (2)
80. (3) 81. (1) 82. (3) 83. (4) 84. (3)
85. (4) 86. (1) 87. (4) 88. (1) 89. (2)
90. (4) 91. (2) 92. (5) 93. (4) 94. (4)
95. (5) 96. (2) 97. (5) 98. (2) 99. (3)
100. (1) 101. (2) 102. (3) 103. (4) 104. (3)
105. (2) 106. (5) 107. (2) 108. (5) 109. (4)
110. (2) 111. (2) 112. (3) 113. (5) 114. (1)
115. (5) 116. (4) 117. (2) 118. (3) 119. (1)
Free SBI Clerk Previous Year (2007) solved Paper
General Awareness
1.Who amongst the following cricketers became the ninth indian to claim 150 or more wickets?
(a) A.Kumble
(b) A.Agarkar
(c) S.Tendulkar
(d) Harbhajan Singh
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
2. Who amongst the following returned to earth after a lomg 195 days stay in space ?
(a) Angei Brewer
(b) Mike Leinbach
(c) Shruti Vadera
(d) Sunita Williams
(e) None of these
3. Japan PM shinzo Abe came to office last year with huge support in his favour. But since last few months he is facing problems in his political survival. Which of the following actions taken by him does / do not enjoy support of the people of Japan (Pick up the correct statement) ?
1. Decision to postpone parliament elections.
2. Falling to control inflation which has gone to the level of 12% an unusual phenomenon in the history of Japan .
3. Decision to allow USA to make an army Base in some of its Islands where USA will have its nuclear war-heads
(a) Only 2
(b) Only 1
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Only 3
(e) All 1, 2 and 3
4. European leaders agree on traty was the news in leading news paper in recent past . Which of the following was the treaty on which leadres were of diverse views (Pick up the correct statement) ?
1. The treaty was to make the EURO money a universal currency for all financial / monetary transaction done by all the member countries w.e.f. April 2009.
2. Treaty was to defunct constitution of the Eropean Union by a new one.
3. Poland one of the newest members of the union was threatening to use its veto power if any change is done in the present set up of the organization.
(a) only 1
(b) only 2
(c) only 3
(d) Both 1 and 2
(e) Both 2 and 3
5. "Rajpaksha threatens to resolve Lanka parliament" was the news in leading newspaper a few days back . Which of the following was the reason owing to which president threatens to take a drastic step ? (pick up the correct statements).
1. A number of MPs from Sri Lanka Freedom party defecting to join another party launched by another group of politicians.
2. A group of politicians under the leadership of former president Chandrika Kumartunga demanding the postponement of elctions for the post of president due in the month of November 2007 so that Chandrika can came back from exile and contest for the same.
3. Rajapaksha wants general public and also MPs to support his formula on peace with LTTE which is not accepatble to most of the MPs.
(a) All 1,2 and 3
(b) Only 2
(c) Only 3
(d) Both 1 and 2
(e) Only 1
6. Madhesi national liberation front (MNLF) is an organixation active in which of the following countries ?
(a) Pakistan
(b) Myanmar
(c) Uganda
(d) Iran
(e) Nepal
7. As per the Economic survey 2006-07 the food grain production may not touch the target fixed for the year. What is the atrget of the same set for the period?
(a) 100 million tonnes
(b) 220 million tonnes
(c) 175 million tonnes
(d) 250 million tonnes
(e) 320 million tonnes
8. Which of the following sector banks brought its equity share (follow on public issue) for the price was set as Rs. 940 per equity ?
(a) ICICI Bank
(b) Karnataka Bank
(c) UTI Bank
(d) HDFC Bank
(e) None of these
9. Prime minister of India recently unveiled an agricultural package during his visit to 53rd meeting of the National Development Concil. What is the size of the package >
(a) Rs. 10,000 Crores
(b) Rs. 1s,000 Crores
(c) Rs. 20,000 Crores
(d) Rs. 25,000 Crores
(e) Rs. 30,000 Crores
10. Which of the following States achieved 100% financial inclusion (each and every family in the state has atleast one bank account). ?
(a) Delhi
(b) Maharashtra
(c) West Bengal
(d) Kerala
(e) None of these
11. Rafael Nadal won the French Open men's single title 2007 after defeating who amongst the follwing ?
(a) Mark Knowles
(b) Mahesh Bhupati
(c) Daniel Nestor(d) Pawel Vizner
(e) Roger Federer
12. Who amongst the following has taken over as the chairman of the 18th Law Commission set-up recently ?
(a) Justice A.R.Lakshmanan
(b) Justice Bhagwan Das Rana
(c) Justice T.L.Venkatraman Iyer
(d) Mrs. Suryakanta Patil
(e) None of these
13. Who amongst the following was honoured with the Jawaharlal Nehru award for the International Understanding given away recently ?
(a) Mr. Umaru Yar Adua
(b) Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva
(c) Mr. Vladimir Putin
(d) Mr. Felipe Calderon
(e) None of these
14. Who amongst the following actors won the award for Best actor in 8th International Film Academy Award Ceremony held recently?
(a) Saif Ali Khan
(b) Sanjay Dutt
(c) Arshad Warsi
(d) Abhishek Bachchan
(e) Hrithik Roshan
15. Which of the following rates is not decided by the Reserve Bank of India ?
(a) Bank Rate
(b) Repo Rate
(c) Reserve Repo Rate
(d) Income Tax Rates
(e) All of these
16. The world Economic forum was held recendly in -
(a) Malaysia
(b) Kuwait
(c) Iran
(d) Brazil
(e) Indonesia
17. Which of the following African countries recently launched its communication satellite for the first time (The satellite was launched from China) ?
(a) Nigeria
(b) Keniya
(c) Zimbabwe
(d) Mauritius
(e) None of these
18. 'Dausa' which has been in news recently is a town in -
(a) Gujarat
(b) Madhya Pradeh
(c) Bihar
(d) Uttar Pradesh
(e) Rajasthan
19. Which of the following was the major issue of discussion in the G-8 Summit held in Germany ?
(a) Subsidy to agro product
(b) Climate protection
(c) Financial Aid to Iraq
(d) Nuclear technology and possiblity of space war
(e) None of these
20. Which of the following countries has decided to build a road to the Base camp of Mt. Everest ?
(a) India
(b) China
(c) Nepal
(d) Myanmar
(e) None of these
Latest Authors And Books Based Questions
& Answers
1 Who is the author of ‘Jyoti Punj’ ?
2 Who is the author of ‘The English Roses ’ ?
3 Who is the author of ‘Indomitable Spirit’ ?
4 Who is the author of ‘The Fire Next time ’ ?
5 Who is the author of ‘The Hungry tide’ ?
6 Who is the author of ‘The Last song of Dusk’ ?
7 Who is the author of ‘The Man without qualities’ ?
8 Who is the author of ‘The total zone’ ?
9 Who is the author of ‘The Trial’ ?
10 Who is the author of ‘The unfurnished man ’ ?
11 Who is the author of ‘The vicar of wakefield’ ?
12 Who is the author of ‘The Volcano Lover’ ?
13 Who is the author of ‘The world is flat’ ?
14 Who is the author of ‘Theory of war’ ?
15 Who is the author of ‘Thirteenth Sun’ ?
16 Who is the author of ‘Time Machine’ ?
17 Who is the author of ‘Train to Pakistan’ ?
18 Who is the author of ‘Uncle Tom’s cabin’ ?
19 Who is the author of ‘Up from slavery’ ?
20 Who is the author of ‘Wake up India ’ ?
21 Who is the author of ‘Westward Ho’ ?
22 Who is the author of ‘What would you do to save the world ’ ?
23 Who is the author of ‘Witness to an era ’ ?
24 Who is the author of ‘Wuthering Heights’ ?
25 Who is the author of ‘Let's Kill Gandhi’ ?
1. Narendra Modi
2. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
3. Betty Friedan
4. James waldwin
5. Amitav Ghosh
6. Sidarth sangvi
7. David selbourne
8. Martina Navratilova
9. Franz Kafka
10. Nizzim Ezekiel
11. Oliver goldsmith
12. Susan Sontang
13. Thomas Friedman
14. Joan Brady
15. Amrita Pritam
16. H. G. Wells
17. Khushwant Singh
18. Harriet Beecher Stowe
19. Booker T. Washington
20. Annie Beasnt
21. Charles kingsley
22. Ira Trivedi
23. Frank Moraes
24. Emily Bronte
25. Tushar Gandhi
(i) General Awareness (ii) General English (iii) Quantitative Aptitude (iv) Reasoning Ability (v) Marketing Aptitude/Computer Knowledge
solved paper 2006
1. The International Day for Elimination of Racial
Discrimination is observed on:
(1) 20th February (2) 20th March
(3) 25th May (4) 21st February
(5) 21st March
2. In 2006 Mahesh Bhupathi completed his Career
Grand Slam as he won the fourth Grand Slam mixed
doubles title. Which of the following is the open mixed
doubles title he won in January 2006?
(1) Australian Open (2) US Open
(3) French Open (4) Wimbledon
(5) None of these
3. The World Economic Forum Meet was organized in
January 2006 in Davos. Which of the following two
countries were in the spotlight in the meet?
(1) Brazil and Russia (2) Russia and China
(3) China and Brazil (4) India and China
(5) India and Brazil
4. Who amongst the following is going to establish a
fund of Rs 1000 crores for financing the food processing
(1) State Bank of India (2) SIDBI
(5) None of these
5. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to
withdraw its nominee directors from the boards of which of
the following types of banks?
(1) Co-operative Banks (2) Nationalized Banks
(3) Private Sector Banks (4) Foreign Banks
(5) None of these
6. Some countries/organizations recently decided to
suspend any help/aid to Palestine. Which of the following
is/are the reason(s) for the same?
(A) It is because Hamas got victory in general elections
held in Palestine.
(B) UN has imposed sanctions on Palestine as it has
violated norms of the IAEA on nuclear policy.
(C) It is openly supporting Iran¡¦s nuclear programme
whereas USA is dead against it.
(1) (A) and (C) both (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) Only (A)
7. Sonia Gandhi is the Member of the Lok Sabha from
which of the following seats?
(1) Allahabad (2) Lucknow
(3) Sultanpur (4) Amethi
(5) None of these
8. As announced in the Budget 2006-07 the Crop loan
Credit to the farmers will be given at the rate of 7% upto a
loan limit of:
(1) Rs 1 lakh (2) Rs 2 lakhs
(3) Rs 3 lakhs (4) Rs 4 lakhs
(5) Rs 5 lakhs
9. ¡¥New Horizons¡¦ space craft which was launched by
the NASA is launched to study which of the following
(1) Mars (2) Saturn
(3) Jupiter (4) pluto
(5) Mercury
10. As per the estimates released by the agencies Per
Capita Income of average Indian in 2005-06 (at 1999-2000
prices) was approximately:
(1) Rs 15,000 (2) Rs 18,000
(3) Rs 20,000 (4) Rs 22,000
(5) Rs 25,000
11. Which of the following years was adjudged as the
¡¥Hottest Year of the Century¡¦ as per the report prepared by
the NASA?
(1) 2003 (2) 2004
(3) 2005 (4) 2000
(5) None of these
12. As per a survey conducted by an agency what was
India¡¦s rank in the field of Internet usage in 2005?
(1) 2nd (2) 3rd
(3) 4th (4) 8th
(5) 10th
13. Which of the following correctly describes what
¡¥The Sultan¡¦s Elephant¡¦ is?
(1) It is the name of the new film directed and produced
by Maniratnam.
(2) It is a street theatre performance which took place in
London recently.
(3) It is a comedy serial being telecast on DD Metro
these days.
(4) It is a novel written by Khushwant Singh
(5) None of these
14. Naushad who died recently was a famous:
(1) Politician (2) Social worker
(3) Sports personality (4) Music Director
(5) Painter
15. The 6th International Indian Film Academy
Awards function was organized in which of the following
Questions asked in various Bank P.O. Examinations held in last 12 months
(1) Dubai (2) Bangalore
(3) Panaji (4) Moscow
(5) Amsterdam
16. Which of the following banks was adjudged best in
¡¥Corporate Governance¡¦ and was given Golden Peacock
Award, 2005, for the same?
(1) Bank of India (2) Punjab National Bank
(3) ICICI Bank (4) State Bank of India
(5) None of these
17. The 6th African Union Summit was held in January
2006 in Khartoum. Where is this place Khartoum? It is in:
(1) Ghana (2) South Africa
(3) Angola (4) Chad
(5) Sudan
18. Which amongst the following is one of the books by
Bill Gates?
(1) Business @ The Speed of Thought
(2) The Google Story (3) Net and Internet
(4) The World is Flat (5) None of these
19. Which of the following countries has developed a
low cost anti-rabies vaccine, which is also the world¡¦s first
combination rabies vaccine?
(1) China (2) India
(3) Britain (4) USA
(5) None of these
20. Aung San Suu Kyi who was awarded the Olaf Palm
Prize recently is a citizen of:
(1) Singapore (2) China
(3) Taiwan (4) Myanmar
(5) Nepal
21. The XXI Winter Olympics will be held in 2010 at:
(1) Tokyo (2) Minsk
(3) Rome (4) Vancouver
(5) Bangkok
22. Which of the following organizations has created
an ¡¥Investor Protection Fund¡¦, which is funded by fines and
penalties collected by the organization itself from various
(1) SEBI (2) RBI
(3) IRDA (4) AMFI
(5) None of these
23. To tackle the widespread rural unemployment the
Union Budget 2006-07 has approximately earmarked an
amount of Rs:
(1) 10000 crores (2) 12500 crores
(3) 14300 crores (4) 16700 crores
(5) 20000 crores
24. Earlier it was thought safe to allow each financial
institution to carry out only one type of financial service. But
now banks are selling shares, insurance companies can sell
banking services. These new financial conglomerates are
colloquially referred to as:
(1) Multinationals
(2)Financial supermarkets
(3) Market regulators
(4) Brand Promoters
(5) None of these
25. Which of the following is the purpose owing to
which banks have created Investment Fluctuation Reserves
(IFR)? This will help them in managing:
(1) Interest rate risk
(2) CRR
(3) SLR
(4) Foreign Currency Accounts
(5) None of these
26. As per the guidelines issued by the SEBI the
Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a must for which of
the following?
(1) Demat Accounts
(2) All Saving Banks Accounts
(3) All Housing Loan Accounts
(4) All Current Accounts
(5) None of these
27. Many times we read a term ¡¥Free Market¡¦ in
newspapers. What does it mean? [Pick up the correct
(A) It is a market where pricing is driven by the laws of
supply and demand.
(B) In free market things are available without restraints
of the government.
(C) In such markets goods are free from extraneous
influences such as tariff or quotas.
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) (A), (B) and (C) all
28. Which of the following correctly describes what is
(1) It is a comprehensive governance programme for
rural India launched by the Government of India.
(2) It is the new service launched by the MTNL which
will provide cheap mobile connection to rural
(3) It is a newly launched internet service launched by
the Tatas providing cheap connections to rural
(4) It is a call center service launched by the ITC to help
(5) None of these
29. Corporation Bank is also a distributor of the
Mutual Fund products. For this the bank has an agreement
with which of the following organizations?
(1) Bajaj Allianz (2) DSP Merrill Lynch
(3) HDFC Mututal Fund (4) SBI Mutual Fund
(5) None of these
30. Which of the following was the reason owing to
which Thaksin Shinawtra, the Thai Prime Minister has to
resign even after his victory in recent general elections?
(A) He got very marginal victory in General Elections
(B) Main opposition parties boycotted the poll hence
they are not ready to accept the results of the
(C) He was found guilty of manipulating results of the
elections in his favour
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (B) and (C) both
(5) None of these
31. In which of the following countries, women voted
for the first time after they were given equal political rights
in 2005?
(1) UAE (2) Kuwait
(3) Sudan (4) Uganda
(5) None of these
32. Which of the following countries has decided to
close all its small coal mines by 2007 as the safety of the
workers is very poor in those mines?
(1) India (2) Bangladesh
(3) China (4) South Africa
(5) None of these
33. John Kenneth Galbraith who died recently was a
(1) Cine Artist (2) Sports Personality
(3) Economist (4) Sociologist
(5) Creative Writer
34. As per the decision taken by the RBI the Know Your
Customer Norms will now be applicable also for which of
the following organizations?
(1) NBFC
(2) Insurance Companies
(3) Stock Brokers
(4) Builders and Property Dealers
(5) None of these
35. Dabhol Power Plant which was in news recently is
located in which of the following States?
(1) Delhi (2) Karnataka
(3) M.P. (4) Maharashtra
(5) U.P.
36. Which of the following banks started banking
operations in China in August 2006?
(1) State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur
(2) Bank of India
(3) State Bank of India
(4) Indian Overseas Bank
(5) Corporation Bank
37. Charles Taylor who was charged with crime
against humanity in the international war crime tribunal
was the president of:
(1) Uganda (2) Chad
(3) Liberia (4) Congo
(5) None of these
38. Four Asian nations (including India) will host the
World Cup Cricket tournament to be held in:
(1) 2007 (2) 2008
(3) 2009 (4) 2010
(5) 2011
39. The Union Budget 2006 has made a provision of
Rs 1,700 crore by way of interest subsidy for crop loan on the
outstanding of 2006. What is the rate of interest subsidy?
(1) 0.5% (2) 0.75%
(3) 1.00% (4) 1.5%
(5) 2%
40. Banks have started opening ¡¥No Frill¡¦ accounts
recently. These accounts are to help which of the following
sections of customers?
(1) Weaker section of society
(2) High Value Customers
(3) Studetns
(4) Loan seekers who were not able to repay their loans
taken earlier
(5) None of these
41. Which of the following statement(s) about Union
Budget 2006-07 is/are TRUE?
(A) Tax proposed on profits of cooperative banks.
(B) ATM services provided by third parties to banks to
be taxed.
(C) Service tax proposed on issue of pay order, demand
draft, cheque, letter of credit, etc.
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) (A) and (C) both
42. As per the Union Budget 2006 Corpus of Rural
Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) has been
increased to Rs:
(1) 5000 crores (2) 7000 crores
(3) 7500 crores (4) 8000 crores
(5) 10000 crores
43. As per reports published in the newspapers Visa
and Master Cards want banks to Pursue EMV Technology
Standards. What is the full form of EMV Standards?
(1) Europay MasterCard Visa Standard
(2) European Multiple Volume Standard
(3) English MasterCard Visa Standard
(4) Electronic Multiple Variety Standard
(5) None of these
44. Now the limit on Foreign Institutional Investment
in Government Securities is increased upto US $:
(1) 1 billion (2) 1.5 billion
(3) 1.75 billion (4) 2 billion
(5) 2.25 billion
45. As per the reports published in the news papers
Public Sector Banks were able to recover Non Performing
Assets of Rs 20,000 crores. Which of the following has been
the major contributor in this recovery?
(1) Compromise Schemes
(2) Lok Adalats
(3) Debt Recovery Tribunals
(4) Asset Reconstruction Companies
(5) None of these
46. Samresh Jung who was recently in news is
associated with which of the following games?
(1) Pistol Shooting (2) Swimming
(3) 100 metre Race (4) Weight Lifting
(5) None of these
47. Indian Government is in favour of Mergers and
Acquisitions in banks. Which of the following can not be
considered a direct benefit of merger and acquisition?
(1) Most efficient and trained staff
(2) Increased market share
(3) Multiple and additional locations
(4) Opportunity to have a large customer base
(5) All of these
48. For which of the following reasons RBI has raised
cap on exports credit interest rates?
(1) It has been revised in sync with foreign currency
(2) It has been revised in line with global rates
(3) It has been revised in consonance with WTO
(4) It has been revised keeping in view the international
export credit pricing
(5) None of these
49. Which of the following is the objective for
amendment to the Indian Postal Act 1898?
(1) Courier Companies shall be monitored by Postal
(2) It will enlarge the role of courier companies in
distribution of postal products
(3) All documents weighing less than 300 gms will have
to go to post and cannot be couriered
(4) All documents weighing less than 500 gms will have
to go to post and cannot be couriered
(5) None of these
50. For which of the following Banks, cabinet has given
approval to write off accumulated losses amounting
Rs 278.44 crore?
(1) UCO
(2) United Bank of India
(3) Indian Bank
(4) Oriental Bank of Commerce
(5) None of these
51. Expand the term LIBOR.
(1) London Inter-Bank Operational Rate
(2) London Inter-Bank Offsite Rate
(3) London Inter-Bank Onsite Rate
(4) London Inter-Bank Offered Rate
(5) None of these
52. Which of the following was the present Reverse
Repo Rate as on June 9, 2006?
(1) 5.00 (2) 5.75
(3) 6.00 (4) 6.50
(5) None of these
53. Which of the following banks got permission in
March 2006 to open a representative office at Shenzhen
(1) Punjab National Bank (2) Allahabad Bank
(3) Bank of Baroda (4) Bank of India
(5) None of these
54. Who amongst the following is the author of the
book ¡¥God¡¦s Little Soldier¡¦?
(1) Kiran Nagarkar (2) Amitabh Ghosh
(3) Khushwant Singh (4) Anita Desai
(5) Kuldeep Nayyar
55. The first India-EU Business Conference on energy
was held in:
(1) New Delhi (2) London
(3) Paris (4) Berlin
(5) None of these
56. Which of the following Cups/Trophies is NOT
associated with the game of Hockey?
(1) Surjeet Singh Cup (2) Irani Trophy
(3) Federation Cup (4) Cuppuswamy Cup
(5) Scindia Gold Cup
57. Which of the following programmes is being
implemented by the National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development (NABARD)?
(1) Prime Minister¡¦s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY)
(2) Swarnjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY)
(3) District Rural Industrial Project (DRIP)
(4) Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP)
(5) None of these
58. Which of the following ministerial portfolio is
being held by Mr Kamal Nath?
(1) Communication
(2) Commerce and Industry
(3) Banking
(4) Rural development
(5) Agriculture
59. Tata Group in association with which of the
following banks has launched ¡¥Tata Credit Card¡¦?
(1) Bank of India (2) State Bank of India
(3) Central Bank of India (4) Bank of Baroda
(5) None of these
60. Nirmal Gram Panchayat (NGP) Award is given for
which of the following causes?
(1) Promoting rural health
(2) Promoting education in rural areas
(3) Promoting sanitation in rural areas
(4) Promoting use of computers in rural areas
(5) None of these
61. Which of the following State governments decided
to scrap Stamp Duty on government securities after a
meeting with the bankers?
(1) Delhi (2) Karnataka
(3) Uttar Pradesh (4) Maharashtra
(5) None of these
62. Which of the following Public Sector Banks has
decided to acquire Bharat Overseas Bank?
(1) PNB (2) IOB
(3) BOB (4) Syndicate Bank
(5) None of these
63. In which of the following cities comprehensive
¡¥Fleet Taxi Scheme¡¦ is being introduced?
(1) Bangalore (2) Chennai
(3) Delhi (4) Mumbai
(5) Kochi
64. For which of the following banks, ¡§Protected
Disclosure¡¨ scheme is being introduced?
(1) Public Sector Banks
(2) Co-operative Banks
(3) Private Banks
(4) Foreign Bank
(5) None of these
65. Who amongst the following is the Prime Minister
of Nepal after the King Gyanendra decided to reinstate the
(1) Sher Bahadur Deuba
(2) Krishna Prasad Sitaula
(3) Girija Prasad Koirala
(4) Krishna Prasad Bhattarai
(5) None of these
66. Thierry Henry who was adjudged as the
¡¥Footballer of the Year 2005¡¦ is a citizen of:
(1) Germany (2) France
(3) Italy (4) Brazil
(5) USA
67. Which of the following countries won the Thomas
Cup Badminton title 2006 held recently?
(1) China (2) Denmark
(3) Japan (4) Bangladesh
(5) North Korea
68. Which of the following banks launched India¡¦s first
food and agriculture private equity fund?
(1) Robo Bank (2) Citibank
(3) HSBC (4) SBI
(5) None of these
69. Which amongst the following organizations has
tied up with 12 commercial banks to set up small enterprises
financial corporations?
(1) ECGC (2) SIDBI
(3) NABARD (4) UTI Bank
(5) None of these
70. Which of the following countries got the status of
10th largest Importer and Exporter of commercial services?
(According to World Trade Report)
(1) China (2) North Korea
(3) India (4) Egypt
(5) None of these
71. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Awards are given for
excellence in which of the following fields?
(1) Sports
(2) Science and Technology
(3) Literature
(4) Social Science
(5) Journalism
72. Ms Angela Markel who was in news recently is the:
(1) Chancellor of Germany
(2) Foreign Minister of France
(3) Foreign Secretary of USA
(4) Prime Minister of Denmark
(5) None of these
73. ¡¥NASA¡¦ is the space research organization of:
(1) Russia (2) UK
(3) USA (4) China
(5) Germany
74. Evo Morales is:
(1) President of Bolivia
(2) Prime Minister of Bolivia
(3) President of Chad
(4) Prime Minister of Chad
(5) None of these
75. Who amongst the following is the author of the
book ¡¥Speed Post¡¦?
(1) Shashi Deshpande (2) Anita Desai
(3) Shobha De (4) Maneka Gandhi
(5) None of these
76. ¡¥Swati Ghate¡¦ who won the National
Championship is associated with which of the following
(1) Chess (2) Badminton
(3) Golf (4) Athletics
(5) None of these
77. Which of the following instruments is used to
regulate temperature to a particular level?
(1) Telemeter (2) Voltameter
(3) Thermostat (4) Periscope
(5) None of these
78. ¡¥Arcelor¡¦ which was in news recently is a major
firm making:
(1) Cement (2) Paper
(3) Electronic Gadgets (4) Drugs
(5) Steel
79. ¡¥International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit
Trafficking¡¦ is observed on:
(1) 10th June (2) 26th June
(3) 26th July (4) 10th July
(5) None of these
80. Samurai Bonds are offered in which of the
following countries?
(1) South Korea (2) North Korea
(3) Japan (4) Singapore
(5) China
81. The head office of the Asian Development Bank
(ADB) is in:
(1) Manila (2) Jakarta
(3) Honolulu (4) Nairobi
(5) Tokyo
82. Kyoto Protocol which took effect in February 2005
is related to which of the following issues?
(1) Subsidy to Agriculture (2) Cloning
(3) Global Warming
(4) Enrichment of Uranium (5) None of these
83. Who amongst the following is the author of the
book The Heart of India?
(1) Meera Syal (2) Gita Mehra
(3) Ruskin Bond (4) Mark Tully
(5) None of these
84. Sometimes some natural calamities bring some
opportunities for the people of different nations to come
together and work for the cause of humanity. Which of the
following was one such incidence/calamity which helped
people of Pakistan to associate themselves with the people
of India and vice versa? (Incident took place in 2005).
(1) Heavy rains and flood in Mumbai
(2) Tsunami in Asian countries
(3) Severe earthquake in parts of J&K
(4) Bomb blast in tube rail in London
(5) None of these
85. As evident from the performance of India on
economic front during 2005-06 it can be very well concluded
that India did excellent in all sectors except one which is:
(1) Banking sector (2) Industrial sector
(3) Service sector (4) Agriculture sector
(5) None of these
86. The ¡¥Economist¡¦ weekly published from USA titled
who amongst the following as the ¡¥Biotech Queen of India¡¦?
(1) Kiran Mazumdar Shaw (2) Tina Ambani
(3) Kanan Bhatt (4) Naina Lal Kidwai
(5) None of these
87. Which of the following cities has become the 2nd
Indian city with Metro Railway Service?
(1) Mumbai (2) Bangalore
(3) Ahmedabad (4) Delhi
(5) Kolkata
88. Immediately prior to Rajnath Singh who amongst
the following was the President of BJP?
(1) L.K. Advani (2) Uma Bharati
(3) Pramod Mahajan (4) Atal Behari Vajpayee
(5) None of these
89. Scientists in which of the following countries were
successful in creation of Human Embryo by the process of
(1) Japan (2) South Korea
(3) Britain (4) Germany
(5) Sweden
90. Lalu Prasad Yadav and Rabri Devi served as Chief
Ministers of Bihar for how many years uninterruptedly
before Nitish Kumar took over as the Chief Minister?
(1) 7 years (2) 9 years
(3) 12 years (4) 15 years
(5) 22 years
91. Which of the following is the full form of the term
(1) Madhya Pradesh Lead Area Development Scheme
(2) Member of Parliament¡¦s Local Area Development
(3) Madhya Pradesh Local Area Development Scheme
(4) Member of Parliament Leading Area Demonstration
(5) None of these
92. Which of the following is the youngest member of
the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation?
(1) Bhutan (2) Bangladesh
(3) Nepal (4) Sri Lanka
(5) Afghanistan
93. Which of the following States will not get any
benefit from the Sardar Sarovar Dam directly?
(1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Gujarat
(3) Maharashtra (4) Rajasthan
(5) Chattisgarh
94. Which of the following SAARC countries got a
Parliament after a long gap of 30 years?
(1) Nepal (2) Bhutan
(3) Maldives (4) Afghanistan
(5) None of these
95. Sri Lankan Government is holding peace talks
with which of the following groups of people?
(1) Naxalites (2) Maoists
(3) GNLF (4) DGHC
(5) LTTE
96. Which of the following is the full form of PURA?
(1) Perfect Urban Rural Association
(2) Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas
(3) Preferential and Uniform Re-enforcement Act
(4) Programme on Urban Rural Association
(5) None of these
97. The 93rd Session of the Indian Science Congress
was organized in:
(1) Kolkata (2) Chennai
(3) Jaipur (4) New Delhi
(5) Hyderabad
98. Which of the following is the trade agreement
among SAARC member countries which came into effect
from January 2006?
(5) None of these
99. Which of the following Brands was placed at the
top of the Fifth Brand Equity Survey of India for 2005?
(1) Lux (2) Dettol
(3) Colgate (4) Bata
(5) None of these
100. Which of the following Stock Exchanges has
completed 213 years of its existence? The Exchange has
recently sold part of its holdings to public.
(1) New York Stock Exchange
(2) London Stock Exchange
(3) Tokyo Stock Exchange
(4) Bombay Stock Exchange
(5) None of these
101. India¡¦s first Natural Disaster Information System
was recently launched at:
(1) Mumbai (2) Bangalore
(3) Chennai (4) Port Blair
(5) Kolkata
102. In the opinion of Prof Amartya Sen the
development in which of the following areas could make a
¡¥dramatic¡¦ difference in rural India?
(A) Health System
(B) Education
(C) Marketing of Agro Products
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) (A) and (B) both (4) Only (C)
(5) None of these
103. Which of the following branches is called the
study of Sound?
(1) Aetiology (2) Anatomy
(3) Astrophysics (4) Acoustics
(5) None of these
104. Which of the following is/are NOT one of the
objectives of International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
(A) To ensure exchange rate stability.
(B) To ensure Balanced International Trade
(C) To replace World Trade Organisation in years to
(1) Only (A) (2) Only (B)
(3) Only (C) (4) (A) and (B) both
(5) (A) and (C) both
105. Which of the following is the major contributor
for 24 hour banking?
(1) Credit Card (2) ATM
(3) Mobile banks (4) Networked Branches
(5) Any City Banking
106. Which of the following is NOT a member of the
(1) Russia (2) Canada
(3) Italy (4) Japan
(5) Sweden
107. In India, Tanks are a popular method of irrigation
(1) Eastern States (2) South India
(3) North-East States (4) Western India
(5) None of these
108. Which of the following package is best suited for
preparing ¡§Presentations¡¨?
(1) Excel (2) Unix
(3) Windows (4) Word
(5) Power-Point
109. Which of the following films was adjudged the
¡¥Best Motion Picture of the Year¡¦ in the Oscar Awards
Ceremony 2006?
(1) Walk the Line (2) The Constant Gardener
(3) Memories of the Geisha (4) Crash
(5) None of these
110. What is the name for the process that is used to
convert a sense of instructions, or program, written in a
high-level language into instructions (or a program) that can
be run on a computer?
(1) Assembling (2) Compiling
(3) Translating (4) Uploading
(5) None of these
111. _____means the altering of computer system
software to achieve a task for which it was not originally
(1) Pegging (2) Hacking
(3) Trekking (4) Breaking
(5) All of these
112. Authentication can be provided by
adding_____to a message.
(1) Sign (2) Manual Signature
(3) Digital Signature (4) Initials
(5) None of these
113. What is the name for a webpage address?
(1) Directory (2) Domain
(3) Extension (4) Protocol
(5) URL
114. The ability of an OS to run more than one
application at a time is called:
(1) multitasking
(2) object-oriented programming
(3) multi-user computing
(4) time-sharing
(5) None of these
115. A leased line can transmit:
(1) Only Data (2) Only Voice
(3) Only Video (4) Only Text
(5) All the above
116. The word ¡¥FTP¡¦ stands for:
(1) File Translate Protocol (2) File Transit Protocol
(3) File Typing Protocol (4) File Transfer Protocol
(5) None of these
117. What characteristic of read-only memory (ROM)
makes it useful?
(1) ROM information can be easily updated
(2) Data in ROM is nonvolatile, that is, it remains there
even without electrical power
(3) ROM provides very large amounts of inexpensive
data storage
(4) ROM chips are easily swapped between different
brands of computers
(5) None of these
118. A computer cannot ¡§boot¡¨ if it does not have the:
(1) Compiler (2) Loader
(3) Operating System (4) Assembler
(5) None of these
119. Example of non-numeric data is:
(1) Employee address (2) Examination score
(3) Bank balance (4) All of the above
(5) None of these
1. (5) 2. (1) 3. (4) 4 (4) 5. (3)
6. (5) 7. (4) 8. (3) 9. (4) 10. (3)
11. (3) 12. (3) 13. (2) 14. (4) 15. (5)
16. (2) 17. (5) 18. (1) 19. (2) 20. (4)
21. (4) 22. (1) 23. (1) 24. (2) 25. (1)
26. (1) 27. (5) 28. (1) 29. (2) 30. (2)
31. (2) 32. (3) 33. (3) 34. (1) 35. (4)
36. (3) 37. (3) 38. (5) 39. (5) 40. (1)
41. (3) 42. (4) 43. (1) 44. (4) 45. (4)
46. (1) 47. (1) 48. (2) 49. (3) 50. (2)
51. (4) 52. (2) 53. (2) 54. (1) 55. (1)
56. (2) 57. (2) 58. (2) 59. (2) 60. (3)
61. (4) 62 (2) 63. (4) 64. (3) & (4)
65. (3) 66. (2) 67. (1) 68. (1) 69. (2)
70. (3) 71. (2) 72. (1) 73. (3) 74. (1)
75. (3) 76. (1) 77. (3) 78. (5) 79. (2)
80. (3) 81. (1) 82. (3) 83. (4) 84. (3)
85. (4) 86. (1) 87. (4) 88. (1) 89. (2)
90. (4) 91. (2) 92. (5) 93. (4) 94. (4)
95. (5) 96. (2) 97. (5) 98. (2) 99. (3)
100. (1) 101. (2) 102. (3) 103. (4) 104. (3)
105. (2) 106. (5) 107. (2) 108. (5) 109. (4)
110. (2) 111. (2) 112. (3) 113. (5) 114. (1)
115. (5) 116. (4) 117. (2) 118. (3) 119. (1)
english solved paper lst
1. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
The dog let out (a)/ a blood chilling (b)/ howling when it was it was (c)/ given the injection (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (c)
2. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
It being an important (a)/ letter, the draft had to be (b)/ seen by the Governor (c)/ itself for approval. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (d)
3. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Asha could not defeat her (a)/ opponents contrary to their (b)/ good preparation and (c)/ long practice. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (b)
4. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Pratiksha expected good marks (a)/ in the examination (b)/ but she was very disappointed (c)/ when the results came. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (e)
5. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Irrespective of either (a)/ Vijay or Sanjay goes (b)/ the overdue payment (c)/ cannot be collected. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (a)
6. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Some people consider Kama (a)/ to be the valorous (b)/ hero of all the (c)/ characters in the Mahabharat. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (b)
7. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Victor, along with (a)/ a group of friends (b)/ was going on picnic (c)/ when the accident happen. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (d)
8. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
A ruling body or class of rich men.
(a) plutocracy (b) meritocracy (c) aristocracy (d) oligarchy
ANS (a)
9. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
One who works for the welfare of mankind
(a) communist (b) socialist (c) philanthropist (d) egalitarian
ANS (c)
10. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
A person who attacks traditional or established beliefs, principles, ideas, institutions etc.
(a) militant (b) anarchist (c) sceptic (d) iconoclast
ANS (d)
11. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
One who always hopes for the best in life.
(a) pacifist (b) optimist (c) socialist (d) evangelist
ANS (b)
12. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
One who loves books
(a) biographer (b) bibliographer (c) bibliophile (d) orthographer
ANS (c)
13. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
The poor boy found it difficult to make up his deficiency in English.
(a) recover (b) correct (c) remove (d) improve
ANS (d)
14. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
A Prime Minister cannot ride roughshod over his ministerial colleagues for long.
(a) deal unkindly with (b) take for granted (c) be ham handed with (d) exploit willfully
ANS (a)
15. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
The Opposition charged the Government with playing havoc with the banking system.
(a) disturbing (b) disorganizing (c) degrading (d) destroying
ANS (d)
16. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
Very soon the election campaigns on the part of different political parties will be in full swing.
(a) engaging (b) exciting (c) active (d) hectic
ANS (c)
17. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
Pain, anguish and shame come in the wake of the scandals in high places.
(a) accompany (b) follow (c) characterise (d) signify
ANS (b)
68. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Crescendo (b) Cresendo (c) Crecendo (d) Crascendo
ANS (a)
19. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Langor (b) Langour (c) Languour (d) Languor
ANS (d)
20. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Reclammation (b) Reclaimation (c) Reclamation (d) Reclaimmation
ANS (c)
21. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Indispensible (b) Indispensable (c) Indispensale (d)Indespensabe
ANS (b)
22. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Consummation (b) Consummetion (c) Consumation (d) Consumetion
ANS (a)
23. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Unparalelled (b) Unparalleled (c) Unparallelled (d) Unparaleled
ANS (b)
24. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Consience (b) Conscience (c) Concience (d) Consciense
ANS (b)
25. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Manuvre (b) Manovre (c) Manoeuvre (d) Manouever
ANS (c)
26. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Concupiscent (b) Concupisent (c) Concupicent (d) Concupescent
ANS (a)
27. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Bunglow (b) Bangalow (c) Banglow (d) Bungalow
ANS (d)
28. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) awesome (b) eager (c) bold (d) critical
ANS (c)
29. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) acquit (b) discharge (c) relieve (d) release
ANS (a)
30. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) careless (b) crude (c) crafty (d) cruel
ANS (d)
31. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) conceited (b) wild (c) vulgar (d) ridiculous
ANS (c)
32. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) recent (b) urban (c) progressive (d) modern
ANS (d)
33. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) strong (b) healthy (c) handsome (d) valuable
ANS (b)
34. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) express (b) expand (c) clarify (d) qualify
ANS (c)
35. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) curious (b) bold (c) adventurous (d) complex
ANS (a)
36. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) direct (b) control (c) instruct (d) cause
ANS (d)
37. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) reflect (b) know (c) guess (d) forecast
ANS (c)
38. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
Her ....... remark proved that she was really naive and unsophisticated
(a) unparliamentary (b) uninhibited (c) ingenuous (d) indifferent
ANS (c)
39. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
He ....... devoted himself to the task of completing his book in time
(a) ingeniously (b) assiduously (c) deliberately (d) exceptionally
ANS (b)
40. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
Because he was a ........ he shunned human society.
(a) misogynist (b) misfit (c) cynic (d) misanthrope
ANS (d)
41. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
He was ...... in his colourful dress uniform.
(a) attired (b) outfitted (c) resplendent (d) bedecked
ANS (c)
42. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
He is not the man to permit anyone to encroach ....... his rights.
(a) upon (b) in (c) into (d) against
ANS (a)
43. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
The Govt. has in principle ..... the privatisation of power generation and its distribution in the country.
(a) asserted (b) accepted (c) affirmed (d) confirmed
ANS (d)
44. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
Candidates securing marks above seventy five percent are ..... for this scholarship.
(a) worthy (b) competent (c) eligible (d) permissible
ANS (c)
45. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
The easier the job, the ..... you do it.
(a) longer (b) later (c) faster (d) lazier
ANS (c)
46. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
We need to take urgent action to control the ..... of the dreaded AIDS.
(a) rise (b) spread (c) development (d) outbreak
ANS (b)
47. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
I shall ..... from the bank tomorrow the money we need for our work.
(a) withdraw (b) recover (c) receive (d) take
ANS (a)
48. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'd'.
Many people are of the opinion (a)/ that the sudden outburst of the speaker (b)/ was surprising and unseemly, to say the least. (c) /No error (d)
ANS (d)
49. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'd'.
Everything depends on him (a)/ putting the right amount of (b)/ hard at the right time, (c)/ No error (d)
ANS (a)
50. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'd'.
There is Mr. Hussain (a)/ whom they say (b)/ is the best painter in the town. (c)/ No error (d)
ANS (b)
1. A clock shows the time as 6 a.m. If the minute hand gains 2 minutes every hour, how many minutes will the clock gain by 9 p.m.?
(a) 30 minutes
(b) 25 minutes
(c) 28 minutes
(d) 34 minutes
2. Find the right number, from the given options, at the place marked by the question mark: 2, 4, 8, 32, 256, ?
(a) 4096
(b) 8192
(c) 512
(d) 1024
3. Find the number missing at question mark:
10, 11, 23, 39, 64, ?, 149
(a) 100
(b) 103
(c) 78
(d) 128
4. A super fast bus of KSRTC starting from 'Trivandrum' and reaches 'Attingal' in 45 minutes with an average speed of 40 km/hr. If the speed is increased by 10 km/hr how much time it will take to cover the same distance?
(a) 34 minutes (b) 36 minutes (c) 38 minutes (d) 40 minutes
5. The difference between 6 times and 8 times of a figure is 14. What is the figure?
(a) 12 (b) 9 (c) 7 (d) 6
6. If 92y = 36 what is 9y?
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 18
7. One fourth percent of 180 is:
(a) 4.5 (b) 0.45 (c) 0.045 (d) 45
8. A candidate appearing for an examination has to secure 40% marks to pass paper I. But he secured only 40 marks and failed by 20 marks. What is the maximum mark for paper I?
(a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 180 (d) 150
9. Find the missing number 32, 52, 74, 112, 135 ...............
(a) 16 (b) 15 (c) 17 (d) 14
10. If 250 is increased to 300, what is the percentage increase?
(a) 16.67 (b) 20 (c) 23 (d) 17
11. The ratio of 9 seconds to 10 hours is .............
(a) 1:40 (b) 1:4000 (c) 9:10 (d) 1:400
12. A person lost 10% when he sold goods at Rs.153. For how much should he sell them to gain 20%?
(a) 204 (b) 250 (c) 240 (d) 210
13. What will be xy if 7862xy is to be divisible by 125?
(a) 25 (b) 00 (c) 75 (d) 50
14. A train of 100 meters long is running at the speed of 36 km per hour. In what time it passes a bridge of 80 meters long?
(a) 30 seconds (b) 36 seconds (c) 20 seconds (d) 18 seconds
15. If two-third of a bucket is filled in one minute then the time taken to fill the bucket completely will be .......
(a) 90 seconds (b) 70 seconds (c) 60 seconds (d) 100 seconds
16. If a quarter kilogram costs Rs. 60 then how much will cost for 150 grams?
(a) Rs. 30 (b) Rs. 24 (c) Rs. 36 (d) Rs. 40
17. If 3 men or 6 boys can do a piece of work in 20 days then how many days with 6 men and 8 boys take to do the same work?
(a) 5 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 6
18. Find the sum of first 100 natural numbers
(a) 5050 (b) 5005 (c) 9900 (d) 9050
19. Two poles of height 6 meters and 11 meters stand on a plane ground. If the distance between their feet is 12 meters then find the difference in the distance between their tops:
(a) 12m (b) 5m (c) 13m (d) 11m
20. How many balls of radius 4 cm can be made from a solid sphere of lead of radius 8 cm?
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 2
21. The solution to x2 +6x+9 = 0 is ........
(a) x1 = + 3, x2 = -3 (b) x1 = 3, x2 = 3
(c) x1 = -3, x2 = -3 (d) No solution
22. What is the chance of getting a 2 or 4 in rolling a die?
(a) 2/3 (b) 1/6 (c) 1/3 (d) 1/2
23. At what rate of simple interest per annum an amount will be doubled in 10 years?
(a) 10% (b) 7.5% (c) 16% (d) 15%
24. Five times an unknown number is 5 less than 50. The unknown number
(a) 10 (b) 11 (c) 9 (d) 5
25. The acute angle between the hour hand and minute hand of a clock at 4 PM
(a) 900 (b) 1200 (c) 1500 (d) 2400
26. Water is filled in a cylindrical vessel in such a way that its volume doubles after every five minutes. If it takes 30 minutes for the vessel to be full, then the vessel will be one fourth full in
(a) 20 minute (b) 25 minutes
(c) 7 minutes 30 seconds (d) 10 minutes
27. If 10 cats can kill 10 rats in 10 minutes how long will it take 100 cats to kill 100 rats
(a) 1 minutes (b) 10 minute (c) 100 minutes (d) 10000 minutes
28. If 75 % of a number is added to 75, the result is the number itself, then the number is:
(a) 250 (b) 750 (c) 400 (d) 300
29. A school has enough food for 400 children for 12 days. How long will the food last if 80 more children join them?
(a) 6 days (b) 7 days (c) 10 days (d) 8 days
30. The sum of two consecutive numbers is 55, which is the largest number?
(a) 25 (b) 28 (c) 26 (d) 27
31. When a shop keeper sold 2/3 of an item, he got the cost price of the whole lot. What is the percentage of his profit?
(a) 33 1/8 % (b) 66 2/3 % (c) 25 % (d) 50 %
32. The perimeter of a rectangular field is 480 meters and the ratio between the length and breadth is 5:3. The area of the field is:
(a) 7,200m2 (b) 15,000m2 (c) 54,000m2 (d) 13,500m2
33. If you add 100 to a certain number, the result will be more than, if you multiply that number by 1000 what is that number?
(a) 1.5 (b) 1.0 (c) 2.5 (d) 2.0
34. A student has to secure 40 % marks to pass. He gets 150 marks and fails by 30 marks. What is the maximum marks?
(a) 400 (b) 500 (c) 475 (d) 450
35. The circumcentre of an obtuse triangle will always be in the
(a) Interior of the triangle
(b) Midpoint of the diameter
(c) Exterior of the triangle
(d) Midpoint of the side of the triangle
36. What is the degree measure of a semicircle?
(a) 360 (b) 90 (c) 270 (d) 180
37. Which among the following is the point of intersection of the medians of a triangle?
(a) Circumcentre (b) Centroid (c) Orthocenter (d) Incentre
38. The height of a cone and its base diameter are equal. If the base radius is 'r' what is its slant height?
(a) 3r (b) 4r (c) ã5r (d) ã3r
39. The radii of two spheres are in the ratio 2:3. What is the ratio of their surface areas?
(a) 4:9 (b) 2:3 (c) 8:27 (d) 4:6
40. What is the common ratio of the progression 3ã2, 6, 6ã2 ?
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) ã2 (d) ã3
41. In class of 100 students 50 students passed in Mathematics and 70 passed in English, 5 students failed in both Mathematics and English. How many students passed in both the subjects?
(a) 25 (b) 30 (c) 50 (d) 45
42. Speed of a boat in still water is 9 km/hr. It goes 12 km down stream and comes back to the starting point in three hours.What is the speed of water in the stream?
(a) 3 km/hr (b) 4 km/hr (c) 4.5 km/hr (d) 5 km/hr
43. A student was asked to add 16 and subtract 10 from a number.He by mistake added 10 and subtracted 16. If his answer is 14 what is the correct answer?
(a) 20 (b) 26 (c) 30 (d) 32
44. Find the area of a right angled triangle whose hypotenuse is 10 cm and base 8 cm.
(a) 48 (b) 34 (c) 24 (d) 42
45. Find the next term of the series: 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, 54, ......
(a) 81 (b) 69 (c) 63 (d) 57
46. A number consists of 20 plus 20% of its value. The number is:
(a) 20 (b) 22 (c) 25 (d) 30
47. 20% of 5 + 5% of 20 =
(a) 5 (b) 2 (c) 6 (d) 21
48. The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock, when the time is 8.30
(a) 800 (b) 600 (c) 1050 (d) 750
49. Rs. 1581 is divided among A, B and C in the ratio 10 : 15 : 6. What is the share of B?
(a) 306 (b) 765 (c) 700 (d) 510
50. The sum of four consecutive counting numbers is 154. Find the smallest number:
(a) 36 (b) 37 (c) 38 (d) 31
1 A 11 B 21 C 31 D 41 A
2 B 12 A 22 B 32 D 42 A
3 A 13 D 23 A 33 B 43 B
4 B 14 D 24 C 34 D 44 C
5 C 15 A 25 B 35 C 45 A
6 B 16 C 26 A 36 D 46 C
7 C 17 D 27 B 37 B 47 B
8 D 18 A 28 D 38 C 48 D
9 C 19 C 29 C 39 C 49 B
10 B 20 B 30 B 40 C 50 B
Famous Personalities
Ustad Zakir Hussain Khan- Tabla
Pt. Ravi Shankar – Sitar
Hari Prasad Chaurasia –Flute
2. The Indian to beat the computers in mathematical wizardy is:- Shakuntla devi
3. Who is known as the “Lady with the Lamp” :- Florence nightingale
4. Daniela Bartova is related to :-Pole vault
5. C.k Nayudu was te captain of Indian :- Cricket team.
6. Charles Correa has Distinguished himself in the field of :-Architechture
7. Hari Prasad Chaurasia is a renowned player of:- Flute
8. Who is the Famous as the name of ‘Tragedy King’:- Dilip Kumar
9. P.t. Mallikarjun Mansoor’ the musician who died in 1992 at the age of 82 was a :- Vocalist
10. The film personality actively involved in institutinal movement or children’s film is :-Shabana Azmi
11. who was Dr Salim Ali:- is Ornithologist
12. M.S. Subhulakshmi :- Carnatic Vocalist
Ravi Shankar :- Sitar
Alla Rakha – Tabla Instrumentalist
13. With Which musical instrument was Ustad Mustaq Ali Khan associated;- Sitar
14. Ms. Guaura Pant’Shivani’ who passed away recently was a famous:-Writer
15. The first woman in space was :- Valentina Tereshkova
16. The name of the world’s second space tourist is ;- Mark Shuttleworth
17. Late Girilal Jain was a noted figure in which filed:- Journalism
18. Pt.Bhimsen Joshi is associated with which of the field :-Classical music
19. In which field Aachan Maaharaj has distinguished himself :- Dance
20. Dr Rashmi Mayur is a distinguished personality in which field:-Architechure
21. With which of the following is Begum akhtar Associated:- Vocal music
22. Satyan Bose has shown his excellence in which of the field:- Motion Picture
23. Pandit jasraj has established his reputationin field of :- Music
24. Dr M S Swaminathan has distinguished himself in the field of :- Agriculture
25. Who among the Indians is not inclued in the Guinness book of Records:-Vijay Amritrj
26. Which of the following are correctly matched
1 Medha Patkar-Environment Activist
2 Jamini Roy-Painter
3 Bhuvneshvari Kumari –Squash Player
27. Birju Maharaj is a well known exponent of :-Kathak
28. Yamini Krishnamurti is an accomplished expolnent of :- Bharatnatyam
29. Who among the following headed the committee on’Computerisation in Indian Banks{1988}:- M.Narasimhan
30. Ben Kingsley is associated with which of the following fields:-Motion pictures
31. Crusade for human rights is associated with :-Jimmy Carter
32. Vocalist Rahamat Khan belongs to Gwalior Gharana
33. With which of the following fields is M.F.Hussain associate:-Painting
34. Which of the following pairs of the maestro and instrument the play is not correct
Zakir Hussain –Tabla
Shiv Kumar sharma -Santor
Bismillaha Khan –Sitar {wrong}
Hari Prasad Churasia - Flute
35. Who among the follwing is called Father of German Unity’:- Helmut Kohl
36. Late Sri Hitendra desai distinguished himself in which of the areas:-Politics
37. Prof. Malcolm adiseshiah had earned world wide distinction in which of the field:-Economics
38. Who headed the first scientific group to leave for Antrarctica in 1982:- Dr. S.Z. Kasim
39. Late Smt. Vijayalaxmi Pandit was :-irst Indian Woman to become president of U.N.General Assembly
40. Gangubai Hngal is name associated with :-Music
41. Nandlal Bose is Known mostly for his:-Paintings
42. Who declared that his ultimate aim was to wipeevery tear form every eye:-Jawaharlal Nehru
43. Who amongst the following is a famous sarod Player:- Amjad ali Khan
44. Indian cotton merchant:banker :Congeressmanand a close associate of ‘mahatma Gandhi’ This descriptionfit ;-G.D Birla
45. Bachendri Pal became famous for her grand success in the field of :-mountaineering
46. The name of Pierre Cardin is associated with the field of:-Fashion designing
47. Ustad Nasir Zahiruddin Dagar was a renowned singer of which of the following forms of music:-Dhrupad
48. Samantha Fox is associated with :-Pop Music
49. Yehudi Menuhin selected for the fellowship of Sangeet Natak Akaemi is associated with:-violin
Model Set:-2
1. Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, who has won the prestigious ‘’Grammyu Awards’ is an exponent in which of the musical instruments:-Guitar
2. Ms Kim Campbell is the first Prime Minister of :-Canada
3. Who among the following is popularly known as ‘Nightingale of India’:-Sarojani Naidu
4. Which among the famous danseuses is not an exponent of Odissi dance style:-Yamini Krishnamurthy
5. Zubin Mehta is associated with:-Music
6. Musical Instrument used by Amir Khusro was:-Sitar
7. Limba Ram is associated with which of the field:-Sports
8. Who among the the social activist campaigning against child labour:-Swami agnivesh
9. Mr Meera Sahib Fathima Beevi is distinguished as the first lady:-Judge of the Supreme Court
10. Na
11. Bhim Sen Joshi has excelled himself in :- Vocal music
12. Kamal Arohi was associated with which of the fields of:-Motion Picture
13. Utpal dutt had a reputation in which the field of:-Films
14. Pandit K.G. ginde was well known for his contribution in the :-Music
15. Miss Universe 1995 Ms Sushmita Sen Hails from which cite:-New Delhi
16. Michael Jackson is a distinguished personality in the field of :-Pop Music
17. Who is known as the Father of Geometry:- Euclid
18. Ismat Chughtaiai is associated with which the field of ;Literature
19. Who is Known as the ‘saint of the gutters’:-Mother Teresa
20. Late Raja Ravi Verma, was an eminent fighure in which field:-Painting
21. Who among the following is an activist working for Chipo Movement in India:- Sundarlal Bahuguna
22. Bulo C.Rani Was associated with which of the field:-Social Service
23. Who amongst of following is not a painter:-Sonal Mansingh
24. Shambhu Mharaj was the exponent of :- Kathak
25. Which of the folowin is correctly matched:-Dr Pramod Karan Sethe- Jaipur poot
26. Jude Felix has established reputation as an Indian Player in which of the following games:-Hockey
27. Who among the first person to see fot on moon :-Neil Armstrong
28. Malika Sarabhai is associated with which of the field:-Classical dance
29. Who aong the creator of theRock Garden in Chandigarh:-Nek Chand
30. R.K laxman is a renowned:-Cartoonist
31. Dr joon Lew of Korea The recipient of International Gandhi Award is known for his service in which filed:-Eradiction of leprosy
32. Which of the following is not associated with vocal music:-Shiv Kumar
33. After how many year mr Yasser Arafat entered into Gaza strip:-27
34. Dr V. kurien has distinguished himself in which area:-Dairy development
35. Which of the is correctly mathced :-T.N. Kaul-Diplomat
36. Who is known as Indian Bismarck:-Patel
37. Kavita Dwivedi is asociated with which of the :-Odissi
38. V.Shantaram was associated with:-Motion Pictures
39. The first Indian to swim across english Channel was:-Mihir Sen
40. Naina Devi was associated With which of field:-Vocal music
41. Taranath Shenoy is a distinguished personality in the field of :-sports
42. Who has been appointed the new chief US administrator in Iraq:-Paul Bremer
43. A. Nageshwara Rao is associated with:-Mothion Picture
44. Jamini Roy was a famous:-Painter
45. Govind Talwalkar,recipient of the B.D.Goenka Awardfor excellence in Journalism,is the editor of which of the newspaper:-The Maharashtra Times
46. Vilayat Khan was associated with :-Sitar
47. Palghat Mani Iyer has specialised in plying:-shiv kuamr sharma
48. Which of the not associated with vocal music:-Shiv Kumar Sharma
49. Who is responsible for the revolt in Fiji:-George Speight
50. Prof.Malcolm Adiseshiah earned world wide in which field:- Economics
Model set-3
1. Amjad Ali Khan is associated with which of the musical instuments:-Sarod
2. Ms Vijaya Mehta has earned distiction in:- Theatre
3. Vijaya pat Singhania has establish a world record in :-Flying
4. T.K Mahalingam Pillai is associated with:- Bharathnatyam
5. The well-known Indian cartoonist is :-R.K Laxman
6. Math the following:-
Subhashini Ali-Trade Unionism
Nalini Singh-T.V Journalisn
Ila Bhatt-Social Work
Sai Paranjpe-Film Direction
7. Which of the following personalities is credited with starting ‘vana Mahotsava’ in 1950:-K.M Munshi
8. Udai Shankar is a Famous:-Dancer
9. Chandigarh was designed by :-Le Corbusier
10. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyaya was chiefly associated with :-Art * Handicraft
11. ShovnaNarayan is a reputed personality in :-Classical Dance
12. Bobby Talyarkhan was associated with :-Journalism
13. Mr. Sham lal has done commendable work in :-Journalism
14. Which of the names are associated with classical music:-Swami Haridas /Syama Shastri / Thyagaraja
15. Na
16. Late Sri K. Shankar pilai was associated with :-Cartooning
17. Maiden Queen was the nick name of :-Queen Elizabeth-1
18. Prof. Amartya sen has earned worldwide distinction in :-Economics
19. Late G.Aravindan was associated with which is :- Motion Picture
20. Vaikom Muhammed Basheer Was a famous:- Writer
21. Who among the an eminent Painter was:-Sarada Ukil
22. Kishori Amonkar is famous in which field:-Music
23. Guu Gopi Krishna Was a Maestro of which of the dance forms:-Kathak
24. Who among the topped the forbes magazine ‘s annual lisht of the Most powerful Celebrities on the Planet Released in June2002:- Britney Spears
25. Afamous Musician {Instrumentsalist} associated with Tabla is :- Vilayat khan
26. Ustad Vilayat Khan is assocatied with:- Instrumental Music
27. With Which of the Satajit Ray associated was:-Direction of films
28. The man popularly known as Gurudev is :-Rabindranath Tagore
29. Frontier Gandhi-Abul Kalam Azad
30. A.Nageshwara Rao is associated with which of the fields:-Motion Picture
31. Who among the following is a famous tabla player:-Swappan kumar chaudhri
32. MsBachendri Pal had undertaken a unique expeditin ofr focussing attention on which of the following themes:-Spirit of adventure
33. Who is Mickey Kantor:-U.S. trade representative
34. Patwarilal Das was a/an:- Veteran Gandhian
35. Bhau Athaya won an Oscar award for:-costum designing
36. Ashok Pandit is known for his outstanding performance in which of :-Shooting
37. Who among the following persons is called Desert Fox;=-Gen.Rommel
38. Na
39. Which Iraqi Scientist known as Dr Germ for her role in Iraq’s biological weapons programme recently surrendered to coalition forces:- Rihab Rashid Taha
40. Na
41. Greto Garbo is a Name asociated with Acting
42. Which of the following personalities inpired Green revolution in india:-N.E.Borlug
43. Which of the following is a violing Player:- V.C.Jog
44. Who among the creator of the Barbies the
Posted by sundramkr Saturday, May 17, 2008 at 10:26 PM
1. Who has been appointed as the new Chairman of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in MAY 2008 ?
(A) Rajeev Chandrashekha
(B) Anand Mahindra
(C) K.V.Kamath
(D) Ganesh Natarajan
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
2. Th World's longest Sea Bridge has been established in-
(A) India
(C) Japan
(D) Malaysia
(E) China
Ans (E)
3. 12th UNCTAD (UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT) miniterial lavel conference was held in April 2008 at-
(A) New Delhi (India)
(B) Accra (Ghana)
(C) Islamabad (Pakistan)
(D) Dhaka (Bangladesh)
(E) Kathmandu (Nepal)
Ans (B)
4. At which place India’s first Indira Gandhi National Tribal University would be set up ?
(A) Amarkantak (Madhya Pradesh)
(B) Nagpur
(C) Hyderabad
(D) Noida
(E) Patna
Ans (A)
5. Nathula Pass is located in the State :
(A) Nagaland
(B) Sikkim
(C)West Bengal
(D) Assam
(E) Tripura
Ans (B)
6. THE 2007 Durand Cup has been won by –
(A) Mohan Bagan
(B) Mahindra United
(C) Churchill Brothers
(D) Central Railways
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
7. Who amongst the following has been named as the Forbes Asia Businessman of the year 2007 ?
(A) K.V.Kamath
(B) Ratan Tata
(C) Nandan Nilekani
(D) Ajim Premji
(E) None of these
Ans (A)
8. Konkan Railway is building world’s tallest railways bridge in which of the following states ?
(A) Punjab
(B) Jammu & Kashmir
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Kerala
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
9. The author the book “ Jyoti Punj” is-
(A) Sonia Gandhi
(B) Narendra Modi
(C) Jaswant Singh
(D) Pervez Musharraf
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
10. World Investment Report is an annual publication of :
(C) World Bank
Ans (A)
11. Which of the following countries has the maximum amount of external debt ?
(B) Brazil
(D) Japan
(E) Russia
Ans (A)
12. Lee Myung Bak is the president of –
(A) China
(B) South Korea
(C) North Korea
(D) Malaysia
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
13. The author the book “ My Country My Life” is-
(A) Sonia Gandhi
(B) L.K.Advani
(C) Jaswant Singh
(D) Pervez Musharraf
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
14. Who has been won the Prem Bhatia Award for the year 2008 ?
(A) Nagma
(B) Shweta Singh
(C) Nirupama Subramaniam
(D) Nalini Singh
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
15. Who has been won Commonwealth Writers Prize 2008 ?
(A) Kiran Desai
(B) Shweta Singh
(C) Rupashree Nanda
(D) Indra Sinha
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
16. What is the full form of the term “PIARC” ?
(A) Permanent International Association of Road Congress
(B) Permanent Indian Association of Road Congress
(C) Permanent International Accident of Road Congress
(D) Permanent International Association of Rapid Congress
(E) None of these
Ans (A)
17. What is the percentage of the African countries in the earth areas ?
(A) 28%
(B) 18%
(C) 20%
(D) 25%(E) 35%
Ans (C)
18. International women’s day is celebrated every year on –
(A) January 26
(B) March 8
(C) August 26
(D) December 8
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
19. Gary Kirsten signed a two year contract with BCCI to coach the Indian Cricket team, belongs to :
(A) South Africa
(B) England
(C) West Indies
(D) Australia
(E) New Zealand
Ans (A)
20. Capital formation in an economy depends on :
(A) Total income
(B) Total savings
(C) Total demand
(D) Total Production
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
21. The National Old age Pension Scheme has now been extended to cover the entire BPL people above---------- of age
(A) 55 years
(B) 60 years
(C) 62 years
(D) 65 years
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
22. According to the Union Finance Minister , by which year will India become middle income nation ?
(A) 2015
(B) 2025
(C) 2030
(D) 2032
(E) 2040
Ans (B)
23. Who has been conferred to Miss India World 2008 ?
(A) Simran Kaur Mundi
(B) Tanvi Vyas
(C) Parvathy Omanakuttan
(D) Pooja Chitgopekar
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
24. The 20th Interpol Asian Regional Conference was held in March 2008 at _
(A) India
(B) Hong Kong
(C) Kuala Lumpur
(D) Moscow
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
25. Who is the new President of Russia ?
(A) Vladimir Putin
(B) Dmitry Medvedev
(C) Viktor Chernomyrdin
(D) Boris Yeltsin
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
1. On 7th May 2008, agni-III was test-fired. It was—
(A) Ballistic Missile
(B) Surface to air missile
(C) Land to sea missile
(D) Air to air missile
2. Which of the following High Courts has recently quashed the merit list issued in 2006 and 2007 by the centre and the UPSC—
(A) Bhopal High Court
(B) Rajasthan High Court
(C) Madras High Court
(D) Guwahati High Court
3. Recently the Acronym START came into News. START stands for—
(A) Strategic Association for Restructuring Trade
(B) Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
(C) System Tracking and Reprocessing Team
(D) None of the above
4. People’s Democratic Party emerged second largest party with 33·01% in elections held in—
(A) Bhutan
(B) Nepal
(C) Zimbabwe
(D) Italy
5. According to the World Conservation Union Report, the number of plant species in India listed as threatened is—
(A) 247 plant species
(B) 250 plant species
(C) 275 plant species
(D) 255 plant species
6. Which of the following states passed a Bill in March 2008, amending the Registration Act 1908 to prohibit foreigners from buying land in the state—
(A) Kerala
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Goa
(D) Maharashtra
7. The renowned scientist John Wheeler who died in April 2008, was originally hailed from—
(A) Australia
(B) U.S.A.
(C) Finland
(D) Britain
8. Who received Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmanent and Development for 2007—
(A) Bill Gates
(B) Nelson Mandela
(C) Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(D) Arthur C. Clarke
9. The 2008 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize awarded to —
(A) Lydia Cacho Ribeiro
(B) Anna Politkovskaya
(C) May Chidiac
(D) U Win Tin
10. Which of the following Indian players has not completed 10,000 runs in Test cricket—
(A) Rahul Dravid
(B) Sachin Tendulkar
(C) Sunil Gavaskar
(D) Virendra Sehwag
11. On March 26, 2008, NASA’s space shuttle which returned safely to Earth after completing 16 day mission to International Space Station was—
(A) Discovery
(B) Endeavour
(C) Columbia
(D) None of the above
12. Jules Verne is Europe’s—
(A) Space shuttle
(B) Missile shield system
(C) Biggest spacecraft
(D) Mission to Antarctica
13. India’s National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme has prepared the country’s first—
(A) Dirrohoea map
(B) Malarial map
(C) Bird flu map
(D) Cancer map
14. ‘The World Is What It Is’ is the biography of—
(A) V. S. Naipal
(B) Khushwant Singh
(C) Amrita Preetam
(D) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
15. According to a World Bank Report India got remittances in 2007 worth—
(A) $ 30 billion
(B) $ 35 billion
(C) $ 25 billion
(D) $ 27 billion
16. The Summit of NATO (NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY) was held in April in—
(A) Romania
(B) Morocco
(C) Pakistan
(D) Indonesia
17. According to latest WHO report the number of estimated TB cases found every year in India is—
(A) 2·2 million
(B) 1·9 million
(C) 1·5 million
(D) 1·7 million
18. Tata purchased Jaguar and Rover from—
(A) Hyundai
(B) Maruti Suzuki
(C) Ford Motor
(D) None of the above
19. According to a survey, the country which has the highest number of internet users is—
(A) U.S.A.
(B) China
(C) Japan
(D) Germany
20. Which country has won the Women's Asia Cup Cricket 2008 which was held in Colombo in the monthe of May 2008 ?
(A) Brisbane
(B) Melbourne
(C) Sydney
(D) Perth
21. According to Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council (EAC) headed by C. Rangrajan the economic growth rate for 2008-09 will remain at—
(A) 8%
(B) 8·5%
(C) 9%
(D) 8·9%
22. The Pritzkar Architecture Prize has been won by—
(A) Bill Gates Foundation
(B) William Harvey
(C) Jea Nouvel
(D) None of the above
23. Which of the following cricket players has been banned for violating the player’s code of conduct by PCB ?
(A) Danish Kaneria
(B) Shoaib Malik
(C) Mohammad Yousuf
(D) Shoaib Akhtar
24. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme has now been extended to all 604 districts of the country with a total budget outlay of—
(A) 18000 crore
(B) 16000 crore
(C) 15000 crore
(D) 14000 crore
25. Inflation which soared above 7% in the month of April is measured by—
(A) Consumer Price Index
(B) Retail Price Index
(C) Whole Sale Price Index
(D) Industrial Price Index
26. The winner of Bahrain Grand Prix is—
(A) Lewis Hamilton
(B) Kartikeyan
(C) Felipe Massa
(D) Robert Kubica
27. The winner of Miss India Earth 2008 is—
(A) Tanvi Vyas
(B) Suman Kaur
(C) Rashmi Sehgal
(D) Rani Sharma
28. In face of rising prices, Central Government has decided to set strategic Reserve of foodgrains over and above buffer stock. The limit of the reserve is—
(A) 10 million tonnes
(B) 7 million tonnes
(C) 6 million tonnes
(D) 5 million tonnes
29. Which of following newspapers/magazines won six Pulitzer prizes—
(A) The New York Times
(B) The Times Magazine
(C) The Washington Post
(D) The Guardian
30. ‘Leftism in India, 1917-1947’ is a book written by—
(A) S. R. Chaudhuri
(B) K. Kanwar
(C) R. Nagaswamy
(D) Sudipto Chatterjee
31. Recently President Pratibha Patil visited three countries. Which of the following was not the part of her trip—
(A) Argentina
(B) Chile
(C) Mexico
(D) Brazil
32. GJM stands for—
(A) General Justice Movement
(B) Gorkha Janmukti Morcha
(C) Gorkhaland Janshakti Morcha
(D) Gorkha Janjagriti Morcha
33. The elections of which of the following countries were marred by controversy—
(A) Italy
(B) Spain
(C) Zimbabwe
(D) Nepal
34. Supreme Court has upheld the law enacted in 2006 providing 27% for candidates belonging to—
(A) SCs
(B) STs
(D) Minorities OBC
35. At which of the following places have the remains of early human history been found in excavation—
(A) Chittorgarh
(B) Bhavnagar
(C) Kolkata
(D) Karaikal
36. ‘Salwa Judum’ is—
(A) Terrorist organization
(B) A branch of naxalite
(C) Name of a police force
(D) An anti naxalite movement
37. When was Nepal declared a Secular Nation—
(A) in 2005
(B) in 2007
(C) in 2008
(D) in 2006
38. The Director General of UN Food and Agriculture Organisation of present is—
(A) Jacques Diouf
(B) Kundekeh K. Yumkella
(C) Jammel Al Hiyilan
(D) Michael Griffin
39. According to a research, stem cells from skin can treat—
(A) Alzhumer
(B) Schizophrenia
(C) Parkinson’s disease
(D) None of the above
40. When did the Olympic torch relay begin ?
(A) in 1950
(B) in 1952
(C) in 1953
(D) in 1963
Answers with Hints
1. (A) 2. (C)
3. (B) The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (START-II) is a treaty between Russia and U.S.A. for reducing their nuclear arsenals. The treaty is due to expire in 2009.
4. (A) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (D) 11. (B) 12. (C)
13. (B) India’s Vector Borne Disease Control Programme has prepared the country’s first malarial map identifying India’s 60 most malarial endemic districts that report over 50% of the country’s malaria’s cases.
14. (A) 15. (D) 16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (C)
19. (B) 20. (A) India won fourth consecutive times in Women's Asia Cup Cricket 21. (B)
22. (C) The Pritzkar Architecture Prize, considered to be equivalent of Nobel Prize for architecture has been won french architect Jea Nouvel for his creative experimentation in architecture.
23. (D) 24. (B) 25. (C) 26. (C) 27. (A) 28. (D)
29. (C) The Washington Post has won six Pulitzer Prizes, including Public service award for its reporting on conditions of U.S. War Veterans.
30. (A) 31. (A) 32. (B) 33. (C)
34. (C) The Supreme Court on April 10, 2008 upheld the law enacted in 2006 providing a quota of 27 per cent to the other Backward Classes in Central Educational Institutions.
35. (C)
36. (D) Salva Judam is an antinaxalite movement formed by group of people against attack from maxalites. The movement started from Dantewada district (Chhattisgarh).
37. (D) 38. (A) 39. (C) 40. (B)
1.If GRAMMAR is written as MAMRAGR, the ENGLISH is written as:
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
2. Which of the following replaces the question mark?
(a) HCWI
(b) HDVQ
(c) IBUP
(d) HDUR
(e) None of these
Ans (a)
3. If DBMDVUUB stands for Calcutta, How will you write Bombay?
(e) None of these
Ans (d
4.Insert the word that completes the first word and begins the second
Clue: boy
(a) ERS
(b) OCK
(c) LAD
(d) LIES
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
5. A man travels three miles due North, then travels eight miles due East and further travels three miles due North. How far is he from the starting point?
(a) 14 miles
(b) 10 miles
(c) 100 miles
(d) 15 miles
(e) None of these
Ans (b)
6. Which is the wrong member among the following?
(a) Microscope
(b) Stethoscope
(c) Telescope
(d) Periscope
(e) None of these
Ans (b)
7. From the following select the member that does not belong to the set
(a) Whale
(b) Crocodile
(c) Lizard
(d) Snake
(e) None of these
Ans (a)
8. Which is not related in the following set?
(a) Othello
(b) King Lear
(c) Macbeth
(d) Oliver TwistV
(e) None of these
Ans (d)
9. Which is the wrong member in the following set?
(a) Graphite
(b) Diamond
(c) Pearl
(d) Coal
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
10. From the following select the word that does not belong to the set
(a) Cube
(b) Rectangle
(c) Rhombus
(d) Square
(e) None of these
Ans (a)
11. If in a certain code TWENTY is written as 863985 and ELEVEN is written as 323039 how is TWELVE written?
(a) 863584
(b) 863203
(c) 863903
(d) 863063
(e) None of these
Ans (b)
12. Showing a man Saroj said: “He is the brother of my Uncle's daughter”. What is the relation of Saroj with that man?
(a) Son
(b) Brother-in-law
(c) Nephew
(d) Cousin
(e) None of these
Ans (d)
13.In a certain code MONKEY is written as XDJMNL. How is TIGER written in that code?
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
14.Choose the subject which is different from others
(a) Mathematics
(b) Arithmetic
(c) Geometry
(d) Algebra
(e) None of these
Ans (a)
15. Aluminium is to Bauxite as iron is to
(a) Pyrite
(b) Haematite
(c) Magnesite
(d) Iron Oxide
(e) None of these
Ans (b)
16. Which among the following is different from others?
(a) DE
(b) PQ
(c) TU
(d) MO
(e) None of these
Ans (d)
17. Which is the odd pair of words different from the following sets?
(a) Blacksmith : Anvil
(b) Carpenter : Saw
(c) Goldsmith : Ornaments
(d) Barber : Scissor
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
18. Which is the pair like Triangle : Hexagon?
(a) Cone : Sphere
(b) Rectangle : Octagon
(c) Pentagon : Heptagon
(d) Triangle : Quadrilateral
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
19. Bag is related to luggage in the same way as ship is related to
(a) Cargo
(b) Coal
(c) Stock
(d) Weight
(e) None of these
Ans (a)
20. Moon : Satellite :: Earth : ?
(a) sun
(b) solar system
(c) asteroid
(d) planet
(e) None of these
Ans (d)
21. Select the pair which has the same relationship as the given pair Traveler : Destination
(a) Beggar : Donation
(b) Teacher : Education
(c) Refugee : Shelter
(d) Accident : Hospital
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
22. A man is facing north-west. He turns 90o in the clockwise direction and then 1350 in the anticlockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?
(a) east
(b) west
(c) north
(d) south
(e) None of these
Ans (b)
23. Which is the irregular member of the following group?
(a) RQPA
(b) MLKA
(c) STUA
(d) HGFA
(e) None of these
Ans (c)
24.Choose which is least like the other words in the group?
(a) Club
(b) hotel
(c) hostel
(d) inn
(e) None of these
Ans (a)
25. Which among the following is same as Violet : Orange : Yellow?
(a) Purple
(b) White
(c) Pink
(d) Blue
(e) None of these
Ans (d)
1. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
The dog let out (a)/ a blood chilling (b)/ howling when it was it was (c)/ given the injection (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (c)
2. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
It being an important (a)/ letter, the draft had to be (b)/ seen by the Governor (c)/ itself for approval. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (d)
3. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Asha could not defeat her (a)/ opponents contrary to their (b)/ good preparation and (c)/ long practice. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (b)
4. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Pratiksha expected good marks (a)/ in the examination (b)/ but she was very disappointed (c)/ when the results came. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (e)
5. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Irrespective of either (a)/ Vijay or Sanjay goes (b)/ the overdue payment (c)/ cannot be collected. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (a)
6. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Some people consider Kama (a)/ to be the valorous (b)/ hero of all the (c)/ characters in the Mahabharat. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (b)
7. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'e'.
Victor, along with (a)/ a group of friends (b)/ was going on picnic (c)/ when the accident happen. (d)/ No error. (e)
ANS (d)
8. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
A ruling body or class of rich men.
(a) plutocracy (b) meritocracy (c) aristocracy (d) oligarchy
ANS (a)
9. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
One who works for the welfare of mankind
(a) communist (b) socialist (c) philanthropist (d) egalitarian
ANS (c)
10. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
A person who attacks traditional or established beliefs, principles, ideas, institutions etc.
(a) militant (b) anarchist (c) sceptic (d) iconoclast
ANS (d)
11. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
One who always hopes for the best in life.
(a) pacifist (b) optimist (c) socialist (d) evangelist
ANS (b)
12. Out of the four given responses, choose the one that can be a substitute for the sentence expression.
One who loves books
(a) biographer (b) bibliographer (c) bibliophile (d) orthographer
ANS (c)
13. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
The poor boy found it difficult to make up his deficiency in English.
(a) recover (b) correct (c) remove (d) improve
ANS (d)
14. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
A Prime Minister cannot ride roughshod over his ministerial colleagues for long.
(a) deal unkindly with (b) take for granted (c) be ham handed with (d) exploit willfully
ANS (a)
15. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
The Opposition charged the Government with playing havoc with the banking system.
(a) disturbing (b) disorganizing (c) degrading (d) destroying
ANS (d)
16. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
Very soon the election campaigns on the part of different political parties will be in full swing.
(a) engaging (b) exciting (c) active (d) hectic
ANS (c)
17. Out of the four choices given, choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the idiom/phrase printed in bold.
Pain, anguish and shame come in the wake of the scandals in high places.
(a) accompany (b) follow (c) characterise (d) signify
ANS (b)
68. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Crescendo (b) Cresendo (c) Crecendo (d) Crascendo
ANS (a)
19. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Langor (b) Langour (c) Languour (d) Languor
ANS (d)
20. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Reclammation (b) Reclaimation (c) Reclamation (d) Reclaimmation
ANS (c)
21. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Indispensible (b) Indispensable (c) Indispensale (d)Indespensabe
ANS (b)
22. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Consummation (b) Consummetion (c) Consumation (d) Consumetion
ANS (a)
23. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Unparalelled (b) Unparalleled (c) Unparallelled (d) Unparaleled
ANS (b)
24. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Consience (b) Conscience (c) Concience (d) Consciense
ANS (b)
25. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Manuvre (b) Manovre (c) Manoeuvre (d) Manouever
ANS (c)
26. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Concupiscent (b) Concupisent (c) Concupicent (d) Concupescent
ANS (a)
27. Choose the correctly spelt word in each of the sets given below:
(a) Bunglow (b) Bangalow (c) Banglow (d) Bungalow
ANS (d)
28. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) awesome (b) eager (c) bold (d) critical
ANS (c)
29. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) acquit (b) discharge (c) relieve (d) release
ANS (a)
30. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) careless (b) crude (c) crafty (d) cruel
ANS (d)
31. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) conceited (b) wild (c) vulgar (d) ridiculous
ANS (c)
32. Out of the four responses given, choose the one that is opposite in meaning to the word.
(a) recent (b) urban (c) progressive (d) modern
ANS (d)
33. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) strong (b) healthy (c) handsome (d) valuable
ANS (b)
34. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) express (b) expand (c) clarify (d) qualify
ANS (c)
35. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) curious (b) bold (c) adventurous (d) complex
ANS (a)
36. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) direct (b) control (c) instruct (d) cause
ANS (d)
37. Choose the one that is the nearest in meaning to the word, from the four alternatives given.
(a) reflect (b) know (c) guess (d) forecast
ANS (c)
38. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
Her ....... remark proved that she was really naive and unsophisticated
(a) unparliamentary (b) uninhibited (c) ingenuous (d) indifferent
ANS (c)
39. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
He ....... devoted himself to the task of completing his book in time
(a) ingeniously (b) assiduously (c) deliberately (d) exceptionally
ANS (b)
40. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
Because he was a ........ he shunned human society.
(a) misogynist (b) misfit (c) cynic (d) misanthrope
ANS (d)
41. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
He was ...... in his colourful dress uniform.
(a) attired (b) outfitted (c) resplendent (d) bedecked
ANS (c)
42. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
He is not the man to permit anyone to encroach ....... his rights.
(a) upon (b) in (c) into (d) against
ANS (a)
43. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
The Govt. has in principle ..... the privatisation of power generation and its distribution in the country.
(a) asserted (b) accepted (c) affirmed (d) confirmed
ANS (d)
44. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
Candidates securing marks above seventy five percent are ..... for this scholarship.
(a) worthy (b) competent (c) eligible (d) permissible
ANS (c)
45. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
The easier the job, the ..... you do it.
(a) longer (b) later (c) faster (d) lazier
ANS (c)
46. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
We need to take urgent action to control the ..... of the dreaded AIDS.
(a) rise (b) spread (c) development (d) outbreak
ANS (b)
47. Fill in the blanks selecting one out of the four choices provided in each case:
I shall ..... from the bank tomorrow the money we need for our work.
(a) withdraw (b) recover (c) receive (d) take
ANS (a)
48. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'd'.
Many people are of the opinion (a)/ that the sudden outburst of the speaker (b)/ was surprising and unseemly, to say the least. (c) /No error (d)
ANS (d)
49. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'd'.
Everything depends on him (a)/ putting the right amount of (b)/ hard at the right time, (c)/ No error (d)
ANS (a)
50. Mark the part of the sentence which has an error. If there is no error, mark 'd'.
There is Mr. Hussain (a)/ whom they say (b)/ is the best painter in the town. (c)/ No error (d)
ANS (b)
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